
Equality and diversity in the workplace


Added on  2023-01-12

22 Pages5181 Words45 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big DataSociology
Research Project
Equality and diversity in the workplace_1

Research Project..............................................................................................................................1
TITLE: Equality and diversity in the workplace.............................................................................3
A) INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................3
Research aim................................................................................................................................3
Objectives of research..................................................................................................................3
Research questions.......................................................................................................................3
Rationale of research...................................................................................................................4
B) LITERATURE REVIEW...........................................................................................................4
Importance of gender equality for success of an organisation....................................................4
Impact of gender inequality on performance of employees........................................................5
Strategies ASDA should adopt to promote gender equality at workplace..................................6
C) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...............................................................................................7
D) DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION......................................................................10
Data Analysis.............................................................................................................................10
Data Interpretation.....................................................................................................................11
E) REASEARCH OUTCOMES....................................................................................................18
G) CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................19
H) RECOMMENDATIONS.........................................................................................................20
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TITLE: Equality and diversity in the workplace
Gender equality is a state where both gender are treated equally. Both genders get same
opportunities- economic, political etc. Organisations who support gender equality seen a
progress in their work and there working environment is also positive. Women and men both
work together without any kind of discrimination and this ensure their success. With diversity in
organisations, the chances to become successful increases (Flood and Howson, 2015). When
different mind work together, it leads to a better outcome. In this research project, the chosen
organisation is ASDA which is a British supermarket retailer which was established in year 1949
in London, United Kingdom. This report is based on the topic To examine the impact of gender
equality in leadership and management on company's growth. A case study on ASDA.” The aim
and objectives of this study are mentioned below.
Research aim
Aim of this study is “To examine the impact of gender equality in leadership and
management on company's growth. A case study on ASDA.”
Objectives of research
Objectives in context of this research are mentioned below:
To study the importance of gender equality for success of an organisation.
To determine the impact of gender inequality on employee's performance.
To identify various strategies that ASDA should adopt to promote gender equality at
Research questions
The questions of this research are mentioned below:
What is the importance of gender equality for success of an organisation?
What is the impact of gender inequality on performance of employees?
Which strategies ASDA should adopt to promote gender equality at workplace?
Rationale of research
The reason behind conducting this research is to analyse the influence of gender equality in
leadership and management on growth of company. This research helps in analysing the
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significance of gender equality for success of organisation along with its impact on performance
of employees. It also helps in determining the strategies which helps in promoting gender
equality at workplace (Koskinen Sandberg, 2017). This research is significant as it helps the
organisation in attaining growth and success in market by maintaining gender equality at
Importance of gender equality for success of an organisation
As per the view point of Hideg and Ferris, (2016), Gender equality is also known as
equality of sexes or sexual equality, is a state where both gender has equally access to
opportunities and resources irrespective of their gender. Both gender gets equal right in every
sphere whether it's economic, political or organisational. Gender equality is the ultimate aim of
every society. Gender equality is not only equal representation but more than that, it is strongly
connected to women's rights. According to a study, gender equality means both men, and women
and boys and girls, enjoy the same and equal rights, opportunities, resources and protections.
Accomplishing gender equality is main for workplaces not because only it is right thing or fair
but also because it is directly linked to country's development and overall economic
performance. It is also associated with economic growth and national productivity. Inequality
between men and women doesn't only affect singular - it can affect entire nation economies.
Gender equality benefits nation as a whole. An organisation working together without gender
inequality brightens future of all (Kato and Kodama, 2015). Both genders are equally eligible for
the same task. Sustainable development grows when gender discrimination ends towards women
and give them equal opportunities in the area of education and employment. Because when all
individuals get opportunities in organisations it will lead into a better future and better economic
results. Some organisation treat men and women equally while some don't. Those organisations
who treat both gender equally is more likely to see positive results and positive environment,
while the ones who don't give them equal opportunities ended up having not as successful as the
other ones. Both gender has their own advantages, when they both come together and work in
organisations the economy increase, productivity increase and the wellbeing of people increase.
Organisation with gender equality pays both men and women equally for the equal work.
Collectively work in organisations make a massive impact on its performance in market.
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Impact of gender inequality on performance of employees
According to the view point of Ali, (2016), gender inequality in organisations means where
men and women doesn't access to same opportunities, same pay for the same amount of work. In
gender inequality in organisations one gender i.e. men put over the another i.e. women. It has
several negative impacts on individuals. The environment and productivity level decreases of the
organisation. Gender inequality has many forms, the main one is the difference in salary between
men and women doing same work. Gender receiving unequal treatment only based solely on
gender. Gender disparity have really negative effects, it affects individuals as well as an
economy performance of organisations (Krishnaswamy, 2016). Gender inequality has direct link
to mental health, people experience harassment in organisations which could lead to anxiety and
depression. Such acts not only affect victims of the harassment, but the vibes also extend towards
other members of the organisations. Morale, energy and the meaning of whole team snapped or
exhausted with the presence of inequality. Unfair treatment also increases level of stress which
can lead greater chances of illness. This situation causes employees to get absent from the job or
tardy because of health issues. When employees don't feel like doing work, they always avoid
work cost business productivity. Satisfaction in job comes with the autonomy and learning new
talents, but when there is sexes inequality happening in organisations, people never reach the
high level and thus they never satisfied with the job. Increased turnover- because a negative
impact on individual’s health and happiness, gender harassment increases the possibility of
employee turnover. Women more than men leave jobs because of the discrimination or inflexible
work hours or lack of females in organisations. If after that another woman joins and
discrimination continues, the cycle repeats. When sexual harassment exists in organisations, the
culture of company can be less involving in sexual harassment cases. Victims of sexual
harassment are less likely to come forward against the company's bad behaviour because they
feel their problem will not be address or taken seriously. This impacts the performance of
employees adversely (Kirton and Greene, 2015).
Strategies ASDA should adopt to promote gender equality at workplace
As per the view point of Winchester and Browning, (2015), there are some strategies that
organizations should follow to promote gender equality at workplace-
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Reassess requirement of job for senior team of leadership - Companies that are recruiting
women for high positions should know what barriers they've built which prevents women to take
a step from filling them. Organization should consider all types of experience so the pool of
knowledge broadens in the organisation.
Expand applicant pool - if the aim is to create a diverse workplace, candidates also needs
to be heterogeneous. It should include both of gender as they have different capacities and
capabilities like women as engineers, contracting employees- both gender (Klarsfeld and et. al.,
Consider biases - Many organizations understand the concept unconscious bias, yet they
don't believe it happens in their company. Since it exists almost everywhere, hiring manager’s
resumes should not contain names in it, so that women don't need to face discrimination. And
organizations should not even ask their year gaps in resumes, which may be because of illness or
Reconsider your interview process - all candidates should have the same criteria of
joining, so not only women are asked how many hours they could work. There should be same
questions for both men and women (Ozturk and Tatli, A, 2016).
Make sure all workers get the same opportunity - men spend usually more time with
senior officers, to work on major projects, they are more close to promotions. Organizations
should have standards so all employees follow the standard to progress their careers, so this will
ensure that all are getting same opportunities.
Minimize the pay gap - a major point to work on. Gender pay gap should be reduced as
much as possible. Both gender should get the same money for the same amount of work, there
should be no privilege in this (Klein, 2016).
Make sure all individuals have access to guides - organisation with mentors will have no
gender discrimination in their programs. Under mentors’ guidance organisation will rise and
Research methodology is a process to collect information and data for taking research
decisions. There are several types of methodologies to collect data and information by
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