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Human Resource Management: Purpose, Functions, and Practices


Added on  2023/01/06

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This document provides an overview of Human Resource Management (HRM) in the context of workplace planning. It covers the purpose and functions of HRM, approaches to recruitment and selection, benefits of HRM practices for employers and employees, and the importance of employee relations in influencing HRM decision-making. The document focuses on the case study of Hotel Hilton and its HRM practices.

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Unit 3: Human Resource Management

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Table of Contents
P1- Purpose and functions of Human resource management for the workplace plaining...........3
P2- Approaches of recruitment and selection including their strength and weakness................5
P3- benefits of Hrm practices in a context of both employer and employees.............................7
P4- Human resource management practices in term of rising company’s profitability..............8
P5- Importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision-making...........9
P6- key elements of the employee’s legislation and its impact on HRM decision making.......10
P7- Human resource management practices in work related context........................................11
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Human resource management is the practices of managing people to achieve better
performance, and they also recruit employees can help company to achieve their set goals and
their set objectives (Becker and Smidt., 2016). There are four basic function of the HRM are
Planning, Organizing and Directing.
This report will cover the case study Hotel Hilton which is one of the top company in
Hospitality industry, and they are having huge respects in all around the world. This report will
identify the role and purpose of the Human resource management. It will also explain the
benefits of HRM practices in the context of employer and employees. This report will study the
value of workers relations in the decision-making. In end of this report HRM activity in the work
related matter.
P1- Purpose and functions of Human resource management for the workplace plaining
Human resource management is the process of employing people, developing polices,
providing training and skill development program to the workers. the purpose of Human
resource management is to foreclose these issues in the first place and increase a company’s
performance by financing on the right talent in the market. They provide proper training and
development and other practices which increase the efficiency of the employees who are
working under the Hotel Hilton and motivate them to achieve goals for the company (Berber,
Đorđević and Milanović., 2018). They also help workers succeed in their function and ensure
good on the job conditions.
Key Functions of the Human resource management
Employees hiring and selection
Key role of Human resource management of Hotel Hilton is to provide the best
employees available in the market. All start with the hiring the right employees out of the
applicants and favourable candidates. There is a proper process of the recommitment in which
candidates have to pass all the criteria to work on the particular job role.
Employees training and development
training and development of the employees important because it helps to increase the
efficiency of the employees, and they get change to improve their skills. It is responsibility of
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HR manager who came under the Human resource management is responsible to provide
training to the employees.
Compensation and benefits
Benefits and compensation form the major crux of the overall cost expending of an Hotel
Hilton. It is a must to block the expenses, and at the same time, it is also essential to pay the
employees well (Bouaziz and Hachicha., 2018). Therefore, the role of human resource
management within the Hotel Hilton is to formulate attractive yet cost-efficient benefits and
compensation packages to attract more workers into the workplace without disturbing the
finances of the company.
Employee performance management
It is the most important role of the human resource management to manage employees
performance and they also ensure that the employees output can meet the goals and objectives of
the Hotel Hilton. Performance management not only focus on individual employee and it is also
pay attention toward the improvement in teams performance.
HRM activities
Best fir vs best practices
best fit approaches are the general approaches of the HRM. It may be the set of the tools
and methods of these that are recommended as the best practices being taken. It might be the
way hR manager handle the stock management, software wok etc. While best fit is more flexible
practices by the HRM tasking into the account. Their team, their goods, services and point of
difference. It may aspect at others and consider the way processes and organizational policies are
defined elsewhere but determine to adapt and customize any of these in a way that fits within
the business rather than having own business adapt to best activityies. This can be more
participation, more expensive to set up but may also contribute to your competitive advantage.
Hard and soft approaches of HRM
The hard approaches to the human resource management might be hoped to the result in
the more cost effective where the conclusion of the HR manager Of Hotel Hilton will be faster
and it will be focussed on senior top managers.
The soft approaches will surely appeal to the touchy-feely amongst them who like to
see people being treated good.
Workforce planning

