
Unit 43: Tapping into New and International Markets


Added on  2022-12-27

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Tapping into New and
International Markets
Unit 43: Tapping into New and International Markets_1

Table of Contents
LO1 .................................................................................................................................................1
P1). The global business environment in which small and entrepreneurial businesses Operate:
P2).The threats and opportunities that face SMEs in an increasingly competitive global
LO2 .................................................................................................................................................4
P3).The advantages of international trading blocks and agreements..........................................4
P4).The various tariff and non-tariff barriers that exist in the international trading environment
P5).The advantages and disadvantages of importing and exporting:..........................................6
P6).Differences between merchandise and service imports and exports ...................................7
P7).The various methods in which SMEs can enter into international markets.........................7
P8)Compare and contrast the various ways SMEs can enter .....................................................8
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9
Unit 43: Tapping into New and International Markets_2

An international market is a geographical area or region which relates with business
conduct by the company in order to attain maximum profits in business through expanding it in
another countries(Azad, 2020) . Tapping into international market defines the value of company
through doing business outside the territorial boundaries of home country. Global platform will
setup the business performances through attaining the objective of strategic planning,price and
promotion and by directing the flow of goods and services to their consumers by catering them in
other countries too. By expansion of business globally company will have to follow the external
forces considered with laws and regulation to demand value of other countries peoples.
Approaching into international market by small business requires an efforts which relates with
strategic planning on threats and opportunities which are occur during international business
operation. The below report is based on Oscar technology which deals in excellent recruitment
services It industries, digital sector and technology by working with other businesses to fulfil the
requirement needs. This report is considered with global business environment relates with Oscar
Technology, threats and opportunities that faces by Oscar technology, various methods uses by
SME's to enter into international market.
P1). The global business environment in which small and entrepreneurial businesses Operate:
Oscar technology deals in service of recruiting for the industries like IT technology,
digital sectors which relate with online businesses and working with other business to fulfil the
requirement of human resource(Batalhone and Clement, 2018). They are working with 70
employees globally. They considered with specialist teams which are continuously working on
recruiting best talents for the required companies and dealings in careers of technology, energy
and construction peoples. The mission of this company is to be internationally known as a trusted
partner for recruiting activities. They are specialised in working through delivering the best in
class recruitment services and solution to each and every person.
The term relates with general environment which deals in diversify environment in which
company operates their business. Includes with politics, technology, culture and the economic
status of the global environment and geographic locations. The global environment relates with
what kind of government policies are operating in other countries includes taxation policies and
Unit 43: Tapping into New and International Markets_3

rules and laws consideration. The risks and benefits have to be properly analysed by the small
business. Small scale business who are willing to expand their business across the countries
should know about global environment in which they are going to serve. In the context of
company like Oscar technology they have to study properly about the external forces which will
impact the organisation in long run, changes that occur in global businesses will either provide
benefit or losses in their operation work. To analysis this global business environment company
will go for model like PESTEL which defines external impact on the company through political,
economical, Social, technological,environmental and legal. Entrepreneurship environment works
on various situations within which size of the business matters like large, small and medium.
Working in global platform by small business will needs to take care about the operations in
relation to its specialist teams who are regularly working on finding the best suitable candidates
for companies like IT and digital platform organisation, Oscar have experienced extreme growth
and enhance themselves as a specialist in finding the talents through technologies industries.
In relation to the company like Oscar technology they have to depend upon the external
factor which are moving globally. In course of doing operations is that providing with best
recruitment service through properly working on the number of factor which includes cultures,
beliefs, political environment in that particular country. The objective of small business is to
determine the risk and probability of success into different market globally.
P2).The threats and opportunities that face SMEs in an increasingly competitive global
In small business company when they are operating internationally in relation to their
businesses lots of issues are considered while handling globally is that external forces(Brace,
2018). Which are occurred in the form of language and cultural obstacles, different legal
landscapes, communication and technology with environmental concern. In the context of Oscar
technology they are inducing with several threats which are basically impact the businesses in
their long run is that: when they will operate into new market globally in relation to their
operation of recruiting services they have to face problems like:
Other language and cultures
This will considered to be the common barrier which is arises when the small business enter into
market which have totally different culture and languages. Small businesses finds it difficult to
enter into this market in relation to the different country. In the context of Oscar technology they
Unit 43: Tapping into New and International Markets_4

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