
Entrepreneurship: Concepts & Challenges


Added on  2020-02-17

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Entrepreneurship: Concepts & Challenges_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Different types of entrepreneurship ventures.........................................................................1P2) Similarities and differences between different entrepreneurial ventures..............................2M1 Investigate a diverse range of entrepreneurial ventures to demonstrate an understanding ofentrepreneurship...........................................................................................................................3D1 Critically examine the scope, development and growth of entrepreneurial ventures............3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P3) Ways in that micro and small business put their impact on economy..................................3P4) How important small business and start up business can contribute their participation forgrowth of social economy............................................................................................................4M2 Evaluate the differences that small, medium and large businesses make to the economy....6D2 Critically examine how small businesses have an impact on different levels of theeconomy in a local, regional, national and international context................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6P5) Mini research for determines effective research for demonstrate characteristics, traits andskills of successful entrepreneurs.................................................................................................6P6) How entrepreneurial personality can reflect to motivation and mindset of differentemployee......................................................................................................................................7M3 Explore and examine different lines of argument relating to entrepreneurial characteristics......................................................................................................................................................8D3 Analyse the characteristic traits, skills and motivational drivers of successful entrepreneurs......................................................................................................................................................8TASK4.............................................................................................................................................8P7 Backgrounds and experiences can hinder entrepreneurships ................................................8CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................10...................................................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONEntrepreneur is that person who organizes and takes all responsibilities of all businessand takes all risks with it. Theentrepreneuris commonly seen as a business leader and innovatorof new ideas and business processes (Oguonu, 2015). Entrepreneurs and their skills help toproducing innovative products and services to their customers. The present report makes analysisof different types of entrepreneurships ventures and their relation with topology and along withthis make analysis on similarities and dissimilarities in between them. The presents report makeanalysis on effects of small business and start-ups on UK economy after Brexit. Moreover, thepresent’s report also makes analysis on characteristics, traits and skills of a successfulentrepreneur.TASK 1P1. Different types of entrepreneurship venturesEntrepreneur is that individual who start and run the business with limited resourcesThrough planning, taking risk and rewards for the organisation. Therefore, organisation in whichthey are working is known as venture. Business is incorporated with innovation, product,services and model of the company. In order to make effective results, entrepreneurship is defines as the process of design,launching and maintain creativity at workplace. In this aspect, business achieve their targets andgoals to determine effective results and performance. In this way, innovation is also takes placewhich demonstrate creativity and innovation for maintains positive results and performance.Every entrepreneur work with new skills and capacity that willingly develop operations andorganize functions to ascertain profitability (Carland Jr, Carland and Carland III, 2015). Further,entrepreneurship is opportunities which exploit new things for making products and services.Types of venturesBasically four types of key ventures determines effective results which are as follows:Local entrepreneurshipIn this aspect, entrepreneurship is owned and run by local and small people who possessquality of entrepreneur. In this different types of business includes such as local grocery retailer,consultants and hairdressers, etc. The company can demonstrate running of their activities andgoals through hire local people at workplace. Main purpose of these types of entrepreneurship is
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enhancing profits and revenue at workplace through demonstrate various activities (Schaper,2016). Global entrepreneurshipGlobal entrepreneurship is considering various activities and outcomes with runoperations at global level. In this aspect, entrepreneur can hire people who possess effective andhigh quality to perform their operations at workplace. In this way, the company requires highercapital for development of the business and its operations. Thus, profitability can be maintainsthrough assess customer taste and preferences. Global entrepreneurship is run in various parts ofthe world through ascertain new technologies and assess competitors within the market. Social entrepreneurshipSocial entrepreneurship is runs through focus on creating more products and serviceswithin the business environment. In this aspect, entrepreneur work through determining needsand requirement of society which develops profitability and positive results at workplace. Inaddition to this, they are also work to solve issues of society to build profitability and outcomesat workplace. With the help of different activities, the company can easily deal with positive andeffective results. Scalable start up entrepreneurship Scalable start up entrepreneurship has motive to make innovation through they will easilychange whole world. In this aspect, goals and objectives are ascertains through entitle skilledemployee at workplace. Thus, the company can easily make profits and revenue at high level todetermines effective results and performances. There are various elements which describesvision to maintain innovation and advance technology (Schaper, 2016). Start-up Company isanother important entrepreneurial venture which emerged in new and fast growing business.Which has aims to meet with goals and targets of market. In this way, their typology is todevelop and offer innovative products, process and services within the market. Serial entrepreneur: In this aspect, serial entrepreneurs refers to the start and lead theone business after another. They are also refers to multiple enterprises at same timewhich assist to make and run day to day operations. For instance, Martin Riddiford andJim Reeves are entrepreneur of UK to established gravity light with solar energy. Theyhave continuous working for entrepreneurship through different elements.
