
Influence of Gender Equality on Business Productivity in Sainsbury's


Added on  2023-01-19

21 Pages7660 Words55 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPolitical Science
Research Project
Influence of Gender Equality on Business Productivity in Sainsbury's_1

Globalisation has provided companies with a lot of opportunities in terms of increasing
their profitability and market share. They can now hire people of different categories and utilise
their talents in gaining benefits. In this global world, where everybody has got an equal chance of
showing their talents there are some people who face gender inequality. Therefore, this report is
supported on the contact of gender equivalence and how it influences company in enhancing
productivity of the organization or individual itself. Management of the company has to take
care of the same and must ensure that everything goes right. Other than this, this report will
provide an insight of gender equality and its consequences after implementing the same at
workplace. Moreover, to do this research both primary and secondary research was taken into
consideration and focus was more on interview method. Therefore, it will be effective in
evaluating appropriate outcomes. In addition of this, quantitative research is also includes in this
investigation to assembling applicable data and content in an effectual style to draw a sound
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1
TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................1
P1 Research proposal ..................................................................................................................1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8
P4 ................................................................................................................................................9
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................10
P5 ..............................................................................................................................................10
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................13
P6 ..............................................................................................................................................13
P7 ..............................................................................................................................................14
RESEARCH LIMITATION..........................................................................................................16
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................17
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Title: To investigate the influence of gender equality on business productivity in
Gender equality is referring to the equal opportunities and chances provides individual at
working place. It is crucial for organization to maintain equality within their operational
functions for encouraging employees (Galea and et. al., 2015). It may aid in retaining workers
for longer duration within the company. Along with this, each and every individual wants to get
equal chances to show their abilities or efforts for organization goals which help them to acquire
positive response towards working culture of firm. This will impact positively over the
employees and organisation as well by improve their productivity ratio (Agénor and Canuto,
2015). For attaining the same, manager of company ensures that every individual whether they
are male or female get equal treatment and does not discriminated on the basis of pay, work and
gender. With the assistance of this, firm can keep workers productive and efficient on the basis
of the job activities. It may provide support to company in accomplishing success at market
place. Current investigation is focus on Sainsbury's, is one of renowned and big chain of grocery
store operate their business in UK. Firm focal point on serving foremost choice products to its
customers by analysing their needs and wants. This is attained by developing employees’
capabilities in handling their customers.
P1 Research proposal
Overview and background of the investigation
Equality is crucial concepts for every organisation and its workers as well. In this,
company is responsible for treating workers equally so that they can improve their involvement
within the activities and also tries to attain their target. The primary benefit of implementing
equality at workplace is to develop positive and healthy relation among all the employees
perform in company. This will improve productiveness of business organisation and its
workforce as well. Along with this, gender equality is the major concern for organisation as they
must ensure that each and every worker are treated equally (Alhejji, Ng, Garavan and Carbery,
2018). Due to which employees are encouraged and influence about their job roles at workplace.
This will be beneficial for organisation in reducing their employee turnover and also established
Influence of Gender Equality on Business Productivity in Sainsbury's_4

their affirmative image at market. It assists in inviting talented workers towards the company. In
this regard, gender inequality is referring to the female workers who get less as compare to male
female in their pay scale. This is the reason that women get demotivated at workplace and also
reduce their involvement (Ali, 2016). It may put negative impact on the employee’s relation and
arises issues among them. Thus, it is significant for Sainsbury's to maintain equality at work area
and also be fair with their employees so that they feel their value for company and tries to attain
their set targets. By this, firm increase their productivity level at market.
Research aim:
The primary purpose of this investigation is “To investigate the influence of gender
equality on business productivity in Sainsbury's.”
Research objectives:
To understand the concept of gender equality at workplace.
To evaluate the role of gender equality over workers performance in company.
To identify the major consequences of not implementing gender equality at workplace.
Research Questions:
What is the concept of gender equality at workplace?
What is the role of equality over workers performance within the company? What are the major consequences of not implementing gender equality at workplace?
Significance of Research
The primary intention of carry out current study is to analyse the determinant of gender
equality on Sainsbury's execution and productivity as well. This research provides vast
information to company and individual to improve their knowledge about gender equality and
why it is important (Grown, Addison and Tarp, 2016). By this research topic, investigator
analyse detailed content that help in accomplishing affirmative and reliable results within the
inquiry. It put positive impact on making whole research much successful and evidence based.
Furthermore, it is also effective for business organisation to analyse that managing gender
equality is beneficial to attaining growth at market place.
This phase of research plays a essential part in carry out study as it provides detailed or
critical information on the basis of research area. Primarily, it is related to information which are
Influence of Gender Equality on Business Productivity in Sainsbury's_5

already completed through other researcher and also published in online sources. This will aid in
providing vast and huge analysis to investigator to set research topic (Brunila and Ylöstalo,
2015). As it includes views of various authors about the selected research field that aid in
accomplishing effectual outcomes. Furthermore, it includes various aspects like books, journals,
articles, journal and so on. All are used to gather in-depth analysis to draw a valid result. Mainly,
this chapter focus on providing detailed information that include the related with the influence of
gender equality over the productivity of the organization. Under this researcher set some
objectives in order to analysis the overall information so that optimistic and reliable outcome can
be easy to attained. For this researcher consider view point of various authors on the basis of
authors in detailed form. The important focus of this section is to collection of data and
information about the gender equality at working area that assist in rising the possibilities of
eliminating the work discrimination. By this investigator easily gully a effectual judgement in
Concept of gender equality at workplace
According to Flynn, Haynes and Kilgour, 2017, gender equality is maintain or attained
when both male and female worker are get the equal rights and chances within the company and
society as well. Mainly, it is a fundamental human right that is crucial for company to protect as
it helps in maintaining healthy connection between all the employees at workplace. Along with
this, gender equality also includes the interests, needs and priorities of both male and female are
taken into consideration. Thus, it is essential for business organisation to maintain equality at
workplace that may support in ex-hortatory person to give their best efforts and accomplished
their targets as well. In business organisation, gender equivalence is manage when individual is
capable to utilize same rewards, opportunities, resources thoughtless of gender. It arises when
female employee continues to earn less than men. This can be put negatively impact over the
workers execution at on the job area and also may reduce company performance. In this regard,
company is responsible for providing equal pay for work of comparable value (Shannon and et.
al., 2019). Through, company can easily retain workers and also improve their optimistic brand
image as well. In this regard, workplace gender equality is related with improve productivity
level of national and economic growth, organisational presentation, enhance ability of company
Influence of Gender Equality on Business Productivity in Sainsbury's_6

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