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Unit 39 – Tourist Destination: Analysis of Global Tourism Trends and Destination Appeal


Added on  2024/06/04

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This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the global tourism sector, focusing on key tourist destinations and generators. It examines visitor numbers, income generation, and destination trends, predicting future developments. The report delves into the cultural, social, and physical features that attract tourists, comparing leading and developing destinations. It evaluates the impact of destination characteristics on appeal and explores the potential of responsible tourism to enhance host communities. The report concludes with a discussion of issues affecting tourism popularity and strategies for promoting sustainable tourism development.

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Unit 39 – Tourist Destination

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Table of Contents
1. Provide an analysis of the main tourist destinations and generators of the world in
terms of visitor numbers and income generation (AC 1.1)........................................................4
2. Analyze statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends
(AC 1.2)...........................................................................................................................................5
3. Analyze cultural (museum, monuments food and festivals), social (regional, religions,
lifestyle etc.) and physical features (transport networks, preferences in landscape, effects of
people) of tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists (AC 2.1).............................8
4. Make a comparison of features of developing and leading tourist destinations (AC 2.2)
5. Make a comparison of the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with what is
currently developing destinations (AC 3.1 & D3).....................................................................12
6. Provide an evaluation of how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal
(AC 3.2 & D3)...............................................................................................................................13
7. Make a comparison of the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with what is
currently developing destinations (AC 3.1 & D3).....................................................................15
8. Analyze issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations. (AC 4.1).....................17
9. Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at
worldwide tourist destinations (AC 4.2)....................................................................................18
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The given report has been prepared with the purpose of providing an insight of tourism sector
belonging or prevalent in UK. Since, in the dynamic environment tour operators play a dominant
role in tourism sector, it is impossible the segregate the tour operators and hospitality sector from
the tourism sector existing in UK.
A complete reading of the report will help to understand all the aspects and changes taking place
in the tourism sector of UK. Also, it will help to apply strategies so that tourism sector can be
more developed and enhanced. All the variables influencing and affecting tourism sector need to
be taken into consideration. These factors if considered can lead to promotion of tourism sector
in UK or any similar developed nation so that it can contribute to the world economy.
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1. Provide an analysis of the main tourist destinations and generators of the world in terms of
visitor numbers and income generation (AC 1.1)
There are many tourist destinations in UK that attracts tourists on a large scale. This will help to
flourish the tourist destination so that it can be developed in a systematic and an organized
manner. This can be done if the tourist department can take appropriate steps so that a local
resident of UK can get proper knowledge about these tourist destinations (Aall, 2014).
For this purpose, UK government needs to identify those locations and tourist destinations which
are widely recognized across the world. This is because the UK government can advertise these
spots to attract and entice new tourists and travelers, both foreign and domestic.
Following this approach will surely help to promote the tourist destination and indirectly the
overall economy can be developed in a competitive manner. The major destinations of UK
include London, Manchester among other tourist destinations and spots. Visitors come to these
destinations during their holidays so that there holidays can be spent well. Such visiting will also
encourage and boost the ancillary services that tourist or traveler might avail so as to satisfy their
needs and desires (Urošević, 2012).
There are a few statues of Charles 1 across England. Charles was in a difficult situation because
he believed that (the catholic) God had ordained him to be king. The English parliament (more
focused on Protestantism) begged to differ and this led to a civil war (1642–1648). Charles lost
and was beheaded, and England had a short time without a royal head of state. Oliver Cromwell
was a great leader who failed to permanently change the monarchic system. Charles 1 was inept
and ignorant of the radical changes occurring in the country. The outcome was a significant
reduction in royal power, and the beginnings of a parliamentary system that developed over the
next few centuries (Abegnoli, 2015).

