
Unit 2 Workbook - Crime Prevention and Motivation Theories


Added on  2022-11-13

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Unit 2 Workbook – Submission Deadline Thursday 30th May direct to
Draft deadline Wednesday 15th May to robbienelson@ismi.org.uk
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CSMP® Level 6 Accredited
Unit 2 – Crime
Unit 2 Workbook - Crime Prevention and Motivation Theories_1

Unit 2 Workbook – Submission Deadline Thursday 30th May direct to
Draft deadline Wednesday 15th May to robbienelson@ismi.org.uk
For Official Use
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Has the candidate
met all of the
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1. Fail grades awarded to incomplete submissions.
2. Late submissions eligible for met/fail grades only.
Overall assessment
Assessor Aide
2.1a Delaney/AJCSD
2.1b Crime
2.1c PR, Sec, Tart
2.2a KPMG
2.2b SCP
2.2c Surveillance
2.3a CPTED
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Internal Verifier Andrea Dobson CSMP® F.ISMI®
Overall assessment
External Verifier [EV name]
Sep 17
Unit 2 Workbook - Crime Prevention and Motivation Theories_2

Unit 2 Workbook – Submission Deadline Thursday 30th May direct to
Draft deadline Wednesday 15th May to robbienelson@ismi.org.uk
Unit Outcome
Be able to use crime motivation theories to develop crime prevention approaches.
2.1a Critically evaluate crime motivation theories to identify shortcomings.
2.1b Research and develop new causations of crime.
2.1c Transfer crime motivation theories to the practical workplace context.
For Candidate UseThe following task is designed to meet one assessment criterion, 2.1a.
Task 2.1a
First, study the Extranet Library
“AJCSD Criminal Behaviour –
Free Will v. Determinism” and summarise
the key arguments in no less than 300
words. Be sure to differentiate between
genetic pathology/predisposition to
violence or anti-social behaviour on the
one hand and the rather controversial
notion of a genetic predisposition to
crimes such as theft on the other hand.Second, present a counter argument
using at least two of the mainstream
(environmental/social) theories in the Unit
Textbook to be found through pages 11-
19. Target 200+ words.
Summary of the AJCSD criminal behaviour – free will v. determinism.
Delaney suggests that people have the capability to demonstrate free will as
well as conscious choice to conduct criminal behavior . Delaney argues
that human behavior is predetermined. However, choices always depend on
the available alternatives. The influence of biological and environmental
factors on behavior has been the main focus of Delaney’s work , with an
attempt to identify the causal pathways for a problem as sophisticated as
crime. The author tends to exemplify the debate between free will and
determinism and the thought process that individuals often act freely (U2
page 10 ).The classical though is that crime is as a result of consciously
planned actions by persons who weighed up the positive and negative
impact of various actions and decoded in favor of crime. A contradictory
view is of determinism where Delaney argues that criminality often
develops from an individual’s intrinsic biological and psychological make
up that predisposes them to act in antisocial manners . With less than 10%
Unit 2 Workbook - Crime Prevention and Motivation Theories_3

