
Solving Traffic Congestion and Parking Problems in Australian Cities


Added on  2023-06-12

4 Pages1099 Words391 Views
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The cities in Australia are increasingly facing the problem of traffic congestion as the
number of cars are increasing by the day but the roads or the parking lots are not increasing in
that proportion. The ABC reports in a report from October 3rd 2017 “Building more roads isn't
the best answer, because the roads we have are mostly up to the job — if only we could make
better use of them by spreading traffic out beyond the morning and evening peaks.”
Changing the way we utilize our current foundation through valuing should be at the
highest point of the plan. This mean charging drivers for the blockage they cause. Sydney and
Melbourne need to consider presenting a clog charge. That doesn't mean more toll streets — it
implies charging individuals who drive at top circumstances on congested streets a little expense.
Since a few people wouldn't think it worth paying the charge at the busiest circumstances of day,
the individuals who paid would get a faster and more solid excursion. Individuals who can go
outside of the pinnacles would not need to pay, on the grounds that there would be no blockage
charge when the streets are not congested. The expanded cost to drivers could be
counterbalanced by slices to auto enlistment expenses. What's more, any additional cash raised
by the blockage charge could be spent enhancing train, cable car, transport and ship
administrations. Global illustrations demonstrate that presenting a blockage charge require not
add up to political suicide. An at first doubtful open came rapidly to acknowledge, and esteem,
the change when it was presented in London and Stockholm. The blockage condition for Sydney
and Melbourne is just going to get all the more monstrous as the two urban areas keep on
growing. We require more refined policymaking to facilitate drivers' street fury and
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Apart from the congested roads and very little option for building new spaces, the
problem of parking is also increasing by the day in Australia. A Sydney morning herald report
from 2015 states “By 2031, an estimated 30.5 million people will be living in Australia and our
capital cities will be contributing $1.6 trillion to our economy. These projected figures by
Infrastructure Australia will result in the vast majority of the extra 6 million people living in our
cities and still wanting to commute by car. In fact, the Australian Infrastructure Audit report
states that "car travel times are expected to increase by at least 20 per cent in the most congested
corridors. In some cases, travel times could more than double between 2011 and 2031" So, if
driving is going to be that difficult, can you imagine trying to find a park? Divvy Parking may be
your answer. The platform enables you to find previously hidden parking spaces in the CBD –
for a monthly fee.” This explains well how the problem of parking has reached its peak and of
there is not a solution soon to this problem Australian commuters will find a great crisis in the
coming days.
Foundation Australia has cautioned that blockage in Sydney could cost Australia $53
billion by 2031 and keeping in mind that the more prominent populace in Australia's urban
communities can't manage without their autos, there is no point crashing into the CBD unless
you have some place to stop. "Those uncommon spaces that can be found are normally restricted
to maybe a couple hours, and current day by day auto stop rates can set you back as much as a
stopping fine," Authorities state. "Making an enhanced parking arrangement at the goal can
really diminish clog by up to 30 per cent.”
SYDNEY drivers are slugged with a portion of the most astounding parking rates on the
planet regardless of having less individuals battling for an auto spot than significant US urban
areas. And keeping in mind that numerous have surrendered the day by day battle for a parking
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