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2. Analyze statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends (AC
UK visits abroad:
Expenditure: £
Millions- NSA
UK visits
abroad: £
Millions -
(Current Price-
UK visits abroad:
All visits
UK visits
abroad: All visits
Thousands - SA
Unit £ £
Unit m m
1980 2738 17505
1981 3271 19048
1982 3640 20611
1983 4088 20994
1984 4666 22074
1985 4870 21608
1986 6082 6080 24948 24948
1987 7280 7280 27447 27447
1988 8215 8200 28830 28830
1989 9357 9360 31032 31031
1990 9884 9884 31150 31150
1991 9951 9952 30809 30809
1992 11243 11242 33832 33832
1993 12972 12973 36722 36721
1994 14364 14230 39630 39650
1995 15388 15250 41346 41340
1996 16223 16240 42053 41880
1997 16929 16930 45957 45990
1998 19490 19640 50873 50930
1999 22020 22010 53882 53920
2000 24250 24110 56837 56650
2001 25332 25240 58281 58320
2002 26962 26920 59498 59650
2003 28550 28580 61334 61430
2004 30285 30230 64174 64120
2005 32155 32250 66442 66510
2006 34411 34560 69535 69580
2007 35013 35110 69449 69480
2008 36837 36900 69008 68890
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2009 31695 31960 58614 58680
2010 31819 31650 55562 55630
2011 31700 31790 56837 56940
2012 32450 32260 56537 56430
2013 34510 34340 57792 57870
2014 35536 35570 60080 60150
2015 39027 38960 65718 65790
2016 43773 43670 70815 70620
Although tourism in that era was not nearly as large scale and democratic as it is now - because
travel was too expensive for the average person – one can easily assume that throughout the
1920s where prosperity in the U.S., Western Europe, and Great Britain was historically high,
then tourism to the UK was likely active.
Although the travelers and tourists would guess that it would have been better in the era from the
mid 1890s to 1914 before the terrible disruption and tragedy of WWI. The U.S., which was very
prosperous historically in the 1920s, would likely have contributed a major portion
of UK tourists - at least in dollar spent per capita terms (Zaei & Zaei, 2013).
The Great Depression, which commenced in 1929, and was followed ten years later by WWII,
would have severely damaged tourism to the UK until after 1945, and more likely would not
have begun to recover until 1950. By the 1960s, tourism to Europe and the UK was very active.
Especially thanks to jet travel, and the cheaper fares that came join the late 60s and early 70s,
and have maintained since (Seyidov & Adomaitienė, 2016).
One looks at Scotland and the industries in Scotland; it produces whisky, gin, it has a developing
financial sector in Edinburgh, it has a well established tourism sector, a well developed
renewable energy sector, fishing, farming, forestry. The Scots have shown themselves to be good
bankers and engineers. The Scots are very pro-European, if Scotland was not part of
the UK there would be no money wasted on wars in the middle-east, on the House of Lords, on
the Royal family and the nuclear capability would have to be relocated out of Scotland.
The UK and Norway share the North Sea oil reserves, Norway is one of the wealthiest countries
in the world per capita, and the UK is not so wealthy per capita. If Slovenia, Croatia, Albania,
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the Czech Republic, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Hungary can be
independent and have stable democracies and some of these countries are very wealthy.

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3. Analyze cultural (museum, monuments food and festivals), social (regional, religions,
lifestyle etc.) and physical features (transport networks, preferences in landscape, effects of
people) of tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists (AC 2.1)
There are many historical monuments in UK especially in London that have the capability to
attract the tourist on a wider scale. These monuments are associated with cultural and social
aspects of the people living thereby. Thus, some of the tourist destinations have become famous
due to their emotional attachment with the local residents. The people living in UK are greatly
influenced by the sports. As such tourist destinations associated with sports have the ability to
attract tourist on a large scale (Bunghez, 2016).
People living in UK are not so much food lover and as such they are not keen towards the foods.
They are not interested in those tourist destinations that are directly and indirectly associated or
linked with the traditional UK food except some areas and regions of London. This is because it
is the capital of UK and most of the industries are located in the central region of London.
Besides, transport facility is also the major determinant of earning and revenue of tourism sector.
If the transport facility is better in a country, there will be more travelers and tourists across the
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4. Make a comparison of features of developing and leading tourist destinations (AC 2.2)
Tourist destinations of Scotland and UK are largely dependent on one another. However, it does
not mean that these tourist destinations are akin. These tourist destinations differ in features.
Scotland contributes in many ways. As stated often enough, in energy terms they have been a net
importer for many years - not just through oil and gas but also wind and hydroelectric. There is
also a large financial sector in Scotland.
Culture and tourism is also a thought. Many people from all parts of the world both identify with
and have affection for Scotland and its traditions boosting tourism not just in Scotland but also
the rest of the UK. This extends well beyond whisky. The UK’s reputation for tolerance has
taken a bit of a buttering recently; it would help to try at least to keep the scots on side.
Here are some of the parts domestic as well as international tourist and traveller need to consider:
The main idea:
Keep in mind that main idea of tourist will change and evolve with time. The further he or she
get into actually developing tourist destination of the concerned nation will realize what it really
is trying to do.
1) Passion: Are you passionate about this tourist destination tourist destination? Iit’s not about
the money or how much money you can make but about if you understand the amount of hours
you will spent and maybe you won’t see a profit until after the 2nd year (Connell, et. al., 2015).
2) Does it make sense: This means that have you done your research whether people are
interested in your tourist destination? Or your particular idea, does it make sense? When you tell
someone about your idea, do you need a few words before they “get it” or you have to spend a
few minutes trying to explain how it would work?
If reader of the given report is spending more than a few words to explain its idea, then it need to
think about this longer.
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3) Alone or partners: This one is tricky, but do you want to do this by yourself or partner up, if
you do make sure the person is just as committed as you in the idea.
4) Who is your customer: Are you targeting young people, tour groups, eco tourists? They all
have different needs and what they would be looking for in your tourist destination. Once you
know who you want, then you can arrange your destination accordingly.
5) Online research: Find out whom in the world has done your type of tour idea, see how they
go about it and check out trip advisor for their reviews, you can then see what people actually
think of these types of trips.
6) Local competitors: Research on who your competitors are (if any). Maybe you think that this
is a unique idea and there are no competitors, but with some research you could find out more.
Also maybe someone tried it before and failed, so now to ask why?
7) Costs: Can you cover all the costs required? Think about Setting up the company/ website
setup / Marketing materials / Staff, etc.
The setup
1) Legal matters: Setup your company, legal papers, etc
2) Invoicing and accounting: make sure you have all under control for tax purposes
2) Travel insurance: if something happens to a customer you don’t want to risk paying for
3) Website: this one takes a long time, but you need to have an idea what you want to build and
then find out who can do it for you (webmaster, etc)
4) Marketing materials: will you have brochures? If so, then you have to design them and
check prices for cost of printing.
5) Social Media: This is part of your marketing strategy and you should be active there as well
Every topic can be broadened a bit more certainly, but this should give you an idea how to start.

