
Management Thought and Practices


Added on  2022-12-28

13 Pages3698 Words61 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Management Thought and
Management Thought and Practices_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
1. What management function and roles where Rebecca perform and along with importance in
Allstyles department stores. ......................................................................................................1
2.Identify and discuss two different management theories which are applicable in case...........5
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................8
Management Thought and Practices_2

Management is an administration of an organisation which undertakes towards
accomplishing a goal in effective manner (Ainsworth, Bolderston and Garner, 2017). It allows
activities which conducts through strategies and better coordinate by manpower efforts
contributes for objectives attained. To form three level hierarchy by management such as top,
middle and lower management level in which roles and responsibilities are division as per
individual capabilities. In every organisation management main objective is to handle overall
work in systematic or compliance oriented manner.
As per this report, the organisation is retail base Allstyles departmental stores in which
Rebecca name works as General manager. She has responsibility to manage overall stores,
communicating within clients for business related work (Camic and et. al., 2018). Allstyles is
having 10 department in which there is wide range of man and women product enhance to
available on working days. In this following report, there is elaborate about different
management function and along with two recommendation of management styles or theories that
suitable for report objectives.
1. What management function and roles where Rebecca perform and along with importance in
Allstyles department stores.
The function management is one of most common type where organisation management,
the organisation is having specialises in grouped by areas within different functional areas. As
every organisation is specifically leads their internal and external task objectives by attainment
where planning, organising, directing and controlling. These function is majorly operates by
higher level individual to arrange as well as maintain organisation's working aspect through
strategically (Ceaser, 2018). As in context of Allstyles department, in which Rebecca might use
different management practises where she needs to handle inner and outer work performances.
Some how, Rebecca needs to conduct training and development to staff for improvising their
productivity in effective way. There are certain functions which Rebecca assort in Allstyles
department stores which is following elaborates:
Planning: This is one of main role of manager before to implement any strategy, it needs
to create plan that helps to meeting aims and objectives . It involves allocating employees
Management Thought and Practices_3

resources and delegating responsibilities where standard timelines approach to
accomplish target. Planning requires in management role where it continuously which is
needed to check team progress for accomplishing order where small arrangement where
to create clear picture of larger aims and objectives. Similarly, Rebecca needs to first
analyse situation and coordinate with administrative department for creating plan that
helps to attain satisfactory outcomes.
Organising: After creating plan where organisation skills that helps to ensure about
company or individual department that presumes to run in smooth way. As in perspective
of implementing towards internal process and structure to knowing which manpower or
team suited task as per individual capabilities. The practise of organising handle by
manager or leader where they are not assigned work but also motivates their manpower to
encourage for accomplishing their objectives in effective manner. As manager also need
to be recognise challenges that generate more conflicts to completing particular task for
achieve goals.
Directing: This function is generally operates by manager or leaders for better
comfortable with their team members. It effectively utilise to make confident and
comfortable during their challenges. Leadership and management styles plays an
important role as it helps to suggest situational base theory or tactics which effectively
get recognise to operates by reducing conflicts or challenges (Costa, 2017). According to
leadership and management practises allows to having judgement in fair manner and
provide opportunities in equality manner.
Controlling: It is a function where it tend to handle overall activity which working
towards company. As manager must consistency to monitor workforce, improve quality
of work and having reliability for better accomplishing project in effective manner. The
role of control in management is to empowering for adequate manner to met goals in
proper manner.
About Case study
These overall function is contribute to accomplish objectives for organisation that attain positive
outcomes. As Allstyles department is facing issues related with promotional activities where end
to end sales. This is tends to price reduction happen by staff where they can present into effective
manner for pitching product effectively. To handle the meeting by Rebecca where she explained
Management Thought and Practices_4

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