
Time Management Solved Assignment


Added on  2021-02-20

14 Pages3446 Words29 Views
Professional DevelopmentCalculus and Analysis
Understanding Self and Others
Time Management Solved Assignment_1

REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY.....................................................................................................3
SUMMARY AND ACTION PLAN.....................................................................................................9
Time Management Solved Assignment_2

Core skill
Attention and focus are related to each other. Attention means giving your mind a direction from
a random thinking about a specific thought. An individual is required to be focused in order to
manage work significantly and minimising mistakes as well (Catmur, Cross and Over, 2016).
Importance of selected core skill
Bandura’s social cognitive theory explains that there are various factor that influence the
concentration level of individual. Person’s self efficacy always impacts on behaviour and
working pattern of individual hence focus and attention help in minimising issue of lack of
attention which supports the person in performing well in organisation.
This theory is very important as individual gain raise efficiency level by pay more focus on
actual work. Apart from this, attention gives opportunity to person to get promotion in the
career as well. Mischel cognitive affective personality system explains that interaction of person
with other create a perception in the mind of individual. Without a good focus and attention there is
no ability to think and it is a medium to our thinking. This thinking lead to a perception, reasoning
and develop problem solving skills and enhance the way we make decisions (Steinbeis, 2016). Our
learning capacity develop and it gives a direction to our thinking. I selected this skill as it will
increase by focus on work and efficiency.
Current competence
This skill of mine is good , I am able to pay close attention on my work hence I can complete
given work significantly.
Self assessment:-For assessing the competence I used Concentration and focus skill test
which helped me to know despite distraction I was concentrated towards my work or not.
The test concluded that I am focused in my work
Feedback from peers:- I evaluated my capability by asking my team members whether I
focus on my work or not. There feedback was that I work with focus and always attentive
to my work.
Tutor's feedback:-He also gave positive feedback that I am attentive and concentrate on
my work.
Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above? For example, is there a match
between how you see yourself and how others see you, or not?
Time Management Solved Assignment_3

No I didn't felt any contradiction from views of peer group members and tutor feedback, I am
attentive person and focus towards my work.
How might this skill help me in the future
In near future this skill will help me out because I would be able to complete my allotted work
effective without any failure. Apart from this, I can easily improve my quality of work by focusing
on my given responsibilities . I will be good for a team and can work in any environment. People
will feel fortunate to work with me and with my new ideas and focus on work can help me to lead
my team. In future I will be able to work more efficiently and doing productive work for me and
my team. This also develop self discipline in me. My value to work in a team will increase and I
can give my 100% to achieve the tasks assign to me. My learning capacity will increase and I can
utilize it for development of my organisation (Catmur, Cross and Over, 2016).
What is the core skill to develop?
Time management is the potentiality to use time effectually to complete the work in a given
period. This process need a planning and execution of that plan in right direction in short period
which will lower the stress of the person and will result in success of the task given (Komives,
Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? (use relevant
theories and concepts to support your answer)
Pickle Jar theory explains that an individual is required to prioritise the work and have to
understand whether time will be finished on time or not. Time management skill helps in
scheduling the task and setting goals to reach the target on time. With help of this skill person can
differentiate between tasks and arrange them on priority bases(Serrat, 2017). I selected this skill to
develop my quality of work without taking any sort of stress and to focus on new opportunities
coming in may hand.
Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess your competence
My time management skill is not up to the mark, I can not manage my work on time if I am in
heavy workload.
Self assessment:-When I was working in my team, I had a thinking that I do manage things
on time. Whenever any task was given to me I worked so hard to complete it on time. But
the stress level was too high. So I used Jung personality Test which helped me out to
know why I was lacking in it.
Tutor's feedback:-My tutor has given feed back that I am unable to manage my time
Time Management Solved Assignment_4

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