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Hr manager of the company are responsible for the workplace planning. They recruit
employees and find the best talent for the job role. After the recruitment and selection they
provide them training and development, so they can understand their task.
P2- Approaches of recruitment and selection including their strength and weakness
Recruitment and selection are two different approaches of the Human resource
management. In The process always start with the recruitment and then it goes to the selection
Recruitment process
Recruitment process refers to the process of attracting, interviewing and hiring the skilful
employees (Brewster, Gooderham and Mayrhofer., 2016). There are two sources of recruitment,
internal and external recruitment and HR manager try to find of potential employees who can
work for them and influence them to work for the Hotel Hilton.
Job design and Job analysis
Job analysis is the procedure of assembling and analysing info about the content and the
human demand of the jobs, as well as, the discourse in which jobs are performed. One of the top
most role of HRM is job design and job analysis. Job design refer the process of describing
duties, responsibilities and dealing of the occupation. To hire the right workers based on
rationality and investigation, it is imperative to identify the traits of an ideal candidate who
would be suitable for the job.
Internal recruitment
Internal recruitment is used when Hotel Hilton look to fulfil the vacancy from any
suitable applicant from existing workplace. Providing promotion and transfer is also a good
examples of the internal recruitment there are some advantages and Disadvantage of the internal
It is cheaper and quicker as compare to the external recruitment and also save the time of
the company.
People already familiar with the business that Hotel Hilton run their function what will be
their role.
Limits the number of potential applicants
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Create the another vacancy which is important for the company to fulfil
External recruitment
External recruitment take place when business look to fill the vacancy from any suitable
candidate outside the business (Han and et,al., 2019). Mostly company run external recruitment
because most of the times company need different skills for the role which they cannot fulfil by
the internal recruitment.
People from outside can come up with the new ideas which can be beneficial for the
Hotel Hilton
Wider range of experience on the people
Longer process as compare to the internal process of recruitment
Costly will be higher then any of the order recruitment method.
Selection process
Selection is the procedure of picking or selectibg the right nominees, who is most suitable
for a vacant job place in company. Selection came after the recruitment stage in which Hr
manager of the company take interview and test of the candidates. Here they try to find the
communication skills of the candidates and their writing skills as well (Homberg and Vogel.,
2016). People who get selected in this process can work for the company, and they get the role
which they have applied for. There are some advantages and disadvantage of the selection
Interview – interview is the most appropriate selection method which is used by the HR
manager of the Hotel Hilton. After the candidate recruitment, they has the pass interview in
which interviewer ask question and candidate have to give them answer with the confidence.
Advantages It helps to identify and the skills in the candidates and also provide new ideas.
It helps to eliminate the people who do not have proper knowledge and skills which is
required for the particular job role.
Selection process is the long process which require fund for the arrangements and times
to select best possible candidates.
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Its take time so HR manager of the company are not able to provide attention to their
other functions.
P3- benefits of Hrm practices in a context of both employer and employees
Human resource management run effective practices which is beneficial for the both
employees and employer. Hr mangers of the run some practices such as performance
management, reward management, Flexible working, training and development etc.
Training and development
Hr manager of the Hotel Hilton provide training and development to their employees to
increase working efficiency and it also helps to motivate them to give their best.
For employees- It is beneficial for the employees because they get chance to learn new skills
which can be helpful in career development (Hu and et,al., 2018).
For employer- It is also beneficial for the employees because motivation in the employees can
affect the profitably and company can achieve the objectives. Employer’s main aim in the
business is to achieve profitability.
Performance management
Hr manger control the performance of the employees by using the tools and techniques.
They also ensure that employee outcomes are meeting the objectives or not. HR manger provide
Feedback to employer for them continues improvement.
For employees- employees have benefits from the performance management practices because
they can improve their skills from the feedback and get the appreciation from their employer.
For employer- employer can grow their business because performance management helps to
create skilful workforce for the company and with the skilful workforce Hotel Hilton can take
competitive advantages.
Flexible working
One of the most effective practice of the Human resource engagement is Flexible
working in which employees can leave workplace after doing the work and most of the
organization provide Flexible working hours to the employees for their motivation.
For employees- It is beneficial for the employees because employees can spend some times with
their family and friends and enjoy their personal life (Jia and, 2018). It also helps to
motivate them and bring confidence in employees.

