
UK Classification of Law and its Impact on Multilingual Organizations


Added on  2023-06-09

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1. UK classification of law
1.i. Definition of law within UK
UK Classification of Law and its Impact on Multilingual Organizations_1

The concept of the law is being defined within UK the rule and fundamental doctrine
that need to be followed and obey by every individual otherwise arbitrary cation would be
tend (York, 2022). Further, law is taken as the act of parliament which tend to have the
power and responsibility to create new law and change and make modification in the
existing law. Along with this the process of making law within UK tend to includes and
comprises of the creation and leading out an Act which is raised as a Bill that has been
than needed to be approved by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords and
after which it tend to been given to the Royal Assent by the Monarch. Finally, taken in a
together manner, Acts of Parliament tend to make up that is tend to be known as Statute
Law in the UK.
1.ii. Characteristics of the two main classifications of laws in UK
It has been seen ad find out that the UK law is tend to be classified into two main parts
comprises of the public and private law. The public law is tending to be the one which governs the
relationship and cases that taken between the citizen and the state. While on the other hand the
private law is the one that is tend to govern and represent the relationship between an individual
party or some sort of private organisation. Further, it has been seen that broadly the two main
classification of law of UK are co prises of the civil law and criminal law the main characteristics of
which are discussed and defined as below:
Civil law: It has been seen that the civil law forms out a part of the private law at the time
when differencing between civil and criminal law and the main characteristics of the civil law
tend to comprises and includes of all the areas that deals with any sort of the negligence
along with contacts disputes, family matters, employment, probate and all sort of land law.
along with the criminal law claims in England and wales tend to includes of the injury to a
person along with committed something wrong as per crucial law the hearing of which is
made for higher values cases are held within the both high court as well as the country
court. If a person is puts up the case that known as claimant and responsible for providing
the civil law that the defendant has committed the crime. And if the clamant wins the case a
recovery amount for the damaged caused is pay by the defendant (Petoft, Abbasi and Zali,
Criminal law- The main characteristics of the criminal law comprises of the fact that it
forms a part of the public law. Further, the key characteristics of the criminal law within the
UK tend to describes and brings out the boundaries which are tend to be taken as
acceptable conduct. Along with this, any person who tend to breaks out the criminal law is
considered to have committee the serious offence against the society as a whole and
comprises of strict verdict and harsh legal actions. Further, the criminal case includes of
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detailed investigation, polices arrests and interview the people who are tend to be made
and put under the surveillance. Once the case is tending to resolve the individuals who had
committee the crime is charged and report is sent to the Crown prosecution service (CPS)
(DeMott, 2022).
1) iii. three different Legal systems in UK
The three different legal system that are tending to prevail within UK are listed as below:
England and Wales- This legal tend to comprises and incudes of the law and legal
system which are administered and control by the courts of the England and Wales and
rule the both civil and criminal manner based on principle of common law.
Scotland –It tends to present and reflects about unique legal system prevailing within
the acts and based in the ancient Roman law (Wong, 2021).
Northern Ireland- It tend to present and reflect about the common law system of the
Northern Ireland that is administered by the courts of the Northern Ireland that is having
ultimate appeal to supreme courts of the UK for both civil and criminal matters.
2)UK source of law
2.i. Hierarchy of the principal sources of laws
It has been seen and analysed that the English law is mainly created and tend to have their
main source that comprises of legislation, case/ common law, EU law and the human rights law.
Further, the hierarchy of the principal sources of laws in the English Legal System tend to includes
and comprises of the Legislature, the executives and the judiciary. The legislature is the one who is
having the role in constitution to make a law. While the executives are the crown whose main
function is tend to exercise and function thigh the government consists of the Prime minister and
other authority such as police case services and local authority (Samuel and Kennett, 2020).
Finally, the judiciary tend to includes and comprises of the judge’s function who apply the law in the
2.ii. characteristics of the sources of laws
The key characteristics of the sources of law has been provided as below:
Legislation- This source of the law tends to comes for the bodies as well as the
person authorised by the parliament to carte and enact the law. For instance, the
Scotland Act 1998 passed by Westminster Parliament to create a Scottish Parliament.
Further, it has been also seen and find out that the legislation also consolidates and
codify the law and tend to brings all law under the topic based in inclusive of custom.
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