
Tourism Consumer Behaviour and Insight


Added on  2023-01-19

13 Pages3917 Words69 Views
Tourism Consumer
Behaviour and Insight
Tourism Consumer Behaviour and Insight_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................3
LO 1.................................................................................................................................................3
P1 Cultural, social, psychological and personal factors influencing consumer behaviour -.......3
P2 Impact of digital technology on consumer trends -...............................................................5
LO 2.................................................................................................................................................6
P3 Stages of consumer decision-making process - ....................................................................6
P4 Importance for marketers to understand consumer decision-making process - ....................8
LO 3.................................................................................................................................................8
P5 Comparison between decision-making process of B2B & B2C in tourism -........................8
P6 Approaches to market research -............................................................................................9
LO 4...............................................................................................................................................10
P7 Evaluation of stages of tourism decision-making process -.................................................10
Tourism Consumer Behaviour and Insight_2

Consumer behaviour is the process where consumer decided the various factors that can
be income, what product and organization is to be selected etc., In tourism it plays a major role
for rendering the best services to the visitors by tourism sector organizations.
TUI UK Ireland was established in 2007 as British travel group. The company has its
headquarter in London. The report includes the various factors which influence the consumer
attitude and behaviour in tourism. Exploring the changing consumer trends with the impact of
digital technology. Examining the stages of consumer decision-making process. The report
further carried forward with the importance of marketers for mapping path for purchase.
Comparing and contrasting the B2B and B2C decision-making process. The report ends with the
different approaches of market research. Evaluation of marketers influenced various stages of
tourism decision-making.
LO 1
P1 Cultural, social, psychological and personal factors influencing consumer behavior -
Consumer behavior reflects that how consumer will make their choice while purchasing
the products and services and how the decision-making for purchasing the food is being formed.
The different factors which influence behavior of the consumer across tourism industry are as
follows -
Cultural Factors -
The cultural factor is most important factor which attracts or motivate consumer to travel
to one destination to other. Each of the culture have been classified into sub culture which
includes the age, religion, gender etc. People generally travel to explore the different religion
while traveling to other countries. As individual visit the UK for knowing the Christianity and
their religious life. Somehow status also the major factors which affects the people from different
classes that can be high class, middle class and lower class (Wang, 2016). The money is major
factor there for traveling. As the high class individual spend more amount in traveling from one
destination to another for exploring new things.
Tourism Consumer Behaviour and Insight_3

Social Factors -
This factor consists of various factors which directly affects the buying behavior of
consumer. One of the factors is reference group, these are the groups which influence one anther
for any particular things. They give advice, suggestion and opinion and influence on other in
their own way. These reference group when travel to a place and advice other also to travel that
place by sharing their amazing experience about that place and convincing them to visit the place
and this how individual is influenced. So, after that ultimate impact is consumer will decide to
travel to the same place (Baum, 2015). Relatives also drives individual and impact the individual
decision for travel. Relatives also share their travel experience with their close ones and
motivates, encourages them to visit that place with their family members. This shapes the
behavior of consumer and so their decision is being taken for traveling.
Personal Factors -
The factors consist of personal choices along with consumer's preferences which are
interest, lifestyle etc. which motivates individual to travel. Lifestyle is one of the major factors
which allows individual to take their decision for traveling. As the consumer who is leading a
luxurious lifestyle are willing to travel to different places and enjoy their life. High income of
individual motivates the individual to travel across various destination. Each of the individual
have their own personality and attitude towards life thus this is also influenced the individual to
travel across various destination.
Psychological Factors -
The factor includes which are generally influenced by the current situation and generally
includes the beliefs and attitude of consumers. Learning is the most remarkable factors which
enhance the behavior of consumer for tourism. If individual have tendency to learn new things,
explore new things, religions, culture, values and belief etc., This encourages individual to travel
from one country to another for reason is learning (Matzler and et.al., 2016). The attitude and
belief reflects the different attitude and belief which an individual have in their religious and
belief for the different religions, values and people.
P2 Impact of digital technology on consumer trends -
After the globalization there is immense change in the society which leads them to move
towards the advanced technology which impacts the life of the overall society in many ways. As
the advancement of the technology the trends in consumer have also been changed. The major
Tourism Consumer Behaviour and Insight_4

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