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For Employer- Flexible working practices are also beneficial for the employer because they
always want that employees must work on time. Employees do their work on times because of
the flexible working and employer can give their work on their to their clients.
Reward management
Hr manager of the company make polices related to the reward management where they
set the target and employees have to break that target to get those reward from the company.
For employees- Employees get motivate, and they can use rewards for their personal spending.
It is beneficial for the employees because they get change to earn more than their salary. \
For employer- It helps to provide higher growth to the company and it is direct benefit to the
P4- Human resource management practices in term of rising company’s profitability
Hr department is not about making money for the company but the prime goals of the
Hotel Hilton is to generate profitability in their business. so Hr manager coordinate their KPI's to
align to the business objectives and increase in profit (Laužikas and Miliūtė., 2020). Here are
some Hr practices that concern with the profitability for the business.
Employees engagement
HR manager try to engage their employees with each and create good relationship
between employees who are working at the workplace of Hotel Hilton. Companies with the
higher engagement rates helps to increase the revenue growth of the company, increase
Shareholders value and display strong company culture. Employees engagement also motivate
the employees and workers can able to create good relationship with and each. Motivated
employees give efforts in the task which increase the profitability of the company.
Focus on management
Manager of the Hotel Hilton holds the fundamental to the employee's engagement, and
they are directly participating with the employee's engagement areas. They themselves have to be
involved, so they the multiple effort in the company’s general engagement.
Enlist and empower the companies managers in the talent management so it is necessary
for the company to engage themselves in the Hr strategies and monitor their involvement in the
engagement with the workers (Madanat and Khasawneh., 2018). They should also ensure that
they have the desirable impact engagement objectives that immediately impact the Hotel
Hilton's business outcomes.
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Internal brand Alignment
Human resource management also work for the internal goals alignment by instigating
the objectives from the key process like recruitment and selection of the employees,
compensation, training and development programs, so they can ensure an internal brand
alignment. It provides strong workforce to the Hotel Hilton ad they can able to generate revenue
in their business.
Simulating organizational innovation
HR managers are given the challenging work of having to equilibrium performance and
innovation with the help of talent management. This is another Hr activity to push institution for
the innovation, using the inner ideas and suggestions by listening to the employees, getting
feedback and committing to the improvement ideas that arise .
P5- Importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision-making.
A heathy Employees' relation lead to more efficient, productive and more motivated for
the company so it is important for the Hr department to look for employee’s engagement. If
company does not have string relationship between employees then it can create problems like
conflicts between the employees, however, there is high importance of employee relation in
Hotel Marriott (Morgeson, Brannick and Levine., 2019). this is defined as
Positive culture
employees relation helps in maintaining and building positive workplace culture, it is
because when workers interact with employers they share and talk about problems with them.
also, it allows in creating strong bond between them and give flexible culture in it. thus,
employer treats and respect each workers and in this way positive culture is build.
Conflict situation reduction
Employees engagement helps to reduce the conflict situations at the workplace, infect
they also support each other in the task completion which increase the productivity and
profitability both (on Bonsdorff and et,al., 2018). It is important for the Human resource
management of Hotel Hilton to take decisions and make new strategies to create good
relationship with the employee's, so they can take competitive advantages and show their
presence in the market.
Support in task
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Employees engagement allow employees to help each other in the task. When employees
get support from each other in the task then they can do their work in less times with perfection.
It is also beneficial for the company because it enhance the productivity of the company, and
they can achieve higher growth in the market and show their presence.
Fast decisions
an effectual relation enables the employees in picking proper decision and in an quicker
way. There may happen definite condition when decision taken has to be fast and company
required employee support to handle the situation at their workplace. So, in that case employee
relation has to be strong (Pham, Tučková and Phan., 2019). It will permited in taking effective
decision. However, if relation between the workers are not strong then it can lead to making it
hard to take decision quickly for the Marriott international. This may even lead to conflicts
situation as employee oppose it and are not willing to go with that decision.
Decision making
There are various Strategies which are used by the HR manager of company to maintain
employees relationship ad one of them is decision making. Companies leaders and mangers can
create good engagement or connection with the employees by giving them chance to participate
in the decision making process.
P6- key elements of the employee’s legislation and its impact on HRM decision making.
There are some laws which are introduced by the UK government for the employees to
provide their rights in the company and it is necessary for the Marriott international to follow
all the laws and provide employees’ rights in their company by taking the decision on it. Some
of the laws like wages and remuneration, health and safety laws, industrial relation laws are for
Health and safety 1974
The health and shifty law was introduced in 1974 for the employee, so they get shifty
precautions at their workplace, and they can work without any fear. It is necessary for the Hotel
Marriott to implement this laws because without having proper shifty at their workplace
employees can fear to work, and they will not put effort in the task. Leaders and manager should
take decision to implement this law polices and provide shifty to their employees. They ca
provide life insurance over to their employees, medical shifty and fore shifty etc.
The equality act 2010

