
Interrelationship between Parties in New South Wales Train Workers Strike Dispute


Added on  2023-06-03

15 Pages4065 Words324 Views
Political Science
Advanced Studies in Industrial Relations
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Interrelationship between Parties in New South Wales Train Workers Strike Dispute_1

New South Wales Train workers strike dispute was one of the most recent disputes that
saw those involve coming into the war of words. There were various parties that were involved
in the dispute and the most affected was the transport. Some of those that were part of the strike
dispute were workers that were represented by their union, train management, the government,
Fair Work Commission and commuters. These parties presented their demands with each
bringing increment percentage through the suggestion of negotiation. The whole dispute resulted
in argument as Fair Work Commission threatens workers to call off strike since the strike is not
protected with the constitution. The dispute also shows various positions taken by each party
during dispute and dispute resolution process. For instance, the pro-government organizations
assumed control position while workers are subjective and collaborative position during the
dispute. The following paper, therefore, seeks to explore the interrelationship between various
parties within the strike dispute citing position taken by each group.
Background of the conflict
New South Wales Train workers strike puzzles many people within the labor sector of the
country early 2018. The strike notice that issued by the workers union on 16th January 2018 as
they indicated that negotiation attempts with the government or train management were not
fruitful. The main issues that resulted in the strike notice were paid increment that was issued by
workers against their train management that is their employer. Those parties that were involved
in the conflict had their point of argument with workers through their union demanded 6% pay
increase and better working conditions while the government through train management offered
Interrelationship between Parties in New South Wales Train Workers Strike Dispute_2

2.5% pay increment. Workers, therefore, indicated the government was not willing to come to
the negotiation table and had no option but to strike. Some of the parties that were involved in
the conflict were trained workers mainly composes of Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU), train
management and the government, Fair Work Commission, commuters and NSW Treasury.
Part A
There are many different points of dispute that were presented by each party during the
train workers dispute that occurred early 2018. Some of the points of dispute include a pay
increase, better working conditions, wage policies, and parties rights. The point presented by
these parties involved in dispute also shows the interrelationship between these parties that were
involved in the dispute.
Pay increase
The pay increase was the main point of conflict as various parties within the dispute
presented their own demand for negotiation. The negotiation process between various parties that
were involved in the dispute became contentious with each party taking their own stance.
Firstly, the first party during the dispute was the workers union that composes of the Rail, Tram
and Bus Union (RTBU) strongly presented their own demand before the negotiation. This cause
the negotiation that was supposed to commence to delay causing the union to issue a strike notice
to commence on January 29. The union indicated that the Sydney Trains and NSW Trains
management refused to negotiate what to their view was a fair agreement. Moreover, the union
indicated that due to failed negotiation, commuters are given chance to make their own
arrangement when the strike commences. During the negotiation, the union maintains that their
Interrelationship between Parties in New South Wales Train Workers Strike Dispute_3

demand was 6 percent increase of pay. This was highly refuted by the management that offered a
2.5 percent pay increase (Georgina, 2018).
Secondly, the train management is another party that was within the dispute that arose fro
demand of pay increase leading to the strike. The train management together with the
government maintains that there is the amount of salary that can be increased in contrast to that
of the workers union that demanded more pay increase (Visentin & O'Sullivan, 2018). There
were many different applications that were made by the train to prevent workers from striking
due to a pay increase. The train management is also related to the government since the training
department is directly linked to treasury and ministry of labor. This train management was part
of a dispute where it serves as the employer of workers that demanded the pay increase. The
government through the ministry of labor indicated that the pay rise demand should be brought
on the table for discussion. Moreover, the government also gave the union a condition that in
order to negotiate with them, the organization needs to call off the strike and instead resume
work without chaos. The government through the NSW Treasury also presented the overall
effect of a strike if at all the strike will precede and this was to convince the union to cancel the
strike (Barchiesi, 2014).
Better working condition
Another area of concern that those workers brought for discussion was better working
conditions as they demand better working condition. The union argues that they were working
hard despite the poor working condition. In addition, the union also indicated that its members
have been on the forefront of serving commuters as compared to other workers yet the
government through train management was unwilling to negotiate for the better working
Interrelationship between Parties in New South Wales Train Workers Strike Dispute_4

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