
Unit 12: Organisational Behaviour


Added on  2023-01-13

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Unit 12: Organisational Behaviour_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1 Analysis of organisational culture, power and politics on employees...................................3
M1 Critically analysis and affect of culture, politics and power................................................6
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
P2 Content and process theories to achieve organisational goals...............................................6
M2 Evaluation and outcome of motivation on behaviour of others............................................9
D1 Critical evaluation of all the above mentioned factors..........................................................9
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
P3 Effective team and its essential aspects.................................................................................9
M3 Group and team related theories.........................................................................................11
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12
P4 Concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour......................................................12
M4 Evaluation of all concepts & philosophies related with the organisation behaviour..........13
D2 Evaluation of the relevance for different team development theories.................................13
Unit 12: Organisational Behaviour_2

Organisational behaviour is the study of the behaviour of employees in an organisation so
that the reasons behind their behaviour can be known which will help in motivating them so that
they can improve their performance and productivity. This will help the company in achieving its
aims and objectives on time as employees are the most useful asset for a company. Also this
helps in understanding the impact of organisational structure, culture, communication, leadership
etc. on the employee behaviour which can be changed so that their productivity can be enhanced.
For studying the organisational behaviour Waitrose & Partners is taken which is a British
supermarket chain which is known as largest employee owned retailer with its headquarters
located in England, UK (Antonakis and House, 2013). It is the eighth largest retailer of groceries
in UK with 5.1% market share having 353 retail outlets and 65 little Waitrose convenience
shops. In this report the impact of organisational culture, politics and power on the employee
behaviour will be studied in detail. Also the motivational and leadership along with their
application so as to improve their performance will be studied so that all the employees can be
made better at their efficiency to complete their work.
P1 Analysis of organisational culture, power and politics on employees
Employees use their skills and abilities to achieve the goals and aims of a company
within time so that its sustainability, success and growth can be achieved. However, their
behaviour is affected by the power, politics and culture that prevail in the organisation which
affects their efficiency to perform well. Managers and leaders determine the politics and power
exercised in the company whereas organisational structure determine its culture which have
influence on behaviour of all the members of company (Chemers, 2014).
Influence of organisational culture on team and individual behaviour:
The shared assumptions, beliefs and values of all the members of company determine
organisational culture and the way in which roles and responsibilities are assigned and performed
to achieve company goals. Various organisational cultures can be studied by using Handy's
cultural typology:
Unit 12: Organisational Behaviour_3

Power culture: A flat structure is found in such organisations with the centralization of
power with leaders of company. This culture is mostly found in start-ups and re relatively
flexible in decision-making with few rules and regulations. Role culture: This culture is mainly found in bureaucratic organisations and high job
orientation is present. Strict rules and regulations exist and status is more important than
performance (Chevallier and et. al., 2012). Clear job descriptions and procedures are
present for taking any decision. Task culture: These are found in result-oriented organisations where the employees are
experienced professionals and have problem-solving orientation. Results are more
important than rules and employees are highly cooperative in nature which helps them in
completing their task on time.
Person culture: This culture is found in organisations where people work in their
individual capacities and are highly educated and work with their own expertise. This
culture is found in law firms, multi-speciality hospital etc.
In case of Waitrose the type of organisational culture which is followed is task culture
which helps it in completing its task on time and with great efficiency.
Influence of organisational politics on team and individual behaviour:
With the use of politics in an organisation the employees can be made to perform some
work so as to achieve desired results. Though politics can be used to influence workers to work
in a desired manner but usually creates a negative impact on the behaviour of employees.
Following are some negative impacts on individuals and team behaviour: Decrease in productivity: As employees get involved in company politics their focus on
work reduces which decreases their efficiency to perform well. The decreased
productivity of employees creates a negative impact on the results of company. Increased distraction: Company politics distract employees from their work and they get
more interested in playing politics than perform their work (Geppert and Dörrenbächer,
Demotivation: The negative impact of politics demotivate employees due to increase in
favouritism which affect all the employees and they become dissatisfied with their jobs.
Influence of power on team and individual in organisations:
Unit 12: Organisational Behaviour_4

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