
Facilitating Learning and Assessment in Practice - Mentorship Portfolio Proforma


Added on  2023-04-22

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Professional DevelopmentHealthcare and Research
Facilitating learning and assessment in
Mentorship Portfolio Proforma
Details of student mentor:
Job title:
Fathmath Nareema Hassan
Clinical Nurse
Details of supervising mentor:
Job title:
Details of clinical placement:
Date of commencement:
Date of completion:
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Student number: 0000000000
Table of Content
Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 2
Module Learning Outcomes.................................................................................................... 4
Section 1: Personal and Professional Development..................................................... 7
Section 2: Development of Learning and Teaching..................................................... 10
Section 3: Facilitation of learning....................................................................................... 22
Section 4: Assessment and feedback............................................................................... 27
Section 5: Reflection and signature page........................................................................ 35
APPENDICES............................................................................................................................... 36
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 37
APPENDIX..................................................................................................................................... 42
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Student number: 0000000000
Welcome to the Mentorship Portfolio Proforma. All 5 sections of this Portfolio must be completed
within the allocated time slot of the Facilitating learning and assessment in practice module. The
purpose is for you to provide evidence of meeting the learning outcomes for this module. The Portfolio
guides you through essential reading and activities that will help you to develop the role and
responsibilities of a mentor in practice.
Section 1: Personal and Professional Development
This section contains information and activities about your development as a learner. The main
objective is to identify your learning needs and a suitable supervising mentor. The two of you will
explore opportunities for mentorship development.
Section 2: Development of Learning and Teaching
As a novice mentor, you will explore how different theories of learning and teaching influence
mentorship in clinical practice. Write down evidence of how you meet the learning outcomes from the
class and clinical practice in the spaces provided.
Section 3: Facilitation of learning
In this section, you will learn different teaching strategies, develop at least two teaching plans and
facilitate two observed teaching sessions. Please discuss the overview of these activities with your
supervising mentor before undertaking the actual teaching session.
Section 4: Assessment and feedback
This section introduces elements of assessment and feedback. These elements resonate with the
concept of building effective relationships with the students that you mentor. The session allows
questioning assumptions of assessment and feedback.
Section 5: Reflection
You need to write a 1000-word reflective account evaluating the teaching sessions above. A reflective
framework should be used to structure this work. This reflective account should be available for your
supervising mentor to read and discuss with you before completing the final page of the portfolio.
Module Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
Analyse approaches to the facilitation of learning, assessment and feedback (Component A)
Discuss evidence-based strategies that influence the facilitating of learning in practice
(Component A)
Create a supportive environment that enables the effective facilitation and assessment of
learners (Component A)
Facilitate and evaluate a series of learning experiences that meet learners defined learning
needs (Component A)
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Student number: 0000000000
1 Personal and Professional Development
This section contains information and activities about your development as a learner. The primary
objective is to identify your learning needs and a suitable supervising mentor. The two of you will
explore opportunities for mentorship development.
To facilitate you in identifying your learning needs.
Learning Outcome:
You will be expected to identify your learning needs, formulate a learning contract and a
contact schedule
Learning must be relevant and meet the needs of the individual if it is to be effective. This means that
when you are planning learning opportunities, you should first identify what the learning needs are.
The following activity will help you to assess these needs: -
Consider how you identify your learning needs.
There are several methods for identifying the learning needs of medical practitioners. The
average practitioner's in to find out the knowledge gap so that they can understand aspects of
learning needs. In my case, I have faced several issues as a clinical nurse while going to
attend my duty. In real-life incidents, I have understood that there are considerable gaps in
knowledge. I have faced five main issues.
1. I once had given expired medicine to one patient as he was not able to breathe
properly. In case of emergency, I had given him medication without checking the
expiry date.
This issue can be solved while a person works in a team. In such cases, the individuals
take feedback from their peers or colleagues on their strengths and weaknesses. In my
case, the colleagues can be the doctors or interdisciplinary members of my team. They
can give feedback on my knowledge skills and attitudes as a team player. From this
balanced objective and descriptive feedback, I will be able to identify the sections in
which I need to work more and learn to reduce the knowledge gap
2. I had once given a child a wrong injection for which he became severely ill.
Learning from this type of incidents can compel nurses like me to find out what went wrong in
a conflict and how they can be prevented from being repeated (Bird 2016). An ideal incident
can teach me more than theoretical learning as it concentrates mind more effectively than
research papers. According to Bird (2016), by pointing out the negative or positive aspects of
an incident before me, I can understand and identify the learning need and share my views
with others. Such reviews must be structured as I need to determine the intensity of the
incident and give myself time to prepare thoughts before the act. The purpose of this review is
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Student number: 0000000000
to find out what I can learn from the wrong
3. Once an aged patient had to face the tremendous problem as I did not know how the
remove his catheter.
This is purely an incident of a knowledge gap. In such a case, the aged person would have
died. Hence, I can involve the method of using an expert’s advice or learn the practice before
doing anything. As pointed out by Hibberd (2016), this will make me ready for any criticism,
and I will be identifying the knowledge gap which needs to be bridged.
