
Trait Theory of Personality and the Significance of Openness to Experience


Added on  2023-06-17

5 Pages2248 Words94 Views
Describe the trait theory of personality. Select one ‘factor’ or ‘trait’ from a prominent trait
theory and using peer reviewed research to support your argument discuss the relative
strengths and weaknesses of someone who strongly exhibits this trait.
Theorists and psychologist use a variety of pieces to develop a better understanding of
personality traits, behaviour and the way people think. An advance to the study of human
personality defines the trait theory (Guo, Zhang & Pang, 2021). From the several personality
trait theories that have attempted to predict many important life outcomes, including
achievement in school and work, physical and mental health, and social behaviour, the Big
Five Personality Trait is currently the most established and accepted model of personality.
Openness to experience is one of the personality traits amongest the big Five (Cherry,
2020) personality traits. It is a significant trait since it is contributing to several things in the
lifetime of an individual, and it can cause a significant difference in the results of several
events. This essay will initially examine the trait theory of personality and then It will discuss
the association between openness to experience trait and cognitive ability, creativity, active
imagination. Furthermore, it will also discuss the affect of openness on professional career,
attitude towards sex and values. Finally, It will examine the association between Openness
and risky behaviour.
The trait theory of personality focuses on measuring individual personality
characteristics as well as interaction of various traits which makes individuals different to
each other.(Fajkowska&Kreitler, 2018).
Big Five theory is well-established and widely accepted model of personality. In
1936, Psychologist Gordon Allport came up with 4000 words of different personality traits.
Later, Raymond Cattell initially reduced the Gordon Allport’s 4000 traits down to 171 by
merging common traits and eradicating uncommon traits. (Friedman et al., 1976). Gattell
eventually further reduced the list to 16 key personality traits. British psychologist Hans
eysenck developed a model of personality based upon just three trails. theorists believed that
Cattell’stheory focused on too many traits, while Eysenck focused on too few. As a result of
further research, “Big Five" theory emerged (McCrae &Sutin, 2018). South (2018) says that
science suggest that personality comprise of 5 certain traits of agreeableness, extraversion,
consciousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience.
People high in openness tend to be more creativity, have stronger cognitive ability,
higher Intellectual Curiosity, and more sense of imagination. Muhlig-Versen (2017)
described openness to experience as when one involves consideration to feelings, intellectual
Trait Theory of Personality and the Significance of Openness to Experience_1

curiosity, preference for variety, aesthetic sensitivity, active imagination. The trait becomes
significant since the ones who are higher in it always allow changes and look for newer
experience whereas the individuals with lower in sticking to their behaviours and beliefs and
will have preferences their daily routines over newer experiences. The trait has been
classified as a significant part of personality maturity from indices of ego level, purpose as
well as personal growth in life, though the trait essentially diminishes after mid-life. Study
conducted with 1035 participants, from four demographically diverse samples, demonstrates
strong correlations with creative achievement across both arts & sciences and openness.
Thus, individual with higher level of openness tend to evaluate different ideas, solving
crossword puzzles and using computers (Wang, Lau & Yang, 2020) Also believes that
findings indicate that openness leads to more creativity and intellectual capacity.
Furthermore, he believes that people who are high in openness tend to participate in varied
experiences, aesthetic activities such as visiting museums, reading literature and creating arts.
There is also a link between openness and cognitive ability. Results of cross-sectional
examination have shown positive associations of openness with cognitive ability, fluid
reasoning, spatial ability, episodic memory, and verbal ability. Another study was undertaken
on some participants (203 adult men and 201 adult women). Participants completed four
scales of a timed, group-administered intelligence test; 10 personality scales; and a creativity
measure. The Result suggested that Openness and Achievement have correlations with an
intelligence factor. Furthermore, studies have shown that older adults with higher openness
would experience smaller age-related declines in cognitive functioning as compared to older
adults with lower openness (Yıldırım & Maltby, 2021). Openness appears to be a better
indicator of action diversification than time being spent doing exercises or spending time
doing intellectually taxing tasks, according to the findings. Furthermore, for most of the
categories studied, behavioral diversification predicted considerable differences in the link
between accessibility and intellectual capacity. This link did not change over the years, but it
did differ as a consequence of academic achievement, with people with less formal training
benefiting the most from partaking in a wider range of activities. These findings show that
late-life involvement with options is possible repertory may substitute for a lack of resources
in early life.
Apart from this, openness to experience is predicted and is altered by upward job
alterations in professional positions and managerial positions. Since individuals with higher
openness to experience become very inquisitive and have a wide array of interest, they have a
higher desire as well as the need for change by changing into various positions and jobs and
Trait Theory of Personality and the Significance of Openness to Experience_2

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