
Equality and Diversity in the Workplace - A Case Study on Sainsbury


Added on  2023-01-19

28 Pages5431 Words79 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Managing a Successful
Business Project
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Equality and diversity in the workplace- A case study on Sainsbury
Diversity refers to combination of different culture, values, religion, languages, ethnic,
race, caste, tradition and many more on the equality involves managing all workforce at equal
manner irrespective of their culture, language, beliefs, values, ethics, colour. However, these two
concepts are considered as most integral component within an organisation as it directly relate
with attaining increased level of productivity and profitability in a better manner. Moreover,
diverse workforce enable an establishment to maintain a healthy working culture and also assist
them to cope up with all sort of challenges or threat in an innovative and creative style without
any obstacles (Araten-Bergman, 2016). In regard of this project, Sainsbury company has been
considered which is one of the well known brand among retail business and it is established in
the year of 1869. Furthermore, it delivers broad range of products through different segments
like hypermarket, supermarket, convenience shop, forecourt shop in a best and high quality. In
this project, it involves project aims, objective, project management plan for ascertaining the
requirements in a amended manner. Moreover, examining various research methods for
collecting data on specified field of study and interpreting the data with the usage of different
tools and techniques. Finally, providing appropriate suggestion for enriching the quality of
project and organisation performance as well as producing reflecting which is based on
researcher experience while processing the whole project activities.
P1 Project aims and objectives
Research Aim
Aim of this research is To identifying the influence of diversity and equality for
achieving competitive advantage”.
Research Objective
To study the aspect of diversity and equality within organisation.
To determine the strategies of diversity and equality use by Sainsbury.
To examine the challenges faced by Sainsbury while processing equality and diversity at
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Research Questions
What do you understand by the aspect of diversity and equality within organisation?
What are the strategies of diversity and equality use by Sainsbury?
What are the challenges faced by Sainsbury while processing equality and diversity at
Aspect of diversity and equality within organisation.
According to Ruth Mayhew, 2017, Diversity and equality has an important element
which enable an organisation to accomplish its objective in an improved manner. However,
diversity refers to those concept which encompasses race, colour, religion and other traits
whereas equality refers to providing equal opportunity and treatment to employees in spite
religion, language, caste, culture (Equality & Diversity in the Workplace, 2017). However,
implication of these aspect within working culture improves overall performance of company
and also help company to cope up with the issue of labour turnover, confusion and etc.
Additionally, diverse workforce can easily be able to communicate better and can maintain
efficacious interaction among team members in a better way.
Strategies of diversity and equality use by Sainsbury.
In the views of Cristian Grossmann, 2018, Diversity and equality ensure each personnel
to put their full endeavour towards an accomplishment of business objective in an amended way.
Moreover, diversity aims to respect, recognise and value manpower differences which promote
overall performance in a trenchant way (5 Ways to Promote Workplace Diversity Through
Employee Engagement, 2018). Some of the strategies which Sainsbury implies within its
working culture is treating every equally, rewarding equal pay, enabling each manpower to
develop their full potential and so on. With the help of this, organisation can enlarge its market
share or size as well as enrich their sustainable profitability ratio in an innovative and creative
way (Boehm and Dwertmann, 2015).
Challenges faced by Sainsbury while processing equality and diversity at workplace.
As per Angela Stringfellow, 2019, Workplace diversity refer to variety of differences
among manpower in an organisation. As these concepts brings several benefits but at the same
time it impose huge difficulties over organisation. Some of the challenges which establishment
faces is that language differences, respecting and accepting others values or ideas and many
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more. Due to this, company can face various obstacle it leads to misunderstanding,
misconception, ambiguities, confusions and entirely hamper the working culture and also it
decrease firm's proficiency and productivity ratio (Challenges of Cultural Diversity in the
Workplace: 29 Experts Reveal the Biggest Challenges Employers Face Everyday (and How to
Overcome Them, 2019). Moreover, it increase employee turnover ratio and reduces the
organisation reputation among competing industry. Therefore, rendering equal opportunity and
respecting every personnel ideas enable them to gain positive attitude regrading company and it
strengthen its sales growth as well as its productivity ratio.
P2 Produce a project management plan
Project management plan comprises of cost, process, procedure, structure, resources that
help a personnel to accomplish the specified report in an effective and efficient manner within a
prescribed time limit. In regard of this project, investigator take an initiative in determining
various elements which is need for obtaining better outcome and it is discussed below:
Cost: This phase is viewed as one of the important factor for organising a particular
study as it help in acquiring relevant equipments or source in a better manner. Moreover, cost is
refer to those aspect which incur during the procedure of completing specified project in a
productive style. In case of this research, surveyor makes an attempt to examine the market
which help them to ascertain the overall expense in a better way. Therefore, the overall cost for
completing the entire task is around £430.
Scope: This component is relate with those concept in which enhace the overall
performance of particular project in an improved way. However, as the market competition and
opportunities are increasing at rapid pace, it widens the scope of research in collecting novel
information or ideas and tools for finishing the task in an amended way (Erickson and et. al.,
2014). IN regard of this project, it contains large number of scope which empower researcher to
make use of various opportunities and growth platforms in a productive style without nay
Time: It is concern with those factor which states the duration or time limit for
accomplishing the particular project or task in an innovative and improved manner. Moreover,
with the help of this technique, investigator is able to impose positive response over targeted
population that enrich its quality and performance. In relation to this research, researcher
determines the existing business environments as well as task which help them to conclude
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regarding completion time of this study. Therefore, investigator decided that this study takes 2
months of time period to develop accurate and relevant project within present marketplace.
Quality: Under this determinant, it is considered as most integral phase as it directly link
with project sustainability and productivity among the various industries and population.
Therefore, investigator makes an attempt to determine the existing marketplace that lead them to
gather all accurate and reliable data related to topic which help other publishers or surveyor to
conduct their research study in a better way.
Resource: Under this component, it is link with those aspect which combines the
elements like land, capital, labour, human resources and many more for accomplishing the
objective in an impressive and productive style. Therefore, in regard of this report, researcher
examines the requirements for conducting the research and on the basis of that they make an
effort to allocate the resources in a productive way. Moreover, investigator adopts various
innovative techniques or methods for acquiring enough pool of human resources who can put
their best contribution for an attainment of desired goal in a given time frame (Ewoh, 2013).
Communication: This aspect is another essential element within research study as it
relate with improving the performance of each individuals and also to control over various issues
like confusions, ambiguities and many more. Hence, in relation to this study, researcher make
use of available resources or communication techniques that empower them to obtain relevant
and accurate data. Due to this, investigator was able to generate high degree of cooperation,
coordination, collaboration among team members that benefits them in enhancing the quality of
project which result in developing authenticate research among other scholars or publishers.
Risk: It is concern with those aspect which every researcher come across while
processing their study or research in an improved way. In relation to this project, investigator
faces several difficulties in developing project management plan and also in maintaining better
relationship among team. Therefore, surveyor take an initiative in delegating the work as per the
potentiality of each personnel that aid them to overcome the issue of confusions, conflicts,
misunderstanding in a better manner.
P3 Develop a Gantt Chart and Work Breakdown structure
Gantt Chart: It is a horizontal bar chart which investigator adopts for segmenting the
whole project into various activities that help them to achieve the objective in an improved way.
Furthermore, it is regarded as most oftentimes in use component in project management plan as
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