
Transportation - Electric Vehicle


Added on  2022-08-18

18 Pages5462 Words19 Views
Business DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
Transportation - Electric Vehicle_1

There are various challenges which are faced by the organization in conducting logistics
activities which is overcome through adopting electric vehicle because it supports various
benefits that is reducing the cost, maintaining sustainability and providing operational
advantages to the organization. The project is important because it provide information about the
strategies and policies which company can be adopted to include electric vehicle in the logistics
activities. The project is significant because it also give information about the reasons of using
electric vehicle, which company can be used in managing activities in the organization.
Furthermore, the project is also important because it provide insight to the manager to use
electric vehicle so that sustainability will be maintained and at the same time cost of the
operations in the organization will be reduced.
The study is being conducted to understand the effect of electric vehicle on transportation
management system in NSW; in this the data was provided about the effective management of
logistics activities. The study provides complete information about the impact of electric vehicle
in supplying the products and services. The aim of the study is to find the purpose of using the
electric vehicle because of providing various benefits to the companies. The expected results in
the study are that electric vehicle influence transportation system management directly. It is
because of maintaining efficiency in delivering the goods by reducing the wastage and through
becoming environmental-friendly.
The findings of the present results will be important because through which one can divide the
reasons of using electric vehicle in different areas and through this it can develop strategies
accordingly. Furthermore, it can adopt electric trucks in distributing their goods to the customers;
it can support them in maintaining the loyalty of the consumers and helps in managing effective
functions. The results of the study is also significant it is because through this the cost of the
company will be reduced and company can invest these amount in conducting other necessary
activities so that effectiveness will be maintained in the activities.
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Table of Contents
Research Objectives.........................................................................................................................3
Critically evaluate evidence.............................................................................................................5
Importance of Electric vehicle.....................................................................................................5
Electric vehicle in logistics..........................................................................................................5
Reasons of adopting Electric vehicle...........................................................................................7
Research Gap...............................................................................................................................7
Justification of area for further research..........................................................................................7
Research Question...........................................................................................................................8
Null Hypothesis...........................................................................................................................9
Alternative Hypothesis................................................................................................................9
Research Methodology....................................................................................................................9
Research Design..............................................................................................................................9
Research approach...........................................................................................................................9
Research Philosophy..................................................................................................................10
Data collection...........................................................................................................................10
Data analysis..............................................................................................................................10
Details of participants....................................................................................................................11
Description of Materials................................................................................................................12
Materials in Tests.......................................................................................................................12
Materials and measures in Surveys............................................................................................12
Questions in Semi-structured interview.....................................................................................13
Materials and measure to describe Findings..............................................................................13
Data Analysis.................................................................................................................................14
Ethical Issues.................................................................................................................................14
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Research Objectives
Electric vehicle give positive effects to the transportation management system it is because it
provide various sustainable benefits to the company because of reducing the carbon dioxide
emissions (Shaukat et al., 2018). It is because present logistics and transportation use different
heterogeneous fleets which contain technologies that is electric vehicle. This supports in
possessing the 90%-95% efficiency in the energy in comparison to the internal combustion
engines. It is because majority of the companies adopt electric vehicle so that transportation
management system through managing logistics activities done in more effective manner (Cano
et al., 2018).
In supply chain management it is used because this electric vehicle supports in reducing the cost
and expenditure of transportation. In this logistics industries and other industries use in
distributing the goods from one place to other in more quality. Therefore, in the current year it
reduces the charges in the fuel through which the expenditure of the industries and companies
reduces. This is considered one of the main reason through which the majority of the companies
in different countries make use of the electric vehicle for logistics management (Houshmand &
Cassandras, 2018).
There are various other reasons through which electric vehicle is used so that proper
management of the operations take place, therefore reduction in the maintenance cost is
considered one of the main reason. It is because there are few parts and components of the
electric vehicle in comparison of the traditional vehicle. Through, this the expenditure on the
maintenance is also decreased. It is estimated that up to 15% of the pollution comes from the
transportation and 95% of vehicles use petrol and diesel which effects the environment in
negative manner (Juan et al., 2016). It is considered one of the sustainable practices through
which the companies can gain advantage through adopting electric vehicle. Therefore, through
getting feedback from the logistics and transportation industry representative it is examined that
electric vehicle is considered one of the strategy which is developed through industry for
efficient supply of products.
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