
Understanding the Learning Process in Health and Social Care


Added on  2024-06-11

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Understanding the learning process
Understanding the Learning Process in Health and Social Care_1

Table of Contents
Task 1.........................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Explain how different domains of learning apply to learn in health and social care...........5
1.3 Analyse how theories of learning relate to the development of understanding and skills in
health and social care.................................................................................................................7
M2 Techniques and theories of learning have been applied to the development of
understanding and skills in health and social care.....................................................................9
Task 2.......................................................................................................................................10
1.2 Explain different ways in which learning can occur in health and social care workplaces
M1 Different theories/techniques in which learning can occur in health and social care
Task 3.......................................................................................................................................12
Part 1........................................................................................................................................12
2.2 Explain the concepts of learning styles..............................................................................12
2.1 Explain factors that influence effective learning development..........................................13
2.3 Use the VARK system or Honey and Mumford test to assess your own learning style....14
2.4 Various influences that affect your own learning in relation to the learning theory..........15
M3 Explain the concepts of learning styles and its influences on learning and development of
D1 Realistic improvements have been proposed against factors that influence your own
learning. Make relationships with learning theories................................................................17
Understanding the Learning Process in Health and Social Care_2

Task 4 - Case Scenario.............................................................................................................18
3.1 Describe factors to be considered when planning a workplace learning programme....18
3.2 Present relevant teaching strategies to support the learning of other for a health and
social care workplace...........................................................................................................19
3.3 Suggest a strategy for delivering and assessing learning in a health and social care
D2 In your workplace plan takes responsibility for designing your plan and implementing
your plan effectively. You must ensure you manage and organise relevant activities
4.1 Explain barriers to learning that may be encountered by individuals in the health and
social care workplace...........................................................................................................22
4.2 Describe methods of identifying individual learning needs...........................................23
4.3 Evaluate different approaches that could be adapted to support the individual learning
needs of health and social care workers...............................................................................24
D3 Innovation and creative thought have been applied when evaluating strategies to
support individuals with learning difficulties/ disabilities in their learning........................25
Appendix 1...............................................................................................................................29
Understanding the Learning Process in Health and Social Care_3

Learning is an essential aspect of each and every kind of business and its concern operations.
An individual has to understand the learning process properly so that they will be going to
explore their skills in a better manner. This project is based on understanding the learning
process in health and social care. This project consists four sections out of which first is essay
writing which will be going to define various theories of learning. It will be also going to
depict about the impact of learning style on learning individual. Moreover, there will be
various strategies suggested for delivering and assessing learning in health and social care
context. It will also state individual learning needs of health and social care context.
Understanding the Learning Process in Health and Social Care_4

Task 1
1.1 Explain how different domains of learning apply to learn in health and
social care
The learning process is not limited in nature and essential for lifelong so that skills will be get
improved. In a life of a person, there is a need for learning so that their overall experience
tends to rises. In health and social care, care users learn a new thing by interacting and
dealing with a new individual. For defining learning domains, a major concept which requires
implementing in Health and social care is Bloom Taxonomy which enables and support in
applying to learn in health and social care process.
Bloom Taxonomy was created in 1956 by Dr Benjamin Bloom for promoting higher forms of
thinking in order to facilitate better learning. In health and social care, it can be often used so
that learning process will facilitate better and ineffective manner. Under this Taxonomy of
learning, there are mainly three major domains evaluated which facilitate and support
effective learning in HSC for delivering proper services (Sincero, 2018):
Cognitive: This domain of Taxonomy defines the development of knowledge and intellectual
skills as well. The cognitive domain describes three practical and instructional aspects which
are factor, understanding and application. Cognitive domain supports in enhancing
knowledge by acquiring it from others along with the development of mental skills. This
domain basically concentrates on six factors of knowledge, comprehension, application,
analysis, synthesis and evaluation. In health and social care context, such personalities
require which can recall everything at the proper time related with patients. They also have to
get learn about things related to an individual properly by reflecting on own knowledge in a
defined situation. Such people who want to work in HSC need the ability to differentiate the
things between facts and opinion. Thus, cognitive domain is helpful in reflecting learning at
Affective: Under this domain aspect which facilitates in order to deal with things stated
properly. Affective domain is associated with aspects which enable in dealing things
emotionally like feelings, attitude etc. Thus, in HSC learning also includes about emotional,
feelings and attitude towards a particular consent at the time of learning. Affective domain
then divided into 5 other subdomains which include receiving phenomenon, response towards
Understanding the Learning Process in Health and Social Care_5

phenomena, valuing, organisation and characteristics. Learning in health and social care
requires defining these things proper to an individual so that they will be going to response
towards things effectively.
Psychomotor: This domain includes physical movement, coordination and motor skills
coordination. Under psychomotor domain, a person learns the handling of the manual task to
complex situations properly. In Health and social care, the complex situation always arises
like handling a person etc. Thus, for a person, it is an important stance to learn this thing
properly and effectively. This domain also has certain subdomains which are perception, set,
guided response, mechanism, adaptation and origination.
Understanding the Learning Process in Health and Social Care_6

1.3 Analyse how theories of learning relate to the development of
understanding and skills in health and social care
Health and social care service providers support an individual socially so that their deviation
in life would be controlled. It is an important aspect that development of an individual
understanding and skills in HSC. This growth facilitates and support in delivering of services
so that they will be going to treat each person with dignity. This development of
understanding and skills only get done with suitable learning theories. There are various
learning theories evaluated which need to relate with development of understanding and skills
in HSC for drawing and delivering proper learning as well as effective delivering of services:
Sensory stimulation theory, learning process is life-long which takes place for entire life-
spam. It is really important to draw better theory of learning in HSC so that optimum and
suitable enforcement of learning get done (Oxford Brookes University, 2011). One of an
important theory of learning is sensory simulation theory which defines that effective
learning lead to take place when senses got simulated or a process leads to take place
properly. Like many adults learn things by watching them. At the time of watching their
senses are in active preposition which facilitates them in better and effective learning. Visual
senses enhance ability of learning by 60% - 70%. This kind of learning is helpful in HSC
where a person development will be going to take place when they watch things in smart
classes and refer to certain live examples. Sensory simulation theory is helpful in learn many
things but only at the time when senses are in process or active.
Reinforcement theory, a person not only learns things through senses but also get understand
facts by reinforcing things properly. This reinforcement will be going to take place when a
positive behaviour got followed up. Learners always repeat such things which define positive
behaviour so that better and effective understanding will be going to take place. Along with
this, learners always want some appreciation so that positive working and operations take
place. These rewards could be in the form of verbal form or in written as well by providing
certificate and higher level position. In health and social care services, learners need positive
reinforcement while learning new things such as handling of operations, patients etc. This
will be going to build up their skills of adopting new things with drafting positive and
negative stances effectively.
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Experimental learning, apart from reinforcement learning, sensory simulation theory, there
are certain more number of theories interpret. These theories are associated with experimental
learning where person learns new things and aspects by experiments. This kind of learning
also enables in acquiring things from outside the educational world which impose them in
align work in real life context. Health and social care individuals can experience aspects
before going in a job at the time of internship. This theory of learning is helpful in developing
an individual understanding and skills so that their future growth could be estimated.
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