
Unit 3 : Human Resource Management Assignment


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Unit 3HUMAN RESOURCEMANAGEMENTCourse: HND in Business(Level 4)Academic Year: 2018-20191Student ID: FE00285
Unit 3 : Human Resource Management Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................TASK 1............................................................................................................................................................QUESTION1- ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE HUMAN RESOURCEMANAGER...................................................................................................................................................QUESTION-2 AN ASSESSMENT TO THE APPROACH TO WORKFORCEPLANNING, RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING,PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND REWARD SYSTEM....................................................................QUESTION 3- METHODS USED BY VODAFONE IN HUMAN RESOURCEMANAGEMENT...........................................................................................................................................QUESTION 4- THE APPROACH TO AND EFFECTIVENESS OF EMPLOYEERELATIONS AND EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT, WITH MENTION OF THEFLEXIBLE ORGANIZATION AND FLEXIBLE WORKING PRACTICES AND‘EMPLOYER OF CHOICE’ .........................................................................................................................QUESTION 5 - KEY ASPECTS OF EMPLOYMENT LEGISLATION WITHIN WHICHTHE ORGANIZATION MUST WORK. .....................................................................................................QUESTION 6 - AN EVALUATION OF HOW EMPLOYEE RELATIONS ANDEMPLOYMENT LEGISLATION INFORM DECISION MAKING AND MEETSBUSINESS OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................................................TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................................QUESTION 7 – APPLICATION OF HRM PRACTICES............................................................................QUESTION 8 - EVALUATE THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY, ONLINE RESOURCES,DIGITAL PLATFORMS AND SOCIAL NETWORKING ON IMPROVING THERECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS.......................................................................................CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................................REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................2Student ID: FE00285
Unit 3 : Human Resource Management Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management is known as managing and organizing the people in theorganization. The human resource or the workforce is the key element of theorganization which is directly related to the growth and development of the organizationand completion of its goals of as a whole. HRM includes selecting the best fit candidatefor the organization whose capabilities and experience can help the organization buildits competitive edge over others and it can only be done when the right person ischosen for the right job and at the right time (Rieche et al., 2016). Human resourcemanagement is not a onetime task it as it continues till there are required humanresource working in the organization such that approaches like motivation, appraisal,performances analyses is carried to sustain them. A study has been conducted in orderto gain insights into Human Resource Management effectively such that its applicationin Vodafone has been assessed. TASK 1QUESTION1- ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE HUMAN RESOURCEMANAGERThe human resource manager is responsible to create, manage, implement andregulate the policies of the organization. The manager in Vodafone has beenresponsible for providing all the resources required from the employees’ end tocomplete the organizational goals. There are several functions and responsibilities of aHuman resource manager:1.Identify vacancy- identifying the job profile where the vacancy is there and thenselecting the medium and channel for advertising for the vacancy.2.Recruitment and selection- to recruit applicants and select the candidatesrequired for the vacancies in the particular department. Recruitments means toget applications of qualified candidates .Selection is a process to appoint themost appropriate candidates through means of interview, aptitude or skill basedtest, the candidate should be chosen after matching his skills to the skillsrequired by the job profile in Vodafone. The selected candidates should prove tobe asset to the company not the liability.3.Training and development – training of the newly joined and introducing to thenew environmental culture of the organization. Training is done by two ways onthe job training and off the job training.3Student ID: FE00285
Unit 3 : Human Resource Management Assignment_3

4.Measuring performance- as the employees are an asset to the organizationthey should help in increasing the profit so before they turn from assets toliability their individual performance should be measured on a regular basis.5.Appraisal- after analyzing the performances of the employees the bestperformers should be appreciated and rewarded this boosts motivation amongthe employees to do better and those who are not working up to the mark theyshould be given motivation and should be told the areas in which they lack.6.Compensation - providing performance wise compensation is very muchnecessary for boosting the confidence and motivation of employees which isnecessary is sustaining them in the organization.7.Analyzing turnover: Under this, manager taking an initiative to determine theinterest or ability of each personnel and providing enormous opportunity thatbuild increased level of encouragement and empower among Vodafone'smanpower to remain stable within an organization that improves the overallproductivity of company in an efficacious manner. 8.Enhanced competency: In this, giving appropriate feedback and reviewsbased on employees performance assist Vodafone's workforce to gainmotivation for performing better by optimizing their strength in an effective wayso that they company can acquire competitive advantage. HR plays an important role in selecting the best candidate to become an employee ofthe organization which depend on the factors such as skills, experience andqualification required for the current job profile are kept in mind while selection orrecruitment. The HR verifies the cultural values of the candidate through the interview,questioning related to decision making, and the meaningful answering to thesequestions are assessed that whether they match to the organizations’ cultural valuesand also the behavioral values are also assessed before selection (Rimanoczy andPearson, 2010)QUESTION-2 AN ASSESSMENT TO THE APPROACH TO WORKFORCEPLANNING, RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING,PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND REWARD SYSTEMThe functions of an HR start with workforce planning then recruitment followed byselection, analyzing performances, rewarding them so to perform their functions. Thereare some approaches which are to be followed which make the functioning smoother,attainable and systematic. Workforce planning is the first step where the HR scans the organization if thenumbers of employees which are already there in the organization are sufficientor not, what will be the future requirements according to the future strategicgoals of the company. If the company is planning to expand its business,introducing a new branch where there is a need of more employees so howmuch employees will be required, what are the posts or job profiles that will berequired. Scheduling the number and posts and time limit in which theemployees are to be recruited.The approach is to identify the demand and supply of the human resource in theorganization by comparing the number of jobs to the number of employeesneeded to complete the goal (Schweyer, 2010).4Student ID: FE00285
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