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Understanding and Leading Change


Added on  2023/01/05

PowerPoint Presentation
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This presentation discusses the importance of understanding and leading change in an organization. It explores different leadership approaches to deal with change and highlights the positive and negative factors to consider. Find study material and solved assignments on Desklib.

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Understanding and
Leading Change

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Different leadership approaches to deal with change
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In an organisation change are an important and the powerful things because it brings
various opportunities or protection from threats to achieve growth and success. The
change can be symbolizes as transformation of the existing activities. It is also
suggested that the business environment reflects unsuitability and UN-sustainable
factors including external and the internal nature and entities to modify the strategies,
procedures and important activities. It is important to understand and address them for
surviving in the cut throat competition.
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Different leadership approaches to deal with change
In an organisation, the leadership approach refers to the guidance, direction and
motivating the employees so that they will work with the best of ability. A leader
follow one more approaches to influence aphids or activities of an individual or a
group. These are explained below :
Autocratic leaders: This type of approach is very rigid because to executing the
plans and decision, there is a need to have high skills and knowledge so that there
will be ultimate decisions to be made but it creates a lot of problems because there
is a decision of a single leader and others has to manage it. It can be used as a
prompt decisions. For example, Blake Logitech Management adopt this approach
for preparing of the plans. Negative outcomes of this approach includes sales and
turnover in employment and high absenteeism.

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Democratic leaders: This type of approach is completely opposite to the
autocratic approach. The final decision is taken by the employees and it
includes some set of ideas. This approach exercises active participation of
team members which temperature send to show innovation in their
performance. Blake Logitech Management can apply this approach on the
basis of any matters of changes which has been taking place in organization
culture. Expectations and queries of an individual working in the company is
important to consider for providing them high job satisfaction and motivate
them to increase their productivity.
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Laissez faire: This approach includes freedom to the employees. Work sharing
and motivation is an important agenda to be taken into the consideration. This
approach is quiet helpful in creating the relationship which is very close.
Individuals get a sense of belongingness and connect with the company which
helps in retaining them and increase their efficiency. Blake Logitech
management understands the problems for reasons of resistance by the
employees in accepting the changes.
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Transformational leadership: It refers to such type of approach in which there
will me more emotional stability and empathetic sub ordinates. Motivated
employees are based on the fact that every individual person will be valuable
and the company is expected to work with the best of ability. Also, leaders
take the responsibility of the outcomes. Blake Logitech management uses this
approach to resolve the conflicts in an appropriate manner so that the decisions
will be taken in an appropriate manner.

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Kotter's change model:Changes are very effective for the performance of
organization, for the success we have make regular changes on the planing by
doing smart and hard work related to that change have to done. The Blake
Logitech management is always focused about the changes in there services
according to the customer demands by analysing all needs of customer. There
are the 8 step of changes which have to done.
Create: first step of change is to analyse the important of that change.
Build: second step is to make a group for the accomplishment of that change.
Form: development of plains on the basis of change have to done for
completing it.
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Situational Leadership: It involves leading workers and employees according to
situation, basis of follower ability and understanding, where the leaders
perform as a partner not as a boss. It involves the use of different leadership
style on the basis of individual need and there ability. Here leader have to
understand their team members and lead them related to observation by co-
operating. Blake logitech management is using this type of leadership for the
better outcome of team work.
There are the four styles of situational leadership helps in proper team leading.
Supporting style: This style involve the hinger support rather then command
towards the team members. Leader have to fulfil all supporting needs.
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From the above report, it has been concluded that the understand and leadership
change is beyond control for any employee or a person who is working in the
organisation. It is important to understand and accept the change for making
immediate adjustments in the business practices in order to save time and
money. In addition to this, the report includes positive and negative factors
which needs to be taken into the consideration so that there must be an
enrichment analysation of organisation.
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