
Resource and Talent Planning


Added on  2022-12-29

22 Pages6867 Words23 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and Creativity
Resource and
Talent Planning
Resource and Talent Planning_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
P1 Determining current market trend analysis affecting talent management & workforce
planning .................................................................................................................................3
P2 types of legal requirements during workforce planning in context of given organisation5
P3 Analysis of current & anticipated skills influencing both labour market trends and legal
Current Requirement of skilful talent.....................................................................................8
Forecasting future requirement of staff..................................................................................8
TASK 3 ...........................................................................................................................................9
P4 Provide suitable job description and employee specification written material required for
identification and selection of qualified employee.................................................................9
P5 Application of various approaches to selection and recruitment for talent acquisition and
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................13
P6 Evaluation of HR life-cycle in relation to specific HR circumstance.............................13
P7 Evaluation of HR life-cycle in relation to overall HR plans and policies......................14
REFRENCES ................................................................................................................................16
Books and Journals...............................................................................................................16
Resource and Talent Planning_2

Good coordination within organisation's operations is important to establish a strong
relationship between hiring teams & business known as talent and resource planning. The
process of recruiting resourceful employees in an enterprise requires ascertainment of various
factors that includes excellent networking , appropriate channel of selecting people for right job
profile, relevant business resource forecasting etc. The research report below discusses about one
of largest energy supplier company in UK known as Centrica group . The evaluation focuses on
various training and resource allocation methods utilized by the home service provider company
founded in 1997. British gas is a recognizable brand of this multinational group of around eight
energy related businesses spread all over UK & Europe. The businesses provide services to
consumers consisting of electricity supply, gas supply, gas storage facility, drain or pipe work
maintenance. The report mainly is conducted to do proper workforce planning by studying
present labour trends in existing marketplace. Furthermore various demonstrations of selection
by recruitment teams are observed with application of strategies adopted during stages of HR life
P1 Determining current market trend analysis affecting talent management & workforce
Dynamic changes taking place in the external business environment comes with a need of
effective labour resources adapting towards business working. Optimum utilisation of
organisational sources depends on efficient formulated plans & policies followed by human
resources at workplace. Converting raw material into useful resources as finished products is the
responsibility of human resource in chosen entity. In context with nationwide Centrica Group,
their British gas business is recognizable in terms of goodwill & good reputation in international
market businesses. Talent recruitment in chosen corporation runs on identification of two type of
demands that are contract & assistance customers. Agreement done on contract for providing
time based energy services by chosen firm are called contract demands of consumers. Many
people may not sign an agreement but rather require assistance form company on various issues
or energy related problems therefore come in category of assistance seekers. Growing demand
for above mentioned services because of good brand reputation have created a need for more
Resource and Talent Planning_3

