
Brand Management: Strategies for Building and Managing Brand Equity


Added on  2023-01-19

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Brand Management
Brand Management: Strategies for Building and Managing Brand Equity_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1: Explain the importance of branding as a marketing tool and why and how it has emerged
in business practice......................................................................................................................3
P2: Analyse the key components of a successful brand strategy for building and managing
brand equity.................................................................................................................................5
M1: Evaluate how brands are managed successfully over time using application of appropriate
theories, models and concepts.....................................................................................................6
M2 Apply appropriate and validated examples within an organisational context.......................7
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7
P3 & M3: Analyse different strategies of portfolio management, brand hierarchy and brand
equity management......................................................................................................................7
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
P4: Evaluate how brands are managed collaboratively and in partnership both at a domestic
and global level............................................................................................................................9
M4: Critically evaluate the use of different techniques used to leverage and extend brands....11
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12
P5 & M5: Evaluate different types of techniques for measuring and managing brand value
using specific organisational examples.....................................................................................12
D1: Provide a critical evaluation that is supported by justified evidence demonstrating a
comprehensive understanding of branding within an organisational context...........................14
Brand Management: Strategies for Building and Managing Brand Equity_2

Brand management is the essential part of the marketing technique that is used by firm to
analyse as well as plan out the way in which the products needs to be perceived globally. This
subsequently help the customers to gain the required knowledge and conduct repeat purchasing
on the basis of attributes offered to customers (Batey, 2012). Here the preference is given to both
tangible and intangible aspect of the brand to create the value addition for the customer.
Adequate management of brand basically help the company to gain profitability as it is the only
source to attract the large target market towards the offering and gain better output. For the better
understanding of report Jaguar Land Rover company is taken which is the multinational
automotive company whose headquarter is in United Kingdom. The branding of company was
done as a luxury and comfortable vehicle due to which it gained immense attention from the
high-income group people that enhanced the market share of company. This report cover topics
like explanation on how the brand is build managed over the period of time. Analyse how the
brands are organised and managed in the portfolio. Along with that description how the brands
are leveraged and extended over domestic and international market. Further, determine the
techniques which are used to measure as well as manage the brand over the certain period of
time are covered in the report.
P1: Explain the importance of branding as a marketing tool and why and how it has emerged in
business practice
Branding simply refers to the name, symbols as well as design of the particular product
that help it to distinguish from the other brands. It is the valuable part of the marketing that help
the customer to identify and recognise the specific product amongst the different offerings
produced by the similar type of industry. Different areas such as promotion, customer service,
word of mouth publicity, celebrity endorsement as well as viral marketing help to build the
suitable profiler of the product (Cavender and Kincade, 2014). This is absolutely critical part of
the business as it transforms the perception of user towards product which impact on gaining the
global dominance. Herein, Jaguar Land Rover company which is part of Tata Motors is
recognised all over the world because of its unique design. Along with that strong branding
promotion has helped the company to gain huge customer base for its premium cars. As by
Brand Management: Strategies for Building and Managing Brand Equity_3

acquiring the two iconic brand that is Jaguar which include the luxury sedan or classic sports cars
and Land Rover which involve different range of SUV's. This act as a status symbol for customer
which defines about their strong position and power. Hence, this clarify the vivid identify of the
company along with its reliable offerings.
Importance of branding as a marketing tool
Generate brand value and customer satisfaction: Branding is essential part that helps
to generate the future business by leveraging the market opportunity. This establish value in
order to appeal the interest of existing and new customers within the market place. Along with
that if the customer uses the brand that has high positioning such as Jaguar Land Rover then it
enhances the customer pride. Within this state company does not remain much concern about
competitor’s strategy because even if they will increase its prices the loyal customer won't switch
to other brand.
Enhances consumer base: A good brand is one that keeps its brand promise and receive
the positive impression amongst the customer. Once the audience due to repetitive promotion
becomes familiar with the particular brand then they most likely depend upon it due to the trust
generate over the specific period (Cox, Gyrd-Jones and Gardiner, 2014). Hence, a well-
established brand need not to conduct much expenditure on the promotion as they gain the
advantage of word of mouth publicity to retain the trust of customers.
Retain the interest of employees: If the employees get opportunity to work for the
strong branded company like Jaguar then they truly stand for the company by performing all
their responsibilities effectively. Manpower are considered as an asset for company who
collectively help to bring transition by attaining the target. This is one of the most essential
factors that keep the employee satisfied and gain the sense of belongingness.
Emergence of branding in marketing tool
Initially, the new brand that entered in the market to fulfil the requirement of customer
but it became harder for them to distinguish their products from the rivalries products. This leads
to the standardisation in terms of the quality of different brand. Later on, Thompson who run the
advertising firm, that helped the company to prepare the slogans and use jingles to broadcast the
product in radio as well as TV commercials (What Is Branding? A Brief History, 2018). This
leads to the emergence of the term Branding within business practices and now Brand
management is considered as the major element which is preferably used for different type of
Brand Management: Strategies for Building and Managing Brand Equity_4

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