
Types of Companies: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Sole Trader, Partnership, Cooperatives & Limited Liability


Added on  2023-06-18

9 Pages2347 Words438 Views
Professional Development
Types of Companies
Types of Companies: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Sole Trader, Partnership, Cooperatives & Limited Liability_1

Table of Contents
SECTION: 1 Different types of companies and how they are working .........................................1
SECTION: 2 Define different organsaition from sole trader to partnership, cooperatives &
limited liability.................................................................................................................................3
SECTION: 3 Different business structure and macro factors which is affecting business.............4
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................6
Types of Companies: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Sole Trader, Partnership, Cooperatives & Limited Liability_2

The aim of this report is to evaluate the various types of business existing in the business
environment. Business in practice is the core concept which assist the individual for involving in
the different business activities so that they can reach to their desired objectives(Bartolacci and
et. al., 2019). Organisation apply some sort of theories and strategies so that they can work
effectively under the consideration of government law. This report also evaluate the different
types of business based on their working. Moreover, It will evaluate the macro factors that is
affecting the whole operations of the business.
SECTION: 1 Different types of companies and how they are working
Micro business
Definition: These are the type of venue which is conducting the business for their easy
survival and happy life. As they are having limited resources and funds in order to run their
business in an appropriate manner and in the local marketing of UK.
Characteristics: Small business venture are working with less than 0-9 employees as
they are having limited resources. They usually generate the revenue of £ 632000. They also
focuses on understanding the neds ad demand of their potential customers so that they can
generate limited revenue for their easy survival.
Example: Miel Bakery is the best example for small business that is offering limited
range of bakery items such as cake, pastries etc.
Small business
Definition: Those enterprises which are larger than micro size business are call as small
size business. They also focuses on providing various employment opportunities and having less
than 9-49 employees working their ventures. They are having the consideration for long term
sustainability in the market( Lebedev And et. al., 2018).
Characteristics: Such enterprises are working to the limited areas due to limited funds
and resources where small teams are formed and they are working for earning higher
profitability. They are not liable to pay the tax rate to the government due to having low profit
Example: Broadsword Event House is the set example for small business as they are
having more than 10 employees working and also focuses on generating higher profits in the
Types of Companies: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Sole Trader, Partnership, Cooperatives & Limited Liability_3

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