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VeggieHealth: A New Start-up for Healthy Living


Added on  2022/12/27

AI Summary
This report discusses the business plan for VeggieHealth, a new start-up that aims to promote healthy living through customized diet charts, fresh organic vegetables, and health tips. The report covers the business summary, core product or service, immediate and future business aims, seed capital required, management structure, target market profile, competitive advantage, market research, competitor analysis, and marketing strategy.

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TPP, Analytical
Report/Business Plan

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Table of Contents
1.1 Business summary: Please write business outline. (who, what, where, When and how) ...2
1.2 Describe your core product or service:.................................................................................2
1.3 Your immediate and future business aims:...........................................................................3
1.4 Please state the amount of seed capital required and partner investment : (Up to a
maximum of £40,000).................................................................................................................3
2.1 Professional team skills: (Outline individual team members transferable and professional
skills as per your current CVs only). ..........................................................................................3
2.2 Each team member’s roles and responsibilities:...................................................................4
2.3. Identify your company’s skill gaps, then chose one role and create an advert with the
skills required and their roles and responsibilities. ....................................................................5
3.1 Describe your target market profile and where are your proposed customers based:..........6
3.2 Describe your perceived competitive advantage/USP:.........................................................6
4.1 Explain your market research with references, Using primary and secondary research......8
4.2 Competitor analysis...............................................................................................................9
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Business planning takes place when key stakeholders in an organisational sit down and
flesh out all the goals, strategies and actions are taking to assure about the organisation survival
and growth. This plan focus on the general requirement to start and operate business successfully
and consist of profits but it also goes beyond that. It supports an entrepreneur to develop an
outline and conduct business activities smoothly. There is providing three scenarios for this
report and Scenario B is selected to complete his report. In this scenario develop a new business
plan for start up and will be pitched to government for taking a loan of 4000. This amount is
using for capital activities and contribute by partners.
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Section One
Scenario B:
Business Overview
1.1 Business summary: Please write business outline. (who, what, where,
When and how)
In present time every people wants to healthy life and eating healthy to reduce disease.
Due to fast paced lifestyle do not focus on their life style that become reason of big disease in
children and others. As a result people become aware for diets and doing exercise and follow up
from doctor. Decrease immunity become reason of infections like one presented by COVID 19
and this COVID 19 evoked lock down has made them realise importance of keeping their fitness
level high or more. Today young and children are most friendly with their smart phones and
spends most of the times on phones. Due to enhance trends in regard of fitness and health level
high among the public and usage of the mobile phone provides an opportunity to set up as a
business model (Kitahara and Katoh, 2019).
This project based on new start up for developing and introducing new application named
VeggieHealth. This app provide suggestions to people in regard of their diet that based on
weight, height and fitness goals and supply fresh and organic vegetables to people on same day.
1.2 Describe your core product or service:
It is providing various services to people such as, customised diet chart, animated videos
for laughing therapy, daily tracking steps and any other physical activity done by people. Along
with this application provide other facility that will be chargeable like health food dishes, fresh
vegetables, proper diet chart for unhealthy people who are facing major disease, suggestions
from doctors, calories tracking, personal trainers and many others will also be provided. For the
subscription require to registered number and follow a simple procedure.

