
Types of Teams and their Advantages and Disadvantages


Added on  2023-06-18

11 Pages3896 Words410 Views
Project Management
Types of Teams and their Advantages and Disadvantages_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Describing different type of teams..............................................................................................3
Types of Teams and their Advantages and Disadvantages_2

Team management can be described as the ability of an individual for manging a group people
in an organized manner in order to accomplish the desire task. In simple, words it can be define
as a combination of various activities that help in collaborating with team members so that it can
achieve the desire objective in the limited frame of time. Moreover, it is also consisted of various
skills such as communication, motivation and object setting that contributes in making an
effective team.
The present report is based on the types of teams such as transient that can be state as group
of people that only work in the team for temporary purpose. Along with this, virtual team refer to
a group of individuals that live in remote area and interact through technology likewise video
conferencing and email in order to collaborate. Whereas, multicultural team can be state as set of
individuals that belong to different culture background. Furthermore, the report will throw light
on the advantages, disadvantage and challenges face by these teams.
Describing different type of teams
Team can be explained as a group of individuals with common interest and objective that
work together for completing a particular task. Moreover, all this individual contributes equally
in while conducting the as well as it also works hard in order to accomplish the organizational
goal (Sogancilar and Husniye, 2018). Team is an essential part of the organization as it allows
the business to divide its main goal into smaller aim that contributes in reaching to the desire
objective that has been set by the business. Furthermore, for managing team roles most of the
organization use team management approach that can be define as combination of various
activities that help in maintaining the coordination between the group member so that it can
achieve the set target effectively.
Teams plays very crucial role in the company as it benefits the company by making sure that
deadlines of the task have been made on the decided time. As well as it also makes sure that
quality of the work is provided to the customer as it helps in building the strong relation with
them. In addition to this, when work is dividing between the member of the team it makes the
work faster that contributes in improving the efficiency of the company in the competitive
Types of Teams and their Advantages and Disadvantages_3

environment (Soni., 2020). There are three type of teams such as transient, virtual and
multicultural that are explained in details below:
Transient teams: The word transient means an individual that stay in the organization for short
time or for temporary purpose. Transient team can be defined as a group of an individual that
work together in order to accomplish the specific task. In this team involve staff, service user
and board member. Moreover, this type of team quickly adapts to changes that occur due to
external environment. Because of diversity in the team member that helps in providing
innovative for solving the conflicts of external and internal business environment. Along with
this, this type of team gives more importance to the task as the main motive of creating such
team is to achieve the goal within short period of time (Rattray, and et.al., 2020). Furthermore,
this type is general originate because of unplanned event that affect the business in positive and
negative way. Thus, it is made for coping up the situation that can create hinderance in the
overall development of the organization. Hence, this type of team has various name such as red,
SWAT and emergency team. This type of team is given more importance in the organization
because it helps the firm in solving the unexpected problems rapidly and efficiently. Along with
this, it also helps the company by providing the market insight that benefits company in knowing
their competition global factors that creating threat to the company. Furthermore, this type of
team is usually made by large organization because for meeting business issues new innovation
is needed and that result in high operational cost. Thus, it can’t be afforded by small organization
as it does not have large budget.
There is certain advantage of this team that contributes in improving the overall performance
of the organization in the competitive market. Such as it helps the organization in reducing the
cost. Most of the company has to provide their employees with the training and development
programmed so to enhance their skills that result in increasing the operational cost. But in
temporary team manager of the organization generally hire candidates that have specialization
and experience in the work. Thus, firm do not have to invest more in the developing in their
intellectual skills. Along with this, the agency does not have to pay more wages to such
subordinates as their amount are based on their performance. Hence, there is no fixed salary or
wages for such team members compare to permanent worker. Another advantage that company
have is that there is not hiring process that firm has to follow because these teams are for short
time in the company (Hui-wen and Xin., 2017). For instance, permanent members have a long
Types of Teams and their Advantages and Disadvantages_4

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