
Organisational Behaviour: Culture, Politics, and Power


Added on  2023-01-09

23 Pages6372 Words49 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentVisual Arts
Unit - 44
Organisational Behaviour: Culture, Politics, and Power_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1...........................................................................................................................................1
P1 Examine how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team
behaviour as well as performance..........................................................................................1
TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................3
P2 Discuss how process and content theory fulfil goals and objectives of business
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5
P3 Explain what makes effective team as opposed to an ineffective team............................5
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8
P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour ........................................8
Organisational Behaviour: Culture, Politics, and Power_2

In enterprise, it is important to understand and examine behaviour to run functions &
operations properly. Organisational behaviour is defined as concept of studying human
behaviour & their reactions (Massoudi, 2020. The report reflects detailed understanding of
attitude & behaviour which are essential to be examine at workplace so that goals are achieved in
appropriate procedure Hays Travel, one of the largest and independent travel chain
headquartered in UK. They have strong networks connections which they use for their business
and provides packages of holidays to customers through operators. This report comprises of
culture, politics, power impact on team performance and individual, content & process theories,
effective/ ineffective team and philosophies of OB.
P1 Examine how an enterprise culture, politics as well as power influence individual and team
behaviour as well as performance
In organisation, it is important to analyse elements which affects business and work
environment at larger scale. It is broader concept which is needed to be carried out in most
efficient manner. So, power, culture, politics are factors that affects behaviour of individual at
workplace. Therefore it is crucial for entity to analyse impact of such elements a which are
discussed below-
It refers to group of people of different characteristics, languages, religions which exist in
society or community. Culture plays vital role in everyone life & according to which they behave
and live in society. In relevance with Hays Travel they also have culture in organisation which
they keep at priority level. Hays Travel have friendly culture at their workplace & everyone are
supportive who assist each in their work. Due to this ongoing pandemic situation it is be coming
difficult to fit into different culture in proper. COVID 19 has affected overall organisational
power, politics and power at larger scale (Sihag, 2019).According to Handy's typology there are
several culture which are discussed below-
Task culture- It is defined as culture in which different types of tasks are being assigned
to individual as well as team members depending upon there skills or capabilities. In relation
with chosen firm, manager of department assigned tasks to everyone. They manage this task
Organisational Behaviour: Culture, Politics, and Power_3

allotment with help of Gantt chart & work break down system. Employees of Hays Travel have a
deep impact like they have to be active regarding their work because task changes every week.
Due to occur of COVID 19, it is difficult for Hays Travel to assign task off to the firm because
employees prefer internal task more. This makes employee competitive, goal oriented and due to
their performance level in increased (Mohammad, 2020).
Role culture- This states that every employee is given with different roles based on their
performance and knowledge. Hays Travel can use this one in firm because personnel gets their
roles & they work accordingly. It makes subordinates understandable about roles which they
have to perform. This improves their level of understanding which helps them to deliver
effective results.
Person - It specifies that in this individual have wrong assumption that they are important
than the enterprise. Hays Travel do not follow this culture because conflicts arises between
subordinates & firm which have negative impact on work environment. But they ensure that
there every individual in entity gets clear understanding of their value to firm.
Power culture- In this, power is being given to subordinates depending on their
performance level and position they hold within the company. It is essential to have a proper
focus on this so that power is distribute in right hand. In context to Hays Travel, they can adapt
this one because it allows to have a accurate control over management & personnel. This is
because power is posses by few individual in firm. In relation of Hays Travel, power culture is
being rolled out within few hands of individual who are responsible and uses power in positive
manner. This assist them in accessing to managing of people easily (Devece, 2016).
Impact on team performance and behaviour
Culture has deep impact on individual because it wide diversity of people work in Hays
Travel and due to this ongoing situation of COVID 19, many people are unable to perform in
team in effective manner which also negatively affects their behaviour (Özduran, 2017).Also, it
is seen that due to difference in opinions and culture value, issues arises in between team of Hays
Impact on individual
Culture too impacts on individual because each and every individual has different culture
on the basis of which they behave and act. So, in relevance of Hays Travel every individual has
Organisational Behaviour: Culture, Politics, and Power_4

