
Crisis in UK Prison System: Reasons and Solutions


Added on  2023-06-18

10 Pages3489 Words390 Views
Healthcare and Research
Criminal Justice
System essay
Crisis in UK Prison System: Reasons and Solutions_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................8
Crisis in UK Prison System: Reasons and Solutions_2

The criminal justice system is the important part of UK which promotes a proper network
which is implemented by the government and all the other agencies being hold privately so as to
manage the conviction and to attain and manage the criminal intentionally. This is en framed
through different cultures and the practises in which the forensic services, law enforcement,
corrections, judiciary and all the other legal services and administration are incorporated. The
main aim of criminal justice system is to manage and regularise the justice in the society and also
to create a public safety and other imposed methods. As for all the citizens living in UK this
provides the methods and the means through which all the reformation and the other general
nature and characters are being applicable. The convicted persons are mainly being shifted to
prisons and they will have to be in reform for that particular time period(McNaull, 2021). This
essay will cover the crisis which are been faced by the prison system in UK. Further it will also
cover the reasons and the methods through which this can be removed.
Prison system in UK is generally being made in order to punish the offenders as this is managed
and are framed in order to punish all the offenders in the country who are engaged in affecting
the safety of the public. They are made in order to punish all the offenders and also to reduce the
crime rate in the country. As there is believed by them that removal of any person can remove
the crime too. It leads out to be the social issue in which the challenges and the other
interpersonal conflicts can be removed. Their can be seen that population in Prison is increasing
enormously from 1950 where their were about 20,000 prisoners to 85,843 as of now. As in the
recent time their can be seen that the condition of prisons are getting worsen there is been
analysed that the major effect and the issues were being enlighten in the prison reforms (San,
Bastug, and Basli, 2021).
Reason of crisis of all the prison system in UK as it is been seen that the prisons in UK
are in deep crisis, as per the report of council of Europe committee for prevention of torture
(CPT). Their the complaint was been raised by the prisoners that the prisons are merely unsafe
for them and along with it there is over crowding and violence which was immaterially being
analysed. The main issues which are been seen in all the prisons are like the inter prisoners
violence thorough which all the assaults and the other violence with the co-prisoners are being
Crisis in UK Prison System: Reasons and Solutions_3

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