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A more popular tourist destination in the UK that would also be more comparable is Cornwall.
It’s one of the warmest, sunniest areas in the UK with great beaches and surfing.
It also has lots of family friendly tourist attractions like Tintagel Castle, King Arthur’s legendary
home. It may be underrated due to lack of proper public transportation and other public services,
which are typically characteristics of developing country. Tourists may have no ideas what types
of destination you can visit in Indonesia. Personally, there is limited information of Indonesia
tourism which has been blown-up by international Medias (Chidozie, & Ayibainewoufini, 2014).
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5. Make a comparison of the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with what is
currently developing destinations (AC 3.1 & D3)
It's a shame that despite being the foremost tourist destination in the country, London is still so
under developed. According to some famous theorists, the primary reason for this is the kind or
type of governments of UK has been getting in the recent past. These governments are more
concerned with making money in places such as. Their main concern doesn't seem to be the
overall growth and prosperity of the state but instead their own personal prosperity takes
precedence which is also why anti-incumbency plays a major role every time the state goes to
UK is already a well developed tourist destination. Visitors like to study places and Belarus is
one of my wish list soon to be on it. It varies a lot from region to region. The American south is
famous for being friendly (to white people, anyway). New York City is decidedly not. The same
can be said for the Lake District and for the seedier parts of Manchester, respectively. Britain, as
a tourist destination, has fewer people who are paranoid about strangers and likely to run you off
their property with a shotgun.
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6. Provide an evaluation of how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal (AC
3.2 & D3)
The whole idea behind sustainable tourism is for people to change their mindset and travel
habits. It’s all about being more responsible when it comes to travelling. On the other hand, it’s
also on travel companies, travel agents, and tour operators to change their business model as
much as they can to support sustainable tourism development. There cannot be a single
definition that can define the sustainable tourism development. However, it is difficult to
describe the desired characteristics of a suitable tourist destination in a single statement.
There are some features that need to be incorporated in a suitable and appropriate tourist
destination. These features have been described below. The most prominent feature of tourist
destination is that it recognises the current and future socio-economic impact of travel and
tourism (Corte, et. al., 2014).
Sustainable tourism promotes and supports sustainable tourism development.
Its primary goal isn’t about making profit or forcing growth.
It focuses on conversation of natural resources and appreciations for local culture are a priority.
Important aspect is its focus on educational experience.
More revenue stays within the local community instead of it being controlled by outside parties
and foreign investors.
These probably define the worst side of mass tourism:
The insane concentration of people in relatively small places.
The fact that this destroys any pretension of enjoying and understanding the places as they were
once meant to be. Here we can differentiate:

