
Understanding and Leading Change Assignment - Burger King


Added on  2020-10-22

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Leadership Management
Understanding and LeadingChange
Understanding and Leading Change Assignment - Burger King_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................3LO1.......................................................................................................................................................3P1 Compare different organisational examples where there has been an impact of change on an organisation’s strategy and operations .......................................................................................3M1 Different drivers for change in each of the given examples and the types of organisational change they have affected...........................................................................................................5LO2.......................................................................................................................................................6P2 The ways in which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, team and individual behaviours within an organisation.............................................................................6P3 Measures that can be taken to minimise negative impacts of change on organisational behaviour.....................................................................................................................................7M2 Apply appropriate theories and models to critically evaluate organisational response to change.........................................................................................................................................8D1 Draw conclusions and recommendations with valid justifications for planning effectively for change and applying change impact analysis............................................................................10CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................10
Understanding and Leading Change Assignment - Burger King_2

INTRODUCTIONUnderstanding and leading change refers to the problems and conflicts which came fromchange in organisation. From the change it has to understand that what changes may effected by theenvironmental factors. Organisation understands the major problems which comes with change andtry to solve the conflicts. Burger King is global fast food chain market and its headquarter issituated in the US. It is the fifth largest food chain market in the world. Other organisation isSainsbury's which have second largest retail chain market in UK. It has the biggest share in thesupermarket. This file will include following-the ways in which organisation change make impacton the organisations' strategy and operations, the influences that drivers of change have onorganisational behaviour.LO1P1 Compare different organisational examples where there has been an impact of change on anorganisation’s strategy and operationsOrganisation change is the process in which an organisation change on the basis of presentand past scenario. It considers a wide change in the organisation in effective manner. There are twoorganisations Sainsbury's and Burger King and they both have changed in itself. It makes impact onthe strategies and operations of the organisation. It also impacts on internal and externalenvironment of the organisation (Coghlan and Shani, 2015). Changes in Sainsbury'sChief Executive Officer of Sainsbury's decided to cut off the jobs. and they decided to cutmany of the jobs just because of lack of money and combined the jobs in one role. It faced the pricewar so they need to be change in the organisations' strategy and operations and in the process. Theyapplied strategy of The Best products in fair price, their values make the different, they know thattheir customers are better than anyone.Impact of changes -This made good impact on the operations of the organisation because organisation cut thejobs and give responsibilities to the one person and that person leads the role of two people and itmade their financial condition better and thing impacted on the organisation in positive manner.Cutting off jobs made impact on the organisations operations and strategy because they reduce thejobs and it makes impact on the organisation due to price wars (Drago-Severson and Blum-DeStefano, 2018). The new strategy is planned that they started to use the price in quality product.The money which they saved from cutting off the jobs, used to increase the quality of the products.
Understanding and Leading Change Assignment - Burger King_3

It impacted in good manner because people like quality product in low price. It increased thedemand of the products and made organisation profitable.Changes in Burger King- Burger King decided to change in the structure and architecture of the organisation and usethat to alternative of their company culture. They also combined their global department andoperational departments. They know that it leads the accountability of the organisation. It appliedstrategy to spread off all around the world, increase in stores and market.Burger King changed the organisations' architecture and culture but the problem was that theirchanged was not fit into the competitive strategy not fit into the competitive strategy. Impact of changes- Change in structure has also made positive impact because people got attracted with it andbest structure with the best quality in low price and with providing better service and operations.and to correct this, Burger King cutting off many employees. Human resource department said thatthis was important for increase the efficiency of the organisation. It made positive impact on theBurger King due to quality food with low cost and good taste. This strategy helped the BurgerKing to achieve the goal and this thing also make them fifth largest food supply chain in countryand it is the big thing.M1 Different drivers for change in each of the given examples and the types of organisationalchange they have affectedThey made the products with low price and best quality. They focused on increase the quality of theproduct because customers always want quality product.In this the external driver affected them to change which is customers. Customers are the peoplewho helped the organisation to increasing the productivity of the company and they focused on thecustomers. They also changed due to organisational culture because they know that if the employeesin the organisation are happy then it is easy to solve the problems which faces by the organisation.This thing create profitability for the organisation. Types of organisational change they have affectedTransformational change-In it the organisation adopt the strategy which suits to them and which also suits to the rapidchanges of the organisation. In it the organisation do what suits the organisation. They both thinkabout fired to the employees and use that money in the quality product so they fired the employeesand manage the work through different strategies which followed by the employees.Organisational wide change-
Understanding and Leading Change Assignment - Burger King_4

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