
Unit 11 Research Project : Assignment


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Languages and CulturePhilosophy
Unit 11 – ResearchProject
Unit 11 Research Project : Assignment_1

Table of ContentsTOPIC: The benefits and drawbacks of a global business environment.........................................3CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................31.1 Overview of the Research.....................................................................................................31.2 Background of Research.......................................................................................................3Rationale of Research.................................................................................................................3Aim of the Research....................................................................................................................4Research Objectives....................................................................................................................4Research Questions.....................................................................................................................4Gantt Chart..................................................................................................................................4CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................4Concept of Globalisation.............................................................................................................5Impact of Globalisation on Business Success of Vodafone PLC...............................................6Barriers of Globalisation which Affects Business Success of Vodafone PLC...........................6Recommend Different Ways Through Barriers of Globalisation can Resolved.........................7CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................8CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS................................................................................................11FREQUENCIES........................................................................................................................12THEMATIC DATA ANALYSIS.............................................................................................15CHAPTER 5 : CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................20REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................21
Unit 11 Research Project : Assignment_2

TOPIC: The benefits and drawbacks of a global business environmentCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONResearch refers to the process with the help of which it is possible to have properknowledge by doing investigation on the provided topic of the research. Research consists ofmany important activities with the help of which successful completion of the research is madesure. 1.1 Overview of the ResearchIn the following research, the discussion will be made about the benefits and drawbacksof the global business environment in which an organisation is dealing on. In the current times,the consideration is related to impacts of positive and negative impacts which an organisation hasto bear at the time of making their business operations at international level(Omland and Thapa,2017). The company chosen for the completion of this assignment is Vodafone which wasfounded in the year 1991 and is headquartered in London. The following organisation providestheir customers with different types of telecommunication services such as mobile phone,broadband, internet television and many more for satisfying the needs and demands of theircustomers across the world. 1.2 Background of ResearchIn telecommunication industry, it is important for the organisations to take intoconsideration about their network strengths and other technical things with the help of whichimproved services could be provided to their customers and also to make improvements in theirsatisfaction level also. In order to make proper expansion of business of the Vodafone in the newcountry or market, it is important to tackle with different aspects of the business environment.The consideration regarding these aspects will help the company in dealing good with thechanges and will help in proper establishment of business in the new environment. The factorswhich are needed to be considered are legal environment, market conditions, tastes andpreferences of customers and many more which impacts directly upon the working oforganisation. Rationale of ResearchThe reason behind conducting research on the following topic is related to increasingissues of business failures in the world. As there are different factors which are not taken into
Unit 11 Research Project : Assignment_3

