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Marketing TOWS Analysis and Marketing Audits of Travelodge Hotel


Added on  2023/01/10

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This report discusses the marketing TOWS analysis and marketing audits of Travelodge hotel. It also explores marketing objectives, marketing mix plan, and proposals for developing consumer facilities.

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Travelodge Hotels

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Marketing is the activity utilised to analyse what commodities or facilities may be of interest
to consumers and the plan of action to usage in sales, communications and business growth.
Marketing administration is the organisational regulation that concentrates on the convenient
submission of advertising direction, technologies and techniques within establishments and firms
and on the administration of company’s marketing assets and practices (Cheng, 2019). This
written report is based on Travelodge which is a confidential ventured that functioning in the
hotels and hospitality division across the UK. This venture was incorporated in 1985 and
operating globally with the help of its more than 570 hotels. This document will discuss about
marketing TOWS analysis and marketing audits of Travelodge hotel. Further, will explain about
marketing objectives, marketing mix plan and proposal on how company can develop their
extents of consumer facilities to enable a leading brand.
1. Marketing TOWS for Travelodge and explaining the Marketing Audits
Product gratitude
Geological allocation
Consumer facility
Negative Equity
Bad Press
Operational contradiction
Growing Foreign market
Professional training
Standardise facility teaching with
brand wide sessions
Invest in organisation finances to
improve equity ratio
Threats from substitutes
Low cost switching
Economic downturn
Develop remunerations activities
to avoid switching
Produce good PR by organising
effective activities and palns
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SO strategies- The primary approach capitalises on the inexpensive cost of collecting
money, developing unfamiliar marketplace and Travelodge’s outstanding administrative
proficiency and brand appreciation, increasing operations in different nations (TACHAVIMOL
and PANGKESORN, 2019). By executing a latest PMS would imply improving Travelodge’s
technical assets to design software that administrates hospitality firm and develop on the
presently more extensive PMS’s defects explicitly feeble occasion hosting maintain and
inflexibility of charges and stipulation forms. Along with this firm also offer effective and
quality services and eco-tourism which help in offering a better experience and retaining them.
WO strategies- The main weaknesses of this firm is that it has a unconstructive justice and
diverse other unattractive monetary figures reasoned by the separation of their timeshares.
Travelodge can also be assumed to endure from several functioning unpredictability, since each
company’s continuance as an autonomous confidential company can direct to numerous
activities among hospitality firm that can be an annoyance for clients. The marketplace is
immense for hospitality organisation presently. High requirements for international development
and inexpensive expenses for recovering abroad abscond open a simple possibility for
commercial enlargement. Professional programmes expand every year, with telepresence and the
beginning of diverse new seminary intensity hotel level strategy. An investment inside could
regulate some of Travelodge’s less interesting fractions and impartiality by undertaking a bit of
executive maintenance. Service teaching could be urbanized to reduce contradiction and possible
PR missteps. This plan of action would generate and execute product wide activities which could
be modular in environment of fit the requirements of every product.
ST strategies- Dealing with the risk of a home financial slump states increasing existing
functions by constructing new hotels cross wise the globe with no particular concentration. This
will produce more stable and applicable income in case of home complexities. Other potential
plan of action deal with third party websites by utilising Travelodge’s technology functions to
make as which will displace the third part websites (Williams, 2019). By carrying the consumer
understanding in abode, so to converse, the firm can manage their buying decision more
instantly. In the last, a new visitor facility plan such as standardised hotel transports will devise
premeditated hospitality firm supplementary interesting.
WT strategies- Offering new remunerations opportunities has been uncovered to decrease
the magnetism of alternatives and other hospitality firm chains by producing additional worth