4. I had given the wrong dose of medicine unknowingly which made the patient suffer
From this incident, I could understand how effective the knowledge gap can be. Hence, I may
use the method of keeping a diary or record during the working day. I can write down a note
about any issue regarding practice meeting. From this, I can look back to past learning and
identify my knowledge gap (Vachon 2017). It can be individual gaps if examined more closely.
Thus, I will be able to identify systematic gaps and generate more specific learning objectives.
5. I was once given a high dose of medicine to a mother without checking her fever.
These mistakes or actions were not intentional on my part but the need for proper guidance
and learning. In my field, any error can bring a person’s life at stake. Due to these reasons, I
feel knowledge is needed for every nurse. This enhances the willingness to take responsibility
for learning. Observation is another essential method of identifying learning needs (Hibberd
2016). Through this, I observe my performance and judge my personal development within
the desired period. In that case, video analysis or consultation with patients can enhance my
scope of learning.
Assessment of learning needs is important in the overall planning of learning opportunities. You can
consider the following areas to help you with this by: -
Identifying learning needs from previous placements through the use of:
Assessment documentation.
Learning outcomes for the placement.
Willingness to take responsibility for learning.
Personal concerns.
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1.1 Self-assessment
SNOB Analysis:
This analysis tool can help you to focus on your learning needs and identify any contextual barriers
that need to be addressed and any opportunities to learn that may exist within your place of practice.
Strengths – personal
I have an apparent communication
skill which is essential for a mentor
or a clinical nurse.
I am capable of working in a team
I can build a dependable relationship
with the others
I have a strong skill to cope up with
any situation
I have great flexibility and
understanding of the job
I understand growing customers
demand skilled services
I have all types of theoretical
experience in the healthcare sector
of the country
I am capable of identifying the
knowledge gap and methods to fulfil
those learning needs.
Needs – learning/developmental
I need to be willing to take
I do not easily give up control and
feel the ego of being incapable
I do not have immense practical
experience of the job as I have not
been placed in any organisation to
judge my practical skills
I need to be patient in understanding
the demands of the clients
I need more engagements with my
colleagues so that they can
understand me more effectively and
give dependable and detailed
feedback for self-assessment.
I need to develop time management
skills as this is one of the most
critical factors to help the patients to
get the best facility.
Opportunities to learn/develop
I am currently working on a hospital
and getting the opportunity to learn
things practically
Management of the hospital is
allowing me to pursue further study
and grow my knowledge.
The real-life experience of working
can provide me with opportunities to
identify the knowledge gap
I am working in a team. Therefore, I
have the opportunity to learn team
skills like communication,
negotiation and decision making on
behalf of the team.
I have the opportunity to build a
knowledgeable and resourceful
network so that it can continuously
Barriers to consider
Extended shift duty in the hospital
becomes hectic often. The night
shifts become more pathetic as I do
not get proper support from the
seniors all the time.
The resources I feel needed to
support the patients often remain
Any degree or theoretical knowledge
may not help me in coping up the
situation or facing some practical
The organisations are becoming
more culturally diverse, and the
practitioners are expected to have
more cross-cultural competence
rather than focusing on the ailment
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help me in the learning process and
give more opportunities to develop
of the patients itself.
1.2 The Learning Contract
To complete this module, you will need to find a supervising mentor. The role of your supervising
mentor is to help guide you about mentorship issues, and they will observe your teaching session and
provide overall feedback regarding your development. Facilitation is critical for both student mentor
and supervising mentor which includes, negotiation and guidance regarding learning opportunities
available during this module. It is by agreement and requires joint responsibility. When selecting a
mentor to consider the following points:
a) You should seek approval for your choice from the person in charge of the practice area.
b) You must have good access to the supervising mentor (Contact Schedule).
c) The supervising mentor should be from the same or a nearby practice area.
d) The supervising mentor must have relevant experience in mentorship,
e) They must agree to undertake the role and complete appropriate documentation.
Learning Opportunities Agreed targets Review Date
Example: I will facilitate a learning
experience for a student nurse
administering medicine.
To explore how this activity relates to
other businesses.
1 April 2016
(need to facilitate minimum four in a
different level of staff at the hospital)
(prepare 2 PowerPoint presentation in of
the mentioned topic and should be
included in appendix page of the
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I shall detail every type of aspects for
which the student nurses can face
issues while communicating with the
To clarify what kind of questions the
students can meet while interacting
with the patients for the first time.
Ten march
I will make the team of medical
assistants work collaboratively with the
team members
To enhance dependence on one
another and grow competence
20 March 2019
As learning in providing therapy to the
patients is one of the most critical
factors, I shall give different online
resources to the therapist to learn and
manage the knowledge gap
To reduce the knowledge gap in the
therapy and enhance practice as well
as theoretical knowledge about the job
1 April 2019
Junior clinical nurses will have initial
issues to understand the importance of
learning medicines and their effects so I
will guide them by communicating more
and asking them to find out knowledge
To create a strong and competent
team of the clinical nurse within a
limited time
5 June 2019
The Contact Schedule
Contact Schedule Contact Dates Outcome
1) Learning Contract
Lesson Planning
2) Observed Teaching
3) Formative Reflection
Bird, K., 2016. Learning Needs Assessment: Comparison of Perceived Learning Needs of Registered
Nurses Based on Age and Shift Type.
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