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o People who know and understand the inherent value of the places they are visiting, who really
wanted to see them with their own eyes and were really anticipating the experience, which most
probably will be ruined and spoiled; and
o The ones who don’t really appreciate, who are there simply because it is a place that is
supposedly cool and gives them some status, and who will never have a chance to really
appreciate and enjoy the experience.
The unavoidable damage to the monuments and the environment caused by this amount of
people, even in the case that they would all behave, which unfortunately never happens.
It should be a good thing that more and more people in general prosper and have enough leisure
time to visit the most thrilling places on Earth. But this has a creepy and depressing side, too, and
is mass tourism.
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7. Make a comparison of the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with what is
currently developing destinations (AC 3.1 & D3)
It is clearly evident that highly developed tourist destinations are already famous and as such
there is no need to develop these kinds of destinations. Promoting tourism is a multi-
faceted, ongoing project in which all parts of the government, private businesses and the
population have an active role.
Here are some aspects that need to be considered:
1. Teach foreign languages from a young age. A multilingual population is very helpful in
welcoming tourists from around the world and makes the tourists feel safer and more
2. Educate the population (in schools, in the media) about the importance of tourism to the
country’s economy. Each and every citizen should see themselves as an ambassador of the
country, showing kindness and a warm welcome to tourists.
3. Create and maintain a modern infrastructure, which could mean a lot of things. Reliable
electricity, clean water, paved roads, modern and comfortable means of transportation, financial
(credit cards, ATM’s), Wi-Fi and mobile networks, etc (Corte, et. al., 2014).
4. Invite airlines to open routes to the country, with government subsidies. Airlines usually won’t
fly to a destination unless there is demand, or unless there is some sort of government subsidy to
operate the route while creating the demand.
5. Define for the purpose of marketing and branding, what the main tourism attractions are in the
country: Nature, religion, arts, culinary, hiking, beaches, historical, etc. Then, create a specific
marketing campaign for each of the specific markets.
6. Define areas in the country as “tourism regions”, and have people in charge of promoting
tourism and managing the infrastructure within that region.
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7. As part of the marketing campaigns listed in 5 and 6 above, create an interactive, easy to use,
multilingual, national tourism website and app, where potential tourists can learn about the
destination, get information and plan their visit to the country.

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8. Analyze issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations. (AC 4.1)
Living in a popular tourist destination area, many tourism sector of the country acknowledge and
appreciate that that flow of tourists keeps the economy alive. At the same time the increased
crowds during tourist season and the impact on local resources does make it so that by the end
of tourist season, there's this feeling of “Oh thank God it's almost over!”
It’s essential for a travel company to promote its products and services, because now there are
thousands of travel companies with their offers and it becomes difficult to reach the potential
clients. Promoting products and services of tour operators will bring more customers and
increase their income as well as the national income which contributes to the development of the
UK (Jepson & Clarke, 2014).
Major issue is seasonal tour packages. There are various tour operators that make tour package
depending on the season. These tour packages help to attract visitors by offering them a varied
kind of services.
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9. Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide
tourist destinations (AC 4.2)
When it comes to promoting a certain destination, it’s not like it used to be back in 1998. People
used to come to the tourist board in person and ask for advice, suggestions where to go and what
to visit.
Tourists are looking for relevant information about a certain destination they are planning to
visit. And no, they will most likely no longer physically go to the info center and ask for
information - tourists will try to find everything they need online from the comfort of their home.
Some countries develop a Country Brand. This means that they want to attach the attributes that
make the country a touristic asset (in this case) to the name and brand that is a country. The
Country Brand is a marketing asset with an intangible value based on reputation and image of a
country. Countries, through their products, services, landscapes, culture, sports and other
activities, corporate or not, create value together to the brand that is a country (Rao, 2014).
This is what a concerned nation can do to promote and develop tourism at the same time in its
Be a nice person, not just tourists, but everyone.
It show respect and understanding, and is tolerant of other people´s beliefs and culture.
It show appreciation and give appreciation to those things visitors like about its country,
and promote the good aspects of culture and values, cuisine and ideas (Palatkova, 2012).
Accept that this is a huge and open world and that we all share it, so we all should care for
everyone else.
Getting to the UK from the continent requires buying a ferry ticket, a plane ticket or a a train
ticket. It takes a bit of planning. The reason why London is the second most popular city is
because it is a major international hub. The busiest in Europe, although Istanbul is growing fast
and may overtake it soon. It is easy to get people to spend a few days visiting the city they fly
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into. What is harder is convincing those people to get out to regions, rather than flying on to
Paris, Barcelona or Rome.

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