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into the Tarvelodge reside, developing replicate production options, Travelodge can build
superior PR inside by offering other interesting worker sustainable sessions and it offer a
enormous PR increase. at last, asset into big but comparatively unexploited new marketplace
could capitulate immense proceeds. A procession of boutique hotels could assist enlarge the
section, assist PR and stop moving by providing a inimitable knowledge.
Marketing audit of Travelodge
To conduct marketing audit, the administration of Travelodge can consider some factors
and the description of them in reference to respective firm as under:
Competitors- The major rivals in the budget hotel industry for Travelodge are Premier In
and Holiday Inn. In respective firm, the company is a global brand and operate its business 435
locations (Filimonau and Magklaropoulou, 2020). Holiday Inn is an international brand and a
part of the Inter Continental Hotels group and t has 2696 holiday Inn and Express hotels
internationally and cause of this has a benefit as an internationally recognisable brand. These
rivals create high level of competition for Travelodge cause of offering similar facilities and
services to customers at affordable prices.
Suppliers- A competitive benefit that Travelodge has over independent hoteliers in the
budget hotel industries that consumers know they will get a convinced standard of room for
many of their hotels. This states that their rooms have certain homogeneity and as such utilise a
single major dealer for most of their rooms. The providers of this company are mainly segmented
in to two categories like hotel supplier who cover all goods and facilities utilised in the operating
of a hotel; from food & beverage, linen and cleaning supplies, fitting, equipment and
maintenance facilities. Another is support suppliers that offer items like office supplies, IT
support, profession and consultancy facilities etc.
Marketing intermediaries- Travelodge runs in a market which is becoming maximising
easy for customers to compare facilities and cost. Thus, intermediaries are becoming more and
more crucial and they play an important role in operating business of Travelodge worldwide (Li,
2018). For example, Amadeus is a world’s leading online travel agency IT provider and
respective company sign a deal with it in term of running its business in effective manner.
Travelodge is well-known as one night reside for its affordability but require of
rudiments in its rooms creates it complex to continue more than one night, less and cheap price
get nearer with essential facilities which other companies and hotels surpass with its free Wi-Fi
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and accessibility of room applications and commodities offered to create the customers
experience greeting. In reference to rivalry, the areas are market share, cost and worth of
knowledge. There has also been a increase in examine to stare online stages like Airbnb contend
on affordability, option and understanding, offering conusers the broad range of options and
knowledge besides of a hotel room (Fischer, 2018). Travelodge aims are to outperform its rivals
by offering sophisticated understanding to earn consumers’ faithfulness, generating a product
that is connected to console, modernity, and pleasure. As well as, to accomplish maximised
revenue, geographical expansion to develop sustainability and globally.
2. State and justify 3 Marketing objectives
In Travelodge, the management of company can frame SMART objective in term of
improving company development situation which is affected due to COVID19 crisis. The
description of some business objective of Travelodge, that will assist and making contribution in
growth of firm, as under:
To make development in the sales of company by 8% within upcoming 9 months by
offering better quality and hygienic as well as sanitised room. So that people can take the
benefits of them without suffering any kind of fear.
To make maximisation in economic growth of company and improve its profitability
ratio by 7% within next 10 months by adopting effective pricing strategies which
differentiate it from its competitors.
To improve customer base by 8% within 11 months of respective business venture by
making effective use of IT tools and technological aspects which help in offering quality
services to consumers in this COVID19 Pandemic.
The above mentioned business objective are crucial for Travelodge as they help in get over
the business growth of Travelodge in this COVID19 situation. According to first objective, by
offering safe and sanitised room, the company can offer a better service to its customer who
helps in developing the sales of firm and also attracting individual like businessperson,
professionals and many more who are ready to take the benefits of these kinds of facilities
(Reddy, 2019). Along with this, as per another objective, by adopting effective pricing strategy,
like competitive pricing strategy will also help in developing profit margins and revenue of this
establishment. Accordant to third objective, by use more technological advancement and IT tools
such as online booking, self check-in and check-out, online payment, self checking and many
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more also assist in increasing customer base in the situation of COVID19 pandemic. These all
objective are crucial and justify that they will enable in making enlargement in business situation
of Travelodge in term of sales, economic development as well as number of consumers.
3. Examine the Marketing Mix Plan
Marketing mix designates to the position of actions or tactics that an administration uses to
encourage its product and commodity in the market (James, 2019). It is a strategy that consist
information about product, price, place, promotion, process, people and physical evidence of
commodities and services of a corporation. The brief explanation of marketing mix in reference
to Travelodge is as under:
Product- It refers to those goods and facilities a business sells to its possible consumer. In
order to peddle up the sale, one must furnish the effective and appropriate information about
their specific commodity and facility to targeted consumer. The product and services must be
able of resolving and satisfying the needs of target audiences. In Travelodge, the company offer
quality facilities such as gathering, marriage and dinner amenities and particular occasion
facilities, eating place and lounges, meal and beverages facilities, swimming pools, present
shops, trade services and other facilities. It will assist in attaining business objective of company
in term of increasing sales and customer base.
Price-The chunk of fund that a providers sets for their commodity which is labelled as
price. Establishing the cost that requires keen thought and examination, majorly for
inexperienced or new trade owners who incorrectly sense to provide the less price or they would
end up in attaining zero sales. In reference to Travelodge the management follow financial
system, diffusion, skimming and best cost plan. But in the situation of COVID19, the firm can
also consider competitive pricing strategy which also helps in increasing sales, profits and
customer base of organisation in effective manner in this pandemic.
Place- It refers to the way of allocating the commodity and services is considered as the
third P of this marketing mix plan. It indicates to geographical area, online facilities and many
more where company offer their products and services so that customers can easily reach to
goods and services and take the benefits of them (Haynes and Egan, 2020). In reference to
Travelodge, the administration operate its business in number of nations cross wise world ad its
hospitality firms are situated in several places crossways city like close to airport, highways
middle marketplace and many more. Along with this firm adopt mix channel strategy which help