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1.3 Your immediate and future business aims:
Future business aims to cover large customer base and increase immunity system of
people by health tips. Along with start a small business by providing required skills to search job
in a business entity so that they can earn their livelihood and live a normal life.
1.4 Please state the amount of seed capital required and partner
investment : (Up to a maximum of £40,000)
Amount of seed capital £40,000 used for designing app and promote at large level. Along
with giving immediate payment to site developer and advertising of application to achieve goals
of business.
Section Two
Management structure.
2.1 Professional team skills: (Outline individual team members transferrable
and professional skills as per your current CVs only).
Management structure defined about business activities and set their hierarchy. Proposed
organisation conduct their business activities in digital manner that wants to set effective
structure to attract customers in regard of their business and cover large market area. This
venture is established in partnership in between Mr Chang and Mr. John who are IT developer
engineer and aware about the health disease. To effectively run business activities require to
more staff members who are playing their role effectively (Roque, Lafraire and Auvray, 2020).
Veggie Health is an application designed with a motive is track health,provide diet
suggestion to the public supplying fresh and good quality vegetables to the consumer,to make
them fit. The main aim of marketing department is to make people aware and an promote the
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application. For this the marketers must have high convincing power and they are goo at
speaking in the public in well manner so that they can attract more users towards their app. They
focus more towards the youngsters and target them as they are much conscious for their heath
and fitness. The finance department need to give greeting cards to their user while transacting the
amounts so that they can feel reliable.
Human resources department needs to select talented employees, so that they have
required skills and does not involve huge cost in their training and evaluate their performance so
that employees can add on something innovative to make application more useful (Li and Ekici,
2.2 Each team member’s roles and responsibilities:
Marketing team member:
marketing team need to discuss every issues faced by them in daily basis ad must ensure
they get proper solution.
The need to maintain co-ordination between marketing and finance department as they
get fund from them only to perform their duties.
They need to give suggestions so that they can be used to increase their users for the
application and maximize profits and accomplished the objectives (Sarma, 2017).
Finance team member:
The major responsibility is to plan a budget for the activities which is t be conducted in
the company.
The role of finance team is to utilise the resource in proper manner and reduce their waste
to use them for long term.
Manage the cost by dividing the fund in each department as per the requirement.
Record details of every transaction daily and report to their superiors.
Human Resource team member:
Handles the conflicts which are arising between the departments or among employees at
same level.
Increase their morale by motivating them to increase the work efficiency.
Give timely training and development sessions to their employees and focus on career
growth of employee (Belyk and Brown, 2016).
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2.3. Identify your company’s skill gaps, then chose one role and
create an advert with the skills required and their roles and
VeggieHealth has good team in which identify skill gap in between different team
members so for this hiring a manager that provide long term services and reduce gap effectively.
For this advertisements with the skills and their roles & responsibilities (Ögçe and Ak, 2018).
Advertisement For Hiring Manager
There is a vacancy for the post of general manager at Veggie Health. The roles and
responsibility of manager that manage different member in a team and circulate work them as
per the skills and requirement. Candidate must possess excellent communication, team handling
skills and must have experience more than 6 years. Interested people can apply at on or before March 31, 2021.

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Section Three
The market/customer profile.
3.1 Describe your target market profile and where are your
proposed customers based:
In this section include those people which are targeted by business entity. Target market
for the VeggieHealth is not selected any type of group of people and also do not consider age,
group or geographical boundaries. Therefore, mainly geographical limitations would be there for
near by expert and physiotherapies contact details that would use to cover large market area in
business that would expand across Australia. There is targeting every type of people who wants
to live healthy life and wants to stay health for longer time period. Target customers would be
that people who are look out diet charts as per the health and conciseness in regard of food so
this app will help to follow a proper diet. Along with, such people are user for only till the time
either their goals is not accomplished and do not found any better dietician who is providing
better services in regard of health (Vergeer and Mulder, 2019). Along with through this app get
all the food items on this application with proper suggestions. Mainly people use this app when
they wants to stay fit or they have not found a better service and they switch. Thus, business shall
aim to keep them hooked for lengthy period of time.
3.2 Describe your perceived competitive advantage/USP:
There are identified different health based app in the market that provide various
guidelines in regard of health and provide diet charts. It is one step solutions that is based on
different activities. This application would be set up by the owner in friendly manner in which
interface with customers in any age group would be capable to navigate effectively either by
reading/hearing directions and analysis various animations pictures. It is mainly based on the
salient features in which app that everything would be having clear image/audio instructions so
that even hearing or visual impaired users can be able to enjoy it. Therefore, there is requiring to
follow all the instructions effectively and would be available in different languages with proper
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actions. As a result it supports business to get success in business operations and will be updated
with special concentration towards data privacy and security (Korteweg, 2016).
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Section Four
4.1 Explain your market research with references, Using primary and
secondary research.
Provide a questionnaire with 5 suitable questions and state the objective of
said questions.
Market research has been conducted in two forms – primary and secondary. For primary
research, marketing department has produced a questionnaire which was made to be filled by 30
respondents of the potential market to assess viability of the business idea.
Particulars Frequency
1. Do you believe you need to make a change in your food habits due to
a. Yes 22
b. No 8
2. If given a chance, what would you prefer:
a. Fresh and organic vegetables available at doorstep 16
b. Fresh vegetables available at supermarkets 14
3. Do you think the digital business idea to provide fresh and organic
vegetables at door step is viable and sustainable?
a. Yes 14

