
Analyzing Abilities and Learning Theories for Job Role


Added on  2023-01-11

6 Pages1329 Words61 Views
Table of Contents
TASK 2.................................................................................................................................................2
P3 Analyse own abilities, skills and competences for specific job role.............................................2
P4 Explain range of learning theories and approaches used for personal & professional
development processes......................................................................................................................3
Analyzing Abilities and Learning Theories for Job Role_1

Analyzing Abilities and Learning Theories for Job Role_2

P3 Analyse own abilities, skills and competences for specific job role
It is also necessary to evaluate self-assessment skills and abilities so that strength as
well as weakness of individual is analysed at workplace effective way. In context to chosen
hotel the manager of enterprise use SWOT analysis tool for analysing strength weakness
opportunities and threats further which are discussed below-
Communication- During my
professional career I have analysed
that communication skill is my
strength which I will put into at prior
level. The management of the
Langham hotel and through their
research I learned about my strength
& I am good with encountering
people in proper manner.
Decision making- Then, strength is
decision making in which I am able to
take smart and most effective decision
in organisation. During the critical
situations I always make sure that
most suitable decision is being made
so that no problem occurs in near
future (Hilty, 2020).
Financial and audit department- I
have also analysed that I am week in
function and audit department as
because I am specialised in sales and
have less knowledge of finance.
Focus on details- My another
weakness is that I focus on deep
details of information and work
which is being carried out by team as
well as employees switch off due to
this it took time to engage with team
members as problems have to face by
me at higher level (Mikkonen, 2020).
Enhancing the new abilities and
skills- In this On-going professional
development programs I was able to
learn and enhance my existing as well
as new skills which were provided by
The Langham hotel and which assist
me in my growth as well as
professional development.
New experiences- Through this
process avail opportunity of
experiencing new things and work
which gives me e better opportunity
two face real life challenges in
hospitality sector.
Rivalry and competition- In this
hospitality sector I am facing thread
such as rivalry and competition in this
industry is rising at rapid scale and
also within the management other
employees are competing for higher
position which is making difficult for
me to maintain my position at
Discrimination- Further, threat is
chances of discrimination at
workplace and in professional life are
increasing with including where is
types search by age gender or colour
After analysing the above table which depicts the swot analysis and it shows that there
are various types of skills and abilities as well as competences which are required by the
employers for a specific job role. Furthermore, it has been also and like that during this
Analyzing Abilities and Learning Theories for Job Role_3

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