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in development of company and consider together straight and third party way. In respect of
corona virus crisis, the firm can offer its products and services though online way by using
corporation websites and mobile appliance. It will enable in attaining above mentioned business
objectives like increasing sales and profitability ratio.
Promotion- It is known as promotional and advertising strategy which is used and adopted
by business organisation to create awareness about the goods and services so that individual will
familiar with them and purchasing them to fulfil their needs and demands (Bienert, 2018). For
promoting commodities and services, establishment use different marketing channels like TV,
radio, News paper, internet and many more. In reference to Travelodge, the respective venture
highly concentrates on the digital promotion of its services. It does its endorsement with
numerous announcement, videos and operations on diverse social media trappings. Along with
this, the form use web advertisement and paid ads to manage its loyal consumers by pending up
with several advertisement systems and also get attention new consumers with the advertising of
its new commodities. It will also assist in attaining business objective of maximising customer
base in adequate form.
People- This factor of marketing mix refers to those people who make their contribution in
effective running of company. In Travelodge, employees, suppliers, retailers and customers are
the main individual who makes their contribution in operating business of this firm. Travelodge
identify the significance of helping its customers which is the necessary individual plan of
company. When offering any facilities the staff that is providing the facilities is most important
in reference to earn the loyalty of target audiences that’s why employees of respective
organisation are constantly skilled and been encouraged to convey the exceptional facilities that
outstand the desires of consumers. The effective involvement of trained and skilled employee
help in offering quality services to its target audiences which can assist in attaining objective of
maximisation in customer base in improved manner.
Process- It mention to that procedure and activity which is used and adopted by a business
venture to manufacture commodities and facilities in order to fulfil its customers’ needs and
demands (Górska-Warsewicz and Kulykovets, 2020). In reference to Travelodge, the company
has different business activities in place to assure quality consumer facilities effective booking
and a relaxing reside of consumers. In respect to remain its consumers always convince the
respective venture installation with clear procedure that is easier to observe, moderator, function
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and is consumer affable right from the online booking of room to the self check-in and check-out
is completed in a attractive well versed manner. In this COVID19 pandemic this process will
beneficial to consumers and also help in taking the benefits of Travelodge service. This will also
assist in achieving business objective of company as increasing sales and profit of establishment
in more effective manner.
Physical evidence- It indicates to the tangibility of things, structure, designs and physical
presence of company. In context of Travelodge, the hotel building is the main physical proof for
the firm (Carrancedo Pereda, 2019). Services are majorly intangible but the respective
organisation offers their target audiences a huge mood with permanent physical experiences that
itself clients and guests to arrival back and keep that experiences by showing their loyalty. Other
corporeal substance of this corporation is their rooms, equipments, towels, brochures, pens,
soaps and many more.
4. Provide proposals on how Travelodge can develop their levels of Customer Service
Customer service refers to an act and process of taking care of consumer’s requirements by
offering and sharing professional, useful, high quality service and assistance before, t the time
and after the consumer needs are met. Basically customer service indicates to the process of
providing satisfaction to consumer’s needs and demands by offering facilities as per their
necessities. In reference to Travelodge, it the UK’s large autonomous hotel group and operating
its business globally by offering quality services and commodities to its consumers as per their
needs and demands in term of fulfilling their requirements. The room occupancy rates of it is
74.5 percent, average room rate is 11.4 and total revenue, up by 17.9 percent are all testament to
the hotel group’s analysis to develop the consumer experience (Mudie, 2018). The respective
company offer quality customer service in term of launching a mobile application and with the
help of it guests can search and find out nearest Travelodge hotel at the time of travelling and get
immediate walking or driving instructions to it. This will help in offering an effective consumer
facility and experience to them as well as enable in retaining them till long term.
In respect to current COVID19 pandemic situation, the organisation can make high
utilisation of technology in term of offering customer service such as by offering 24/7 telephonic
customer service where individual can ask about facilities and other things which will help in
offering a great experience. By offering self check-in and check-out as well self checking of
individual and luggage can also help in dealing with corona virus crisis. Along with this, firm
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can also provide mask, globes and sanitise in its room service so that individual who are not wear
mask and globes or forgot cause of any reason can also use them. By sanitising before and after
entry of guest they can also offer a quality services. These kinds of customer services also help in
attaining business objectives of firm and they also help in developing customer base, increasing
sales and improving profit margins of this hotel. Online payment is another effective facility that
can also offer to customer in this crisis time (Reed, 2018). By adopting mobile payment, net
banking and many more, the firm can free from the effect of corona virus to its target audiences.
These all are efficient and appropriate customer services and facilities which help in offering and
effective experience to its customers and visitors in this pandemic time and retaining them till
long term.
This has been summarised from the above mentioned information that marketing is an
effective act and process of selling, promoting and buying goods and services. By using effective
marketing tools and techniques, the marketing activity of a business venture can be managed. In
term of determining business ability and market position, the firm can conduct TOWS analysis
and marketing audit of firm. Marketing mix strategy is crucial as it assist in offering
commodities and facilities, cost of products and services, place where they are accessible and
consumer can reach to take benefits of them and many other factors that help in offering business
activities of enterprise. By adopting different technological advancement and effective cost plan
and many more, an organisation can make development in its levels of consumer services.

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