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According to the Equality act 2010 is made to protect the people from the discrimination
in the workplace (Sareen., 2018). This law is an replacement of the previous anti-discrimination
laws and each of the activities related to the discrimination come under this law. Discrimination
at the workplace can take place within the diverse workplace and it can demotivate the victim.
This law protects them from the discrimination and company can take actions against the
employees who decrementing others. Leaders and managers of Hotel Hilton should also
implement this law and they should treat equally to their employees (Santana, M. and Lopez‐
Cabrales, A., 2019).
Data Protection act 2018
The data protection act was introduced to protect the personal data of the customer and
employees both. According to this act, Hotel Hilton or any other organization cannot give or
sell the personal data of their client, customers and employees. They have to hide their personal
P7- Human resource management practices in work related context
Human resource management also plays practices which are related to the work and job.
Job specification, CV and offer later are the part of those practices. Here is the examples of CV,
offer later and Job specification
Job specification
Company Hotel Marriott
Post Supervisor
Location -
Report to HR Manager
Qualification bachelor's degree in business
Responsibilities Supervises employees
Title of the job
Date: 24, July 2019
Qualification required Essential Desirable Met
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Bachelor's Degree in
Business, Management,
or related field.
Need of Experience
5 years of
experience in
company in UK
Personal characteristics
& conduct
skills, punctuality
in times, able to
employees more
than 8 or 10,
skills, team work
willingness to
Roles and
managing the
Training and
development of
employees, lead
them and
supervise them to
achieve goals and
CV of the Supervisor
Name -
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Address -
Mobile number -
detailed oriented supervisor who are having more than 5 years of experience managing and
improving the effectiveness of daily operations at the UK Multinational company.
5 year of experience as a production shifts supervisor in UK multinational company from year
2016- 2020.
Bachelor's degree in business and management from UK university.
Other management coursework
Certification & Award
Supervisor& leadership Award
Leadership certificate (E- cornell)
Knowledge of inventory management system
Practical Knowledge of leadership and management
Effective communication
problems solving skills
Offer latter
Employee name
Employee Address
Postal Code

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Subject- Job offer for Supervisor Role In Hotel Marriott
Dear XYZ,
We are pleasure to offer you job role of Supervisor in our company, where you have to
supervise the more than 10 employees and control their performance in the company. Your
joining will be from ___ date and before working on the ground, you will get training for 15
days so you can understand how company work and what will be your role. You have to serve
around 7 hours at the workplace every day and your salary will be........ and your training will
be under the company’s manager.
As per the report has been analysis the role and function of the HR and how it is helping
Marriott international create strong workforce and better environment at their workplace. It also
has been explained the benefits of HRM practices in the context of employer and employees.
This report has been analysed the importance of employee relations in the decision-making. In
the end of this report HRM practices in the work related context.
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Books and Journals
Becker, K. and Smidt, M., 2016. A risk perspective on human resource management: A review
and directions for future research. Human Resource Management Review.26(2). pp.149-
Berber, N., Đorđević, B. and Milanović, S., 2018. Electronic human resource management (e-
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Bouaziz, F. and Hachicha, Z. S., 2018. Strategic human resource management practices and
organizational resilience. Journal of Management Development.
Brewster, C., Gooderham, P.N. and Mayrhofer, W., 2016. Human resource management: The
promise, the performance, the consequences. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness:
People and Performance.
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work system through the dual alignment of vertical and horizontal fit. Academy of
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Homberg, F. and Vogel, R., 2016. Human resource management (HRM) and public service
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Laužikas, M. and Miliūtė, A., 2020. Human resource management effects on sustainability of
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into Regional Development.
Madanat, H. G. and Khasawneh, A. S., 2018. LEVEL OF EFFECTIVENESS OF HUMAN
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Morgeson, F. P., Brannick, M. T. and Levine, E. L., 2019. Job and work analysis: Methods,
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Pham, T. N., Tučková, Z. and Phan, Q., 2019. Greening human resource management and
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Santana, M. and Lopez‐Cabrales, A., 2019. Sustainable development and human resource
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