employees reuniting at workplace for better efficiency & productivity of given organisation.
Apart from the significant factors, workforce planning structure is build on basis of other
technical & engineering skill factors too for constant changes carried out in varied business
activities of chosen company (Taylor, 2018) . Profitability of every business during this
situation of pandemic has widely affected respective Centrica group as well following new
policies formed by UK Government. Human resource department of British Gas business has
formulated flexible policies for workforce planning and limited resource wastage ensuring
smooth functioning of chosen company operations. Managing talented staff therefore has
become easy in motivating them and adapting to working environment of business in no time.
Ageing population- In UK there are 9.4 million people over age of 50 in employment
that is equal to above 30% of employees. Major proportion of people from them will leave
working permanently so it will limit the talent pool. Younger people will enter to labour market
and replace existing workers. There is a difference across the industries as some will urgently
understand that they will have to replace their big proportion of workforce due to retirement and
others will have to understand that earlier the jobs done by young workers can be done in future
by middle aged as well as older workers.
Employment vs unemployment- As UK is highly globalised country so employment
market is very competitive and a lot of job opportunities are available there. For British Gas it is
beneficial as it will have so many options to hire good talent as UK is a popular country for
international graduates also to start their careers.
Unemployment rate in UK is comparatively low because of higher studies provided to the
students there. If there is high unemployment rate then it will impact workforce as they will not
be efficient and not capable of learning new skills.
The factor of rising globalisation also allowed Centrica group of company expand their
businesses internationally keeping into consideration increase of competition globally. The
parent company of British Gas aims at retaining its customers by fulfilling their needs (Crane
and Hartwell, 2019)with regard to affordable prices of quality goods and services having good
returns. For meeting demand of customer base domestically, British Gas also has been retaining
people with best engineering skills to bring out innovation & creativity into business and
customer satisfaction. Ensuring a technical friendly environment help HR department current
trends in market & good workforce talent management.
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P2 Types of legal requirements during workforce planning in context of given organisation
The discipline of building a work planning structure should be ethical and according to
organisation legal requirements. HR planning process hereby aims at aligning organisational
policies with right people appropriate for specific job roles ensuring minimum wastage of
resources during business operations. Ethical standards can be maintained by staff members of
Centrica group by motivating individuals to complete organisational goals as per the procedures
set by human resource department.
In context of British Gas corporation, there are a whole lot of employees working at
workplace who needs to be trained properly as per legal requirement of business Training such
large numbers at same time requires investment of many resources such as machinery,land,
technology and appropriate equipments for educating the human resources at workplace.
Optimum use of resources for good business planning in relevance to chosen firm has many type
of legal requirements to fulfil discussed below-
Labour Legislation: British Gas which is owned by Centrica company group has
announced in their recent companies general meeting that, company will be changing its terms
and conditions of employment for its respective employees. For dealing with its dynamic and
trending business market, company will aim at simplifying and modernising its employment
policies in order to promote productivity in the organisation. As posted by Dean on 23 Jul. 2020,
by conducting analysis, various terms and policies of the workforce was outdated and was in
need for serious modification to ensure effective working of an organisation for long period of
Data Protection Act, 2018: This act controls how private data of employees is used by
business organisations . Business organisations which utilise personnel data of costumers need to
follow data protection principles provided under this act. Fair, lawful and transparent usage of
data with specified and explicit purposes are some of the principles of this act.
In context of British gas, this legislation effects workforce planning of the company.
British gas utilises digital technology to track progress of their employees, this involves
accessing personnel data of employees. The company has to ensure that personal data of their
employees is obtained after gaining their consent and used according to data protection
principles provided in this act. Employee monitoring is a significant part of the workforce
planning strategy at British gas as it helps the company ensure that capabilities of every
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employee are improving. British gas has to modify employee monitoring practices, according to
data protection principles of this act.
Equality Act, 2010: This act safeguards employees from workplace discrimination. The
protected characteristics under this act are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage
pregnancy, race, religion and sex. Bushiness organisations need to eliminate discriminatory
practices and ensure that every employee is treated equally after implementation of this act.
This act affects workforce planning at British gas. The respective organisation has to
ensure that their employees are treated equally and they do not face discrimination during any
part of their employment in the company. British gas has to ensure that every element part of
their workforce planning strategy promotes equality and eliminate elements which discriminate
between employees.
Performance management: Individuals having good engineering knowledge , corporate
exposure and professional experience are suited best of recruitment in British Gas company. It
help them save time and cost of training for employees (Collings, Mellahi and Cascio, 2017).
Therefore with the help of development campaigns adopted Centrica group for training current
employees, managers and leaders of the business firm keeps regular check on performances of
various employees working in an organisation. It helps company to avoid wastage of valuable
resources of the business firm and accomplish desired goals and objectives within provided time
framework of the firm.
Training and development: Fresh talent is also crucial to an organisation but requires
quality training of business operations functioned in chosen firm. Explaining subordinates their
job roles and responsibilities help current employees adapt to new technological innovations and
new ones complete their work tasks on time. With relation to chosen firm i.e. British Gas has
been successful in expanding its workforce of 5000 employee staff through training students
with an engineering background assigning them with right job description of their fields. In
relation to chosen firm, managers and leaders of the business firm provides effective training
programs to new staffs and conducts various development programmes to boost performance of
existing employee of an organisation.
Talent management:The process of managing workforce requires proper structure
constructed by systematic procedure of HR planning. In context of given organisation, satisfying
job requirements requires proper calculation of no of employees working on specific projects
Resource and Talent Planning_6

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