Unit 2 Workbook – Submission Deadline Thursday 30th May direct to
Draft deadline Wednesday 15th May to robbienelson@ismi.org.uk
Third, in the context of your organisation
analyse the sensitivities of assumptions
based on biological/genetic determinism
in crime prevention and management
programmes. Target 200+ words.
Be sure to page reference back to the
of the families in any community accounting for 52% of the communities
criminal offences , it is simple to argue that crime is as a result of social
transmissions of antisocial conducts that might take place within family
lines (U2 page 14) However the big question is whether the cycle of
criminality from relatives to children develops from environmental
transmissions or genetic predisposition has been a subject of
comprehensive analysis and discussion.
The idea that offender chose between the efforts , rewards and costs of
crime tends to contradict genetic predisposition in human action . The
author provides that some of the evidence used from analysis of twins ,
intergenerational criminality studies often question the capacity for persons
to freely determine whether or not to involve themselves in criminal
behavior . While Delaney affirms that an individual is not a passive
reflection of external influence or other causal factors , this argument tend
to ignore the extent of a personal construct through which the interpret
and control their world. All human conducts are often as a result of
interactions between a huge number of factors , where some often reside
with the individual’s conduct and some that are found in the outside n
environment .
While we agree that genetic predisposition plays a huge role in the
development of criminal conducts , Delaney argues that it is the proposition
that behavior is mainly determined by the integration of genetic
predisposition , social experimenting and personality . (U2 page15) However,
this is a subject of continues debate. Delaney’s analysis of criminal behavior
tend to further challenge the assumptions of the legal system about free
will by providing that behavior is often determined as more clear facts
accumulate . It appears in Delaney’s argument that we may not choose a way
of life in where there is no form of regulations . We can only transform
the key controlling conditions and thus freedom is never absolute .
Counter-Argument – use this section to present environmental/social theories of
crime motivation (the nurture argument) to challenge and counter the nature
argument of biological determinism.
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Unit 2 Workbook – Submission Deadline Thursday 30th May direct to
Draft deadline Wednesday 15th May to robbienelson@ismi.org.uk
Given the sustained interest in the causal influence of various
environmental factor , practioners of RAT , SCP , RCT have begun drawing
commensurate development in the field of RCT (Routine Activity Theory). Just
like RCT, the unit textbook present the belief that RAT has the belief that
criminal motivations are given . Only now that focus has been extended
to consider more details the manner at which the environmental
organisation of social activities assist people in translating the criminal
inclinations. In this case , the unit textbook is mainly concerned about the
key concepts : nature of the offender, the nurture and capable guardians.
Drawing upon these concepts about environmental criminology nature has
two objective : first to understand the manners in which the core elements
of RCT and RAT contradict the concept of genetic predisposition and further
reduces crime opportunities in certain circumstances.
However, the key distinction is that unlike genetic predisposition , RCTs of
crime makes claim to motivational and further claim to constitute a
concept of all kinds of crime . Rather , crime prevention sought to reduce
the risk of occurrence and any potential seriousness of various events of
crime by establishing frameworks that would counter potential offenders
(U2 page 11) .This simply implies that RCTs promote a more crime centred
approach that include a greater emphasis of various situational factors as
the author included a greater emphasis on various situational influencers ,
as they are held to be susceptible to manipulation in manners that might
reduce crime occurrence . This simple truth is that this unit textbook
demonstrate that , unless the anomalies in genetic predetermination are able
to comprehend the contemporary world and its extremes , administrative
criminology can only be in a better position through RCTs of crime and RAT .
This would ensure that such positions fully appreciate how certain targets and
criminal probabilities circulate within the society (U2 page 14).
Employees who leak sensitive information might argue that they were
encourage to work at the best interest of the of the company policy and
might have statutory legal protection . Compliance issues is one of the
fundamental sensitivities as they require much safer frameworks that
would ensure that there is no dishonesty . Persons often presented with
Unit 2 Workbook - Crime Prevention and Motivation Theories_5

Unit 2 Workbook – Submission Deadline Thursday 30th May direct to
Draft deadline Wednesday 15th May to robbienelson@ismi.org.uk
compliance guidelines and the opportunity to act honestly. Background
screening might take the form of conducting an act of violence in an
effort to impress others . As a result rationalisation on the part of the
employee might feel that they have already earned a the privilege to take
company property of give company excuses. (U2 page 34). This is a sensitive
matters under the concept of RAT as it motivate stealing of company
property especially for the employees who have access to sensitive
information and are faced with redundancy (U2 page 11)
Here, present an argument for why profiling based on assumptions of biological or
genetic predisposition are inappropriate in workplace crime management
programmes, would run contrary to the values of most organisations and would be
Profiling is a very sensitive issues . This is a concern for companies sine
employees need to be treated equally as potential wrong doers without
discrimination. The Unit text book shows that the genetic predisposition
has been utilised as the foundation for multiple forms of discrimination
from employment (U2 page 18) The fundamental element of identifying
employees through profiling tends to increase dishonesty. This further create
an opportunity for employees to involve themselves in crime activities thus
raising further security concerns.
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