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Social entrepreneur: Mainly these types of entrepreneur working for enhance outcomesin society. Hence, they are dealing with innovative solution towards pressing socialproblems. Main ambitious and typology of them is to offers new ideas and wide scale ofchanges regarding social issues. Michael Young is the example of socialentrepreneurship in UK market. Female entrepreneur: In addition to this, at global level entrepreneurs are determinestheir creativity for create brand image of particular country and business. As results, itassists to enhance performances and outcomes of the enterprise outside the boundaries.For example Gisele Bundchen is woman entrepreneur in the world. She is working fornatural skincare venture. Lifestyle entrepreneur: This type of entrepreneur has focus on development of theorganisation through handle risk and obtain risk element. Global entrepreneur: This entrepreneurship is based on knowledge and information oflocal areas for create innovation for economy development. This type of entrepreneurshiphas effective results within the economy because it assists to enhance results within thenation. In this way, female entrepreneurs are working very well for establish effectiveresults with friendly environment. P2. Similarities and differences between different entrepreneurial venturesIn order to find differences and similarities, following elements are included in differententrepreneurial ventures:Size and structure: In this way, it has been analysed that small size enterprise isconsidered as essential element to meet with needs and requirement of customers. SMEneed to provide unique quality goods so that they will easily enhance more customerwithin the business environment. With the help of innovative ideas and concept, successis develops for start-up entrepreneurship venture. Size and structure is not major factorbecause initial start-up required innovative ideas to start a venture. Aims and objectives: It is another differences which lies in aims and objectives of variousentrepreneurial ventures. With the help of entrepreneurship ventures, it is important toarrange funds to expand business in new areas. Therefore, it could be assesses thatsimilarities and differences in term of objectives of quality towards customers.
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Sources of finance: It is another type of element that assist to obtain finance in differenttypes of entrepreneurship. Hence, it is important arrange fund to expansion of business ineffective manner. Social entrepreneurs is main focuses on welfare of society not earnprofits. Similarity is that they are also determines unique features and concept to achievedesire results. Lifestyle venture or similarities inbusinessesSerial entrepreneurs ventures similaritiesHuman resource management requires recruitskilled employees within the organisation.In this aspect, also human resources needed torecruit for enhancing productivity of company. These types of entrepreneurship have capacityto take risk within the firm.They have also capacity to undertake risk forsolving issue. Innovative features are develops for futureenhancement and effective results as well. In serial entrepreneur, innovative and creativityqualities exist that assist to meet withrequirement of particular person.DifferencesDifferencesLifestyle of entrepreneurs have more focus ontheir rewards in life through by providingpeople to enjoy passion for everything whichthey are doing.However, serial entrepreneurs have focuses onstrategies and ideas that help to incorporatenew company. In this way, they are also playedvital role to make regular functions in newcompany.Female entrepreneur business similaritiesMale entrepreneur business similaritiesGenerally, female are looks towards expansionof the company in international market forenhance profits and revenue.They are also like to expand business invarious areas of international market toaccomplish desire results at workplace. Less turnover out of 100 million but not morethan 50 million.Less turnover out of 100 million but not morethan 50 million.DifferencesDifferencesEntrepreneurs are female candidates.Entrepreneurs are male candidates.They are take place generally 1/3rd of totalentrepreneurs in international market.Male entrepreneurs are higher than the femalecandidates in the international areas.
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