Ethnographic Study of British Airways and SriLankan Airlines
Added on 2020-07-22
15 Pages5875 Words59 Views
Table of ContentsIntroduction.................................................................................................................................................3Introduction to Srilanka and British Airways...............................................................................................3LO1 current issues in the travel and tourism sector....................................................................................41.1analyse issues that are driving change in travel and tourism sector of Srilanka..................................4LO2 Understand the current trend in the travel and tourism sector...........................................................62.1 current trends that bring changes in the travel and tourism sector of Srilanka...................................62.2 analyze current trends through usage of different techniques and resources......................................7Lo3 Understand how travel and tourism sector responds to change in airline businesses.........................83.1 how travel and tourism businesses could respond to change.............................................................83.3 justify strategies for how selected travel and tourism businesses could respond to change.............10LO4 Understand the impacts of change on the travel and tourism sector................................................114.1 analyze the impacts of issues and trends that drive change in the travel and tourism sector............114.2 discuss the likely consequences of businesses failing to respond to market changes.......................12Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................12References.................................................................................................................................................132
Introduction Travel and tourism businesses are rapidly growing all over the world as individuals nowadaysare interested in traveling so as to relax, spend time with family and indulge in some or the otherkind of adventure among others (Buultjens, Ratnayake and Gnanapala, 2016). The travel andtourism industry has seen continuous advancements which have increased the number ofconsumers with every passing day. But the industry has been facing a large number of challengesand issues which is required to be handled in an effective manner (Champika and Silva, 2015).The current study thus deals with issues and trends present in travel and tourism sector withspecial focus on Srilanka as a destination. Other than this, emphasis has also been laid on howthe travel and tourism sector respond to changes followed by assessing the overall impact ofspecial reference to British Airways. Introduction to Srilanka and British Airways Srilanka is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in South East Asia that is known forits endless beaches, world heritage sites, oodles of elephants, ancient monuments, cheap prices,fun trains as well as world famous tea and flavored food. Other than the above attractions, thereis also a presence of tourist activities such as kite surfing, yoga retreat, whale watching, andscuba diving among others. The country has further been witnessing an increasing number oftourists which has reached an all-time high in the year December 2016 by being at 224791. Inorder to meet up the increasing demand of tourists, the Srilanka tourist providers have set a targetof 22500 rooms in the next five years as the visitor arrival is being expected to reach up to 2.5million (Mills, 2017).British Airways have been regarded as the largest airlines of United Kingdom and is also thelargest carrier in UK that serves around 40 million consumers in a year. It has further beentravelling to around 170 destinations in more than 70 nations all over the globe (Gretzel, 2015). In terms of consumer profile, the world famous airlines is serving four segments ofclients who belong to economy, premium economy, executive and first class. It has a goal tobecome a world leader in global premium airlines by focusing on consumer service at every levelof passenger’s journey. It thus works on the principle of passion and expertise so as to serve theconsumers in the best possible manner. Focus is also given on providing personalized as well as3
thoughtful experience with respect to service offering that showcases British style as well assophistication. LO1 current issues in the travel and tourism sector 1.1analyse issues that are driving change in travel and tourism sector of SrilankaAs of now, the tourism industry of Srilanka is on a boom which is revealed by a newspaperarticle which states that there is a presence of over 2.5 million foreigners who arrived in thenation during the year 2016. While there was a presence of 2.3 million tourists till June 2017 andthe number is likely to increase by the end of 2017 in comparison to 2016. Statistics furtherreveal that 4.5 million tourists can still visit Srilanka by the year 2020 (Kananga, 2017). But stillthere is a presence of various issues that are leading to changes in travel and tourism sector ofSrilanka.Environmental issues - The changing environmental conditions is putting drastic impacton the travel and tourism business of Srilanka. This is as Srilanka is basically an islandnation and the presence of global warming issue is affecting the overall climaticconditions of the nation. For example, Ockhi cyclone that affected South Asian nations inthe year 2017 led to issue of warning to holiday makers who were planning to pay a visitto Srilanka (Mills, 2017). The country further asked for help from United Nations andneighboring countries to help in flooding crisis that worsened over a period of time. Lack of technological soundness - Srilanka is a developing nation hence its technologicaladvancements are not as sound like other destinations being London etc. Hence theabsence of proper transport, communication etc. put an impact on the overall satisfactionlevel of consumers. There is also an issue in overall infrastructure facilities which detersthe tourist from developed nations who plan to make a trip (Dicknson and, 2014). Economic issues - raising fuel cost decreases the tourist flow as the overall trip expenseincreases. Other than this, the tax rates imposed on travel and tourism industry of anynation impact the overall flow of tourists. This is as increase in the same enhances thecost of services that is offered to the travelers (Robinson and Picard, 2016). Moreover, ifthe service offering is not up to the mark as per the money that is charged then consumersare most likely to give a second thought after hearing reviews from other travelers whopaid a visit to Srilanka.4
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