to work on different locations for example- tour operators work remotely in this pandemic
It is defined as influencing others decision and getting work done through them. In
corporate sector, power is distributed or used by owners, shareholders, investors. It is necessary
to decide to whom the power is needed to be given because wrong decisions can leads to
conflicts. So, there are several types of powers which are mentioned below-
Reward - In this, it is defined as getting work done by employees by using reward as
power. It is use mostly at that time when work pressure is more and reward is used as motivator.
In relevance with chosen entity, they use this power with motive of encouraging subordinates to
work harder. It increases productivity and predictability of corporation. By this power, personnel
gets motivated towards their work because of gaining rewards from superiors and also they work
with more effort. Hays Travel use it with correct way as it makes subordinates to complete their
duties in most appropriate way (Marquez, 2016).
Legitimate - It is defined as power which comes from position held by individual within
the entity. It can be used in negative way also depending upon the person way of perception. In
viewpoint of Hays Travel, they use this so that monitoring is done with proper consideration. IT
is crucial to make ensure that it is used with positive mind. This is sometimes biased which
depicts negative attitude of individual who manages that position (Simpson, 2020). For example-
shareholders and owners of Hays Travel, have changed the policies of management due to the
impact of COVID 19 and allowing only few people to work from home. Its impact on individual
is that if it is present then there is establishment of trust which create easy workflow & it results
in development of coordination which boost up the performance of employees & individual of
Hays Travel. With respect to team performance, it have negative impact on team performance
because it decrease their morale because they have to follow orders for superior person.
Expert - In this, power is gained or earned through level of experience that the individual
possess in enterprise. This is given to those who are expertise d in specific field or sector. They
expert power is mostly used as by fashion designers, programmers etc. This assist in making
decision process more effective. Also, they are responsible for handling critical situations with
their experience level and extensible knowledge. It will have impact on management of Hays
Travel & employees as because differentiation is being done on basis of level of knowledge
Organisational Behaviour: Culture, Politics, and Power_5

accordingly importance is given to every individual. This reflects negative, discrimination and
low morale. In terms of team performance, Hays Travel teams of every departments have experts
who are responsible for getting work done without any facing any error. It increased their level
of performance at larger scale.
Impact on team performance & behaviour-
Power has large impact on team performance and behaviour as because when power us
being given to individual within team, roles and responsibilities also increases. In relation of
Hays Travel, employees are being affected by power for example- sales manager of company has
higher power and manages team of different people.
Effect on Individual
Power too impacts upon individual as because individual has to obey the decisions
made by seniors in Hays Travel who has higher power for example- marketing manager, sales
manager, head of department etc.
Politics- Politics is being viewed as social disease which distort everyone mind and
distracts individual form accomplishing goals. In business and at workplace, politics tend to
occurs. It is defined as highlighting of one image in front of others in both positive or negative
way. Politics often disrupts the environment at workplace. Thus, Hays Travel, make assures
that the manager and team leaders are able to identify employees with such motives are
examined and handled in appropriate way. The behaviour of such subordinates are over
enthusiastic, clever, sharp minds, etc. The politics at workplace can be done though many ways
such as word of mouth, groupings etc. With occur of COVID 19, it is becoming difficult for
organisation to handle employees who do politics with aim of gaining advantages.
Impact on team performance & behaviour- The stated elements have deep impact on
team performance as because team passes through all these factors which affects their progress
level. In context with Hays Travel, they measured their every individual and team performance
through use of KPI'S indicators. It also assist them in analysing reason for failure of
Effect on Individual- These also have impact on individual progress level because they
affects sole person as s whole. It affects their mind, attitude, which reflects their positive &
negative behaviour in organization (Shashkova, 2018). In relation of chosen firm, politics does
affects the individual because it when politics is rolled out, it has both negative and positive
Organisational Behaviour: Culture, Politics, and Power_6

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