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b. No 5
c. Maybe 11
4. How comfortable are you to pay a slightly higher price than regular for
fresh and organic vegetables at door step?
a. OK 16
b. Not OK 9
c. Have not given a thought 5
5. What all features would you like to see in the application?
a. Option to choose market to get vegetables delivered from 11
b. Customised diet chart 6
c. Physical activities tracking 4
d. Other customised requirements 9
As part of secondary research, it was found that there are few delivery businesses in the
area that provide fresh vegetables (The best fruit and veg boxes you can get delivered in London,
2021). However, none of them was providing as much options under one platform that
VeggieHealth will be offering (Kim, Por and Yang, 2017).
4.2 Competitor analysis
(Based on your market research, analyse two key competitors and
explain how your business will compete with them) (You may
consider a SWOT here)
There are considering those apps who are providing same facilities to people. Most of
them have oner or two related services but no one business can offer exactly same facilities to
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their customers. Thus, business requires to concentrate on its USP to take existing and future
Strength Weakness
The main strength of business is providing
services in lower cost as compare of other
application and provide return policy of
It is newly business in which people do not
easily trust on different activities.
Opportunities Threat
Presently people become health conciseness so
they want to health tips and want to loss their
weight effectively.
In the market face lot of competition because
most of the people provide these types of
4.3 Marketing strategy
(In support of your business social media campaign, describe your
marketing and branding strategy, with reference to researched
materials. Identify the most appropriate strategies, (You may
consider a 4 or 7ps etc. )
To operate business activities proper require to apply effective marketing strategy to
promote their products while keeping content marketing as basis. For the promotion of products
require to select effective social media platforms such as, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc.
Business can also coordinate with social media influencers on You tube, Instagram to advertise
of their products & services. Moreover interesting technology such as, Gamification, Chatbot use
for advertisement. Here is conducting marketing mix for proper marketing strategies such as:
Product: VeggieHealth provide different types of fruits, vegetables and healthy food
dishes. Along with it provide various services like healthy tops and exercise to different
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Price: The company keep their prices low at the starting of the business and sell out in
reasonable prices.
Place: The place select by the company is United Kingdom where people fitness freak
and focus on their healthy food.
Promotion: For the promotion of their products use different social media platforms and
also use different technologies like Chat bot and many others.
4.3b. How and where will you launch your product or service.
The VeggieHealth launch their products in UK centra areas. Here company provide their
online services in broad manner and supply their services according to requirement of clients. In
UK mostly people focus on their health and want to stay fit so company select this lace for
launching. To introduce their products in the market provide free samples to people and provide
free tips in regard of health. It helps in promotion and get better results after some times.

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Section Five
Operations and logistics
5.1 Premises and location.:
For the business take building on rent and set the location in UK where most of the people wants to
increase their immunity system effectively.
5.2 Equipment & Set up Costs and suppliers:
Product Amount Cost.
Tracking programming £200 £700
Bar Code Reader (10 pieces) £60 £600
Furniture’s £3000
Other Software £1200
Total £5500
5.3 Transport needs:
For the business require to transportation through vehicles sent fresh food dishes and vegetable to
people on time.
5.4 Legal requirements:
Partnership Agreement etc.
5.5 Insurance requirements:
Business Insurance etc.
5.6 Other required Certifications:
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5.7 Fixed monthly Costs as per cash flow:
Items Costs
Office Rent (per month) £3,000
Electricity £ 500
Staff salaries £5,500
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Section Six
Costs and pricing strategy
Product/service name ( Select a single unit) Diet Chart
Cost to your business per unit £100 per card
Price you charge per unit £110 (inclusive of GST)
Profit margin (£) £10
Profit margin (%)
(Profit / Price x 100 = Profit margin)
Mark up (%)
(Profit / Cost x 100 = Mark Up) 10%
6.b Your Pricing Strategy:

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Pricing strategy takes into consideration in which consider ability to pay, market conditions, trade margins and input costs amongst others. When a
business set pricing strategy for customers according to products and services. The main product that is offering services to people in the way of learning and
offering proper guidance in regard of healthy food and supply fresh and organic vegetables as per the requirements. Additionally, price of supporting activities
that is providing online facilities to people and tips in regard diet chart is based on cost +20% profit margin. Along with calculate discount is also permissible
when order vegetables in bulk so worth more than £350 at 5% cash discount. The competitors who supply fresh and organic vegetables are charging cost + 25%
profit margin which is 5% higher than the companies price strategy (Mehrabi, Dixon, and Sandler, 2017).
Section Seven
Cash Flow forecasts
7.1 Realistic cash flow Sales and costs forecast, including next 3 years’ projections, assuming you’ve received the start-up fund’s
you’ve requested. (Please edit to suit your need)
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Month Jan Feb March April May June July August
ber October
er December Total
Loan 10500 9500 9900 9300 8300 6000 9000 5000 7500 4500 15000 7800 102300
Investment. 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4500 5500 2500 6500 7800 8000 4500 62800
Total Sales: 1300 1450 1990 850 1750 9000 4500 2500 1500 4800 5000 3500 38140
Direct Costs:
Materials. 1050 1050 1050 1050 1250 1150 1150 1240 1450 1450 1800 1900 15590
Stock. 250 250 250 300 300 450 450 300 250 200 400 200 3600
Additional Staffing 250 250 250 300 300 300 350 350 350 400 400 400 3900
TOTAL Direct
Costs: 1550 1550 1550 1650 1850 1900 1950 1890 2050 2050 2600 2500 23090
Fixed Costs:
Salaries 1 3700 3700 3700 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 47100
Rent. 1100 1265 1455 1673 1924 2212 2544 2926 3365 3870 4450 5118 31902
Rates 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 54000
Staff Wages. 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 48000
Utilities/Gas/Elec 90 100 80 120 140 200 120 150 190 150 150 200 1690
Phones. 1500 1650 1815 1997 2196 2416 2657 2923 3215 3537 3891 4280 32076
Freight & Postage 9000 9900 10890 11979 13177 14495 15944 17538 19292 21222 23344 25678 192459
Stationary. 1000 1100 1210 1331 1464 1611 1772 1949 2144 2358 2594 2853 21384
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Promotion & Ad. 5000 5500 6050 6655 7321 8053 8858 9744 10718 11790 12969 14266 106921
Website. 2000 2200 2420 2662 2928 3221 3543 3897 4287 4716 5187 5706 42769
Accountant 6000 6600 7260 7986 8785 9663 10629 11692 12862 14148 15562 17119 128306
Legal 2000 2200 2420 2662 2928 3221 3543 3897 4287 4716 5187 5706 42769
Transport 18000 20070 22378 24952 27821 31020 34588 38565 43000 47945 53459 59607 421405
Vehicles 8500 9478 10567 11783 13138 14649 16333 18211 20306 22641 25245 28148 198997
Maintenance 5500 6133 6838 7624 8501 9478 10568 11784 13139 14650 16335 18213 128763
Insurance 750 750 750 800 800 800 950 950 950 1000 1000 1000 10500
TOTAL: 72640 79145 86333 94723 103622 113538 124550 136728 150255 165241 181873 200393 1509040
Sub Total: Fix +
Direct Costs. 74190 80695 87883 96373 105472 115438 126500 138618 152305 167291 184473 195280 198105
7.1: Three-year projections, annual proposed sales and Net profit only
2020 2021 2022
Executive Director £42,000 £42,840 £43,697
Fundraising/grant £39,000 £39,780 £40,576

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Coordinator £36,000 £36,720 £37,454
Youth Referral
Coordinator £36,000 £36,720 £37,454
Office manager £30,000 £30,600 £31,212
0 £186,660 £190,393
7.2 Notes and assumptions to cash flow and projections:
The cash flow of the company based on the assumption before the stating of the company predict cash in flow and out flow in various activities. It is
prepare by the professional after proper research. Thus, it helps to arrange funds in proper manner.
The three year projection prepare by the company on the basis of assumption in which focus on the future activities that conduct by the business and
where required to spend money.
As per the above report it has been concluded that a well planned business plan consist of all main factors that require to start a business. This plan is not
only provides a direction but also execute a plan that enables to entrepreneur in predicting whether the proposed project is exactly though of it. Along with it
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also supports in conducting various activities that based on the development and operation execution. There is understanding of organisation golas and
objectives in regard of market and makes efforts in direct manner.
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Books and Journals
Kitahara, M. and Katoh, Y., 2019. Anomalous trapping of low pitch angle electrons by coherent whistler mode waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space
Physics. 124(7). pp.5568-5583.
Roque, J., Lafraire, J. and Auvray, M., 2020. Audiovisual crossmodal correspondence between bubbles’ size and pouring sounds’ pitch in carbonated
beverages. Foods. 9(8). p.966.
Li, H. and Ekici, K., 2018. A novel approach for flutter prediction of pitch–plunge airfoils using an efficient one-shot method. Journal of Fluids and Structures.
82. pp.651-671.
Belyk, M. and Brown, S., 2016. Pitch underlies activation of the vocal system during affective vocalization. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience. 11(7).
Vergeer, M. and Mulder, L., 2019. Football players’ popularity on Twitter explained: Performance on the pitch or performance on Twitter?. International
Journal of Sport Communication. 12(3). pp.376-396.
Kim, T., Por, M. H. and Yang, S. B., 2017. Winning the crowd in online fundraising platforms: The roles of founder and project features. Electronic Commerce
Research and Applications. 25. pp.86-94.
Mehrabi, A., Dixon, S. and Sandler, M. B., 2017. Vocal imitation of synthesised sounds varying in pitch, loudness and spectral centroid. The Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America. 141(2). pp.783-796.
Korteweg, L., 2016. Inverted Hollywood: The Pitch for e-Knowledge. OJS 2.4. 8 Demonstration Journal. 1(1).
Ögçe, H. and Ak, M. K., 2018. Investigation of hybrid grass application method on football pitch. Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi/Duzce
University Journal of Science & Technology. 6(4) pp.1000-1009.
Sarma, N. S ., 2017, May. Performance study of motorcycle driving-beam LED headlight with different heat sink models and LED pitch. In 2017 16th IEEE
Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm) (pp. 784-792). IEEE.
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