consideration by the companies working on expansion process(Anwer. and Zarro, 2016). As anexample, lack of planning, incapability of employees and many more impacting negatively onthe processes of expansion of an organisation. Due to this reason, the importance of conductingresearch on this topic has increased so that the issues faced by companies in expanding theirbusiness could be resolved. Aim of the ResearchTo identify the benefits and drawbacks of globalisation the working of anorganisation. A case study on Vodafone PLC. Research ObjectivesTo understand the Concept of Globalisation.To analyse the Impact of Globalisation on Business Success of Vodafone PLC.To know about the Barriers of Globalisation which Affects Business Success ofVodafone PLC.Recommend some ways with the help of which Barriers to Globalisation could beResolved by Vodafone PLC. Research QuestionsDo you know about the Concept of Globalisation?What is the Impact of Globalisation on Business Success of Vodafone PLC?Do you know about the Barriers of Globalisation which Affects Business Success ofVodafone PLC?Recommend some ways with the help of which Barriers to Globalisation could beResolved by Vodafone PLC. Gantt ChartIt refers to the graphical representation in the form of bar chart of diagram in order toprovide information about the different tasks are activities which are required in order tocomplete the research. The description of different activities which are needed to be performedare provided as under:CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEWLiterature Review can be defined as the scholarly paper, with the help of which currentknowledge in enhanced with the help of findings, theoretical and methodological contributions
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that have been made by single or some authors in relation to a particular topic. These are thesecondary sources of data with the help of which knowledge in relation to some topic isincreased and presented in front of the readers as well. So the explanation of objectives of thefollowing research in context of Vodafone Plc has been provided as under:Concept of GlobalisationAccording to John Williamson, 2019, globalisation refers to the process with the help ofwhich improvements are made in trade relations in between different countries, economies,government, companies with each other for the betterment and growth of trade in between them.Every country is not enriched with every type of products and services and raw materials. It isimportant for them to purchase some or the other things to purchase from other countries as well.This makes important for different countries to make satisfaction of their own needs anddemands. The fulfilment of needs and demands could be made possible only in the case thenthere exist a good relation in between different countries that could help in improvements in theirtrade relations. Additionally, globalization is substantially less of a reality in different fields thanit is in the financial one. Culture still shows solid national, and even local and nearby, varieties.While English is obviously during the time spent rising to be a typical world language, at anyrate as a subsequent language, minority dialects are making a big deal about a rebound, at anyrate in created nations. So this makes important for different countries to make their relationgood with other countries as well. The concept of globalisation is also related to this context withthe help of which trade restrictions are reduced to much extent so that trade could become easierin between different countries. This has made companies to make their business operations to beestablished in more than one country. By operating in more than one country, the sales andprofits of the company will increase and will positively impact upon the growth and developmentof the organisation such as Vodafone. Game is still altogether different around the globe: theAmericans have still not figured out how to play cricket, and the greater part of all of us havestill not figured out how to comprehend what they find in baseball. In spite of the fact that thecountry state is far less overwhelming than it used to be, with critical forces being decayed bothdownwards to provincial and neighbourhood specialists and upwards to worldwide and inEurope to supranational establishments legislative issues is as yet composed basically based oncountry states.
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Impact of Globalisation on Business Success of Vodafone PLCAccording to Mike Myatt, 2016, there has been severe impacts which has been created onthe working of an organisation with the help of globalisation and its factors. As it has been madeclear that globalisation enables business expansion to the single boundary to multiple boundariesof the world. The doors to taking business out of country is made sure with the processes oforganisation. So in case, the an organisation properly analysed the environment than it will bepossible to take positive benefit out of the processes of globalisation. The reason behind thesuccess of organisation such as Vodafone is also related with understanding and makingevaluation of the business environment of different places where it is established so that theorganisation could make formulation of proper policies and frameworks for the betterment andgrowth of the organisation. Along with analysing the business environment, the considerationabout the strategies and policies of government is also considered as it helps in the proper growthand development of the organisation. In addition to this, it also helps in proper formulation ofstrategies and policies that could help in making the business environment to be in the favour ofcompany. It also focuses on eradicating the issues and threats identified in way of growth anddevelopment of the company. The consideration related to legal factors is also taken so that theintervention of government related to a specific business could be known with the help of whichdecision related to business setup could be taken or not(Amaratunga, Haigh and Ingirige, 2015).The possibilities related to reduction in the impact of governmental intervention will also befound so as to make the establishment of business to be success in a country. The main factors ofglobalisation are the technological advancements and financial liberalisation which influencesupon the growth and development of a business. Ethical working of Vodafone and good qualityservices provided to their customers helped the company a lot in the making a good place in theinternational market and get success in their goals and objectives. Barriers of Globalisation which Affects Business Success of Vodafone PLCAccording to GERALD P.DINNEEN, 2019, technology has impacted upon the businesssuccess of an organisation in the business environment. Mere expansion of business is notimportant but along with this, it is also important to maintain and improve the market share andtechnical advancements in the business. As in the today's world, the most important aspect in anorganisation is related to advancements in technology and easiness provided to customers withthe help of products and services. In case, business is expanded but the research and
Unit 11 Research Project : Assignment_6

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