
The Use of Alcohol And Other Drugs


Added on  2022-08-17

9 Pages1620 Words10 Views
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The Use of Alcohol And Other Drugs_1

The use of alcohol and other drugs have become a growing and a common social
issue all across the globe. The growing issue has not been only impacting the individual who
is addicted to alcohol or other drugs but is also having a huge impact on the surrounding as
well. This social issue will be viewed through the theory of frustration-aggression which had
been introduced by Neal Miller, John Dollard, Robert Sears, Orval Mowrer and Leonard
Doob which was later developed by Leonard Berkowitz and Neal Milleri. This paper will
focus on the issue of addiction of alcohol and other drugs in the society and will also provide
suitable recommendations which will help in resolving the issue for a better society and
The frustration-aggression theory states that if the goal of an individual is getting
blocked then those individuals often become frustrated which leads to aggression in the
individual. According to scholars, frustration is a major reason which leads to people getting
addicted to alcohol and other drugs which make them feel better about themselves and make
them forget the issues they have been facing for a particular amount of time or sometimes
lead to aggressive behavior among people ii. Looking from the perspective of this theory, the
social problem, addiction of alcohol and other drugs will be viewed.
It can be seen that frustration is a big factor in leading people to get addicted to
alcohol and other drugs which shows the interrelation of the theory and the topic. The theory
shows how frustration and aggression is normal among people however, the increase of these
emotions are detrimental which can lead to people facing various issues which can negatively
impact them and their surroundings.
The Use of Alcohol And Other Drugs_2

Addiction of alcohol and other drugs, a social issue
Addiction of alcohol and other drugs is considered to be a social problem as this not
only has a negative effect on the individual who is affected but also negatively affects their
surrounding and their society. The addiction of alcohol and other drugs often leads to the
individual suffering from diseases which can often lead to death or lead to the individual
having issues in terms of their mental health. This can also lead to aggressive behavior which
can affect their family and lead to domestic violence, crime and theft.
According to scholars, majority of the cases of domestic violence that have been
reported state that the person abusing was intoxicated due to alcohol or because of the use of
some other drug which is another social problemiii. Addiction of other drugs and alcohol often
results in mishaps like accidents which are not only detrimental to the health of the person
who is addicted but also to others who are innocent. Addiction of drugs and alcohol often
result in issues in the family and also lead to unemployment or makes it difficult for teens to
cope up with their studies which hampers the quality of life of a person making it a social
issue which has been existing for a very long time.
There are many children and teenagers who are getting addicted to drugs and not
being able to access to drugs often make them frustrated and angry which results in various
situations like make them do illegal things to get drugs, steal and often resort to serious
crimes iv. Thus, this is considered to be one of the most detrimental social issues which need
to be resolved and mitigated soon for the well-being of the people, their surrounding and their
Source of the issue
Addiction of alcohol and other drugs have become an important social issue which
exists all around the world. People are concerned of this issue and there are many people who
The Use of Alcohol And Other Drugs_3

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