
Impact of Staff Motivation Schemes on Employee Retention


Added on  2022-11-29

11 Pages2732 Words158 Views
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Section One: Title, aims, objectives
Title: Impact of staff motivation schemes regarding employee’s retention. A case study on M&S
Talent management is one of important concept in the recent world. As employees are the key element of
every company so it made necessary for every company to have am implication of talent management in the
workplace so that the employees will retain in the company and the company can accomplish its objectives. Talent
management refers to a process in which Human resource will apart from attracting the talented employees
towards the company also plays an important role in terms of motivation and development of employees.
Motivation plays an important role in respect to the retention of employees in the company. highly motivated
employees will along with retaining in the company also assist it to grab its objectives.
To evaluate the impact of employee’s motivation with regard to their retention. A case study on M&S.
To determine the concept of employee’s motivation.
To evaluate the role of staff retention in talent management.
To analyse the impact of motivation on staff retention.
To recommended the ways of retaining employees.
Research questions:
What is employee’s motivation?
What is the role of staff retention in talent management?
What is the impact of motivation on staff retention?
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What are the ways by which employees will be retained?
With regard to the performance of the research the following hypothesis may persist:
The working culture of the company may change and turn to employees oriented.
The nature and perspective with regard to employee’s turnover may change.
The proposed time may extend in order to have better justification of objectives with respect to company.
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project
Motivation among employees is the key and essential part of the talent management. Highly motivated employees
are the asset of every organization and plays an important role in terms of minimizing the retention rate in the
company. This research will be helpful in understanding the role of motivation with respect to employee’s
retention in the company. This research will also analyse the concept of staff retention as an important element of
talent management. This research will also guide the other researcher to analyse the importance and the ways by
which the employees will be motivated and as a result their talent will retain in the organization.
Section Three: Precedents and sources
Use of key literature sources and precedents to support your project objectives
Employees motivation:
As per the Mohammed (2020) views employee’s motivation refers to the concept by under which employees will
be made motivated. This will lead to a generation of self-encouragement and inner desire that will assist them to
work for the organization.
Klopotan, Mjeda and Kurečić (2018) also said that motivating the employees will lead to the achievement of their
individual and organizational goal too. Maintenance of employee’s motivation and raising them will lead to the
raising the performance of the employees and they would be able to give more potential efforts to the
Role of staff retention in talent management:
Narayanan, Rajithakumar and Menon (2019) elucidates that the retention of employees in the organization is an
essential element of talent management. This is because enabling the growth and development of employees is
important but if they will not retain in the organization then it will be of no worth. Thus, retaining the employees
in the organization is an essential part of the talent management because it is the only way by which talent will be
managed. in the same manner retention of employees is further more used for talent management because by
possessing high retention rate it would help the company to build a good market image and thereby attract the
best and talented employees for the company which will further assist in talent management. Likewise, staff
retention also plays an important role with regard to talent management and development.
Contrary to this Pandita and Ray (2018) argues that attracting the most desirable candidate is the essence of the
talent management. This is because by attracting the most desirable candidate the organization can raise the
talent and its performance too. This also means that attracting and recruiting the desirable candidate is an
essential part and element of talent management.
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Impact of motivation on staff retention:
De Sousa Sabbagha, Ledimo and Martins (2018) said that there is a direct and positive impact of motivation on
staff retention. This is because motivation is the base by which employees will be retain in the company. This is
because when employees will be satisfied and motivated with regard to the company then they will never left the
company and as a result the retention rate of the company will raise. This can also be explained as satisfaction and
fulfilment of employee’s goal will further assist the employees to be a part of the company. Likewise, it is also a
fact that when employees will get everything in the mode of motivation in terms of job satisfaction then they will
themselves not move out of the company and thus raise the retention rate.
However, Johennesse and Chou (2017) also said that as the retention of employees is depended on motivation so
company always need to understand the employee’s perspective and try to motivate them either by financial and
non-financial modes. This will lead to have a higher retention and employees will never move out of company.
Section Four: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the project How long this will take?
Development and analysis of ideas 1 week
Writing proposal & ethics form 1 week
Writing literature review 2 weeks
Writing methodology 2 weeks
Data collection and analysis 3 weeks
Writing Discussion and conclusion 1 week
Milestone one:
Milestone one target date (set by tutor):
Milestone two:
Milestone two target date (set by tutor):
Comments and agreement from tutor
Comments (optional):
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I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification
and is appropriate.
Agreed by:
Tutor name:
Books and journals
De Sousa Sabbagha, M., Ledimo, O. and Martins, N., 2018. Predicting staff retention from
employee motivation and job satisfaction. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 28(2).
Johennesse, L.A.C. and Chou, T.K., 2017. Employee Perceptions of Talent Management
Effectiveness on Retention. Global Business & Management Research. 9(3).
Klopotan, I., Mjeda, T. and Kurečić, P., 2018. Exploring the motivation of employees in a
firm: A case-study. Business Systems Research: International journal of the Society
for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy. 9(1). pp.151-160.
Mohammed, L., 2020. The Importance of Empolyees Motivation in Organisations.
Narayanan, A., Rajithakumar, S. and Menon, M., 2019. Talent management and employee
retention: An integrative research framework. Human Resource Development
Review. 18(2). pp.228-247.
Pandita, D. and Ray, S., 2018. Talent management and employee engagement–a meta-
analysis of their impact on talent retention. Industrial and Commercial Training.
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