
Understand Children And Young Person's Development


Added on  2020-10-22

14 Pages4306 Words230 Views
Understand Children AndYoungPerson'sDevelopment
Understand Children And Young Person's Development_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development that would normally beexpected in children and young people.......................................................................................11.2 Analyse the difference between sequence of development and rate of development...........21.3 Analyse the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow thepattern normally expected............................................................................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................32.1 Analyse how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range ofpersonal factors............................................................................................................................32.2 Analyse how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range ofexternal factors.............................................................................................................................32.3 Explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development influencecurrent practice............................................................................................................................4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................43.1 Analyse the importance of early identification of development delay..................................43.2 Explain the potential risks of late recognition of development delay...................................53.3 Evaluate how multi agency teams work together to support all aspects of development inchildren and young people...........................................................................................................53.4 Explain how play and leisure activities can be used to support all aspects of developmentof children and young people......................................................................................................6TASK 4............................................................................................................................................64.1 Explain how different types of transitions can affect children and young people’sdevelopment.................................................................................................................................64.2 Explain the importance of children and young people having positive relationships throughperiods of transition.....................................................................................................................74.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of positive relationships on children and young people’sdevelopment.................................................................................................................................7TASK 5............................................................................................................................................7
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5.1 Explain different methods of assessing, recording and monitoring children and youngpeople’s development..................................................................................................................75.2 Explain how and in what circumstances different methods for assessing, recording andmonitoring children and young people’s.....................................................................................85.3 Explain how different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for childrenand young people.........................................................................................................................85.4 Evaluate the importance of accurate documentation regarding the development of childrenand young people.........................................................................................................................9CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONA child’s development can be measured and evaluated through social, emotional,physical, and intellectual and language developmental milestones. All the children and youngpeople should follow same pattern of improvement so that order in which each child advancesfrom one landmark. Thus, each child will develop at various rates and their development may notprogress towards high level such as making improvement in knowledge and understanding(Rutland and Killen, 2015). This is essential for understanding that how children formulatephysically, socially and intellectually in order to know that all the areas of development areessential as each other. The main motive of this report is to analyse the sequence and rate of eachfactor of development that can expected in children and young people. Along with this, it isdescribed that how children play and work in leisure activities for continuous development. TASK 11.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development that would normally beexpected in children and young peopleThere are various areas of development that would normally be expected in children andyoung people that are described as under:Physical development:0-7 years – They are generally very fast and rapid and also they have lot of control overtheir bodies. The child whose age is between 1 and 2 years are walking start and toys arecarried by them. Also they are more independent which increasing their mobility andclimbing skills. As they run, catch and walk up and down stairs etc. 7- 13 years – In this age of child are grow taller and diluent, also lose their first teeth.They start to have hobbies and interest that means they are practised in certain areas suchas singing, football, dancing etc. 13- 19 years – The physical development of such age of children is very different in eachchild. Some may be just starting their mature physically and others are already forreached with full physical adulthood (Rutland and Killen, 2015). At the age of 19 year,girls may have reached with maturity but boys continue grow until their mid of 20s. Communication: 1
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