
Paper on Sustainability Operations of Business


Added on  2020-05-28

11 Pages3778 Words245 Views
UNIVERSITY NAME Student’s name Student’s IDSustainable Enterprise MITHM
Paper on Sustainability Operations of Business_1

1.0AbstractThe objective of this doing the research is to find out ways through which companies can engagein sustainable business. The paper will look into the three dimensions through which a businessentity or a company can achieve sustainability in its operations. The three dimensions are Socio-cultural, economic and environmental. In a more specific way the paper will zero in on economicsustainability dimension with regards to Carpet Corporation Group. The objective will be to findout ways through which the Carpet Company can achieve economic sustainability. The paperalso to show Carpet Corporation Company can move from Dunphy Phase three where itcurrently falls as reactive minimalist to Phase six where the company will achieve transformativefuturist state as described by Dunphy sustainability model. The research will utilize secondarydata from the company website and information available from researches done on similarcompanies on how they can achieve business sustainability following Dunphy model.2.0Introduction Sustainability monitoring system refers framework that keep track of and measures businessoperations of a company. The system varies from one industry to another given that companiesdo not operate under similar conditions or market forces in the world of business. However allthe sustainability monitoring systems should be smart which means they should be relevant tothe industry upon which they are being applied and that they should be measurable. The world oftoday is increasingly facing sustainability challenges in that resources continue to become scarcewith time thus forcing companies with intention to remain relevant and afloat in business todevice ways through which they can continue to operate even in the face of more scarceresources. A good example of how resources have become limited is depletion of raw materialsin the case of manufacturing and processing industry. (Qi, Shen & Dou, 2013) The paper will useCarpet Corporation Group as a case study to for this research.3.0Literature review A good monitoring system should have certain characteristics that will make sure the system isreliable and effective for the company to achieve its targeted sustainability state. The mostcritical attribute of a good monitoring system is that it should be able to measure and report on anoutput which touches on the critical strategic objectives of the company. The system must ensure
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that all the strategic objectives of the company are at the center of its measurement and reporting.Company objectives is fundamental to growth of the company if the measurements and reportsgenerated by the monitoring system do not take into account the company objectives then thecompany will be evaluating itself in wrong direction which may eventually derail the businessactivities of the company. The system should also be able to indentify key issues and the rootcause of the problem of the company. This characteristic enables the management of thecompany and those charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the company activities aresustainable an ample time to device means of correcting the problems or challenges as raised bythe system. If the root causes of the problem are not indentified then the issue may take timebefore it is resolved and the solution may come late for it to assist the company resolve itschallenges with minimum effects on its business operation. The system should also be resultoriented and that the information it uses to measure the outputs is available and can be verifiedby the company. (Quaddus & Woodside, 2011) This attribute is important in that if themonitoring is results oriented then it will serve as an encouragement to the employees of thecompany when they see that the system is responding accordingly to their efforts and inputs.Thus a monitoring system has to be alive to the fact that employees of the company would to seetheir efforts bearing results so that they can continue even further to put in place measures thatwill lead to the company being more sustainable in business. The information used by the systemshould also be reachable and verifiable so that the output of the system would not seem abstractin the sense that no one can confirm that indeed the output of the system is real and is measuredusing information emanating from the company. (Rosing, Scheel & Scheer, 2015) This givesimpetus to the monitoring system output. The system should also be able to update regularly andeffectively support the policy reform process of the company. When the system is able toregularly update itself and provide reports from time to time the company will be able to monitorits business operation more closely to be able to rectify any issue in good time that may bederailing the company from the path towards sustainable business. If the reports come in latethen the company may not achieve the desired level of sustainability in business because of theinappropriate timing of the implementation of the mitigation and corrective measures. Thesystem should also be able to indentify responsible persons upon which the report touches on inone way or another to avoid confusion and delay in naming appropriate persons to take action.The system should also report its finding in a constructive manner so that no one in the company
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will feel victimized by the system thus going into defensive mode that would further the overallobjective of the company in achieving sustainable business. (Kourdi, 2012)The above monitoring system indicators should have a number of features that will enable thesystem to be effective and reliable to lead the company into desired level of sustainable business.One of these is that the indictors have to be relevant in that it shows aspects of the company thatneeds to be known by the management or concerned people for appropriate action to be taken.Without relying relevant data or information then the whole system will not be effective asdesired. (Epstein & Rejc, 2015) The indicators should also reliable in that this informationshould trustworthy and that all the stakeholders in the company believe in the output or measureprovided by the system. The indicators should also be easy to understand by all the relevantpersonnel in the company. This makes it easy for employees of the company to act on theinformation and data provided by the system. The indicators of the system should also be basedon data which are accessible. In any business set up the data or information used to should beaccessible to all the relevant stakeholders for the purposes of verification and ascertaining thatthe system is responding to real issues within the company. The problems phased by the Carpet Corporation Group with regards to economic sustainabilityranges from lack of effective risk management system, waste reduction and managementmeasures, providing leadership in the global Carpet Market and creation of constructive culturein the organization where the organization employees are positively encouraged to contribute tothe company innovation and reforms without being victimized or over looked. If the companycan resolve the above economic sustainability areas highlighted then the company will be set toattain high level of sustainable economic growth in business. Overall, a good monitoring system should be able to have the characteristics discussed and thefeatures of the indictors elaborated for it to be effective to the company applying or using thesystem. Companies that utilize such kind of systems are likely to post impressive results when itcomes to achieving the sustainability goals that the company put in place in order to operate amore sustainable business that will overcome the challenges posed by the market and otherforces within the business environment. (Halkias & Thurman, 2016)
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