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Value and Contribution to Organizational Success


Added on  2023/01/20

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This document discusses the value and contribution of human resource management in achieving organizational success. It explores change management models and the role of HR in managing change. The document also evaluates how businesses respond and adopt changes, and provides recommendations for effective organizational design and change management.

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Human resource management help the organization to analyse
business requirement, customer needs and their desires
regarding products range. There are various HR functions
which followed by the organization in order to increase
efficiency as well as effectiveness. Such as recruitment,
selection, training & development, compensation, employee
benefits etc. This poster include models & theories of change
in the management which improve production of AstraZeneca
As time passes, organization have to change their management
practices as well as policies in order to survive in the market for
longer time period. Manager of AstraZeneca plc can adopt this
model to increase their efficiency.
Ending: In this stage, people are forced to accept changes because
they are use too, to live or perform in their comfort zone. Here,
people have to face fear, anger, sadness etc. they have to accept
their emotions and encounter action throughout entire process of
•Neutral Zone: Here, people getting affect due to change in the
organizational policies for example: they are confused regarding
their work, uncertain and impatient. Employees
•Also face heavy workload which give then new experience of
life. But after sometimes, they get used to this pressure.
New beginning: In the last stage, people start accepting changes
and take initiative to give their hard work. So organization,
provide required skills and other competencies to perform well for
successful results.
From the above discussion, AstraZeneca plc adopt Lewin's change
management model which help the organization to analyse
requirement or need of changes. Because it will increase
efficiency and effectiveness which further helps in increasing their
product demand that automatically increase profit margin.
Change management model: It is the combination of
various tools, techniques and process which help the
organization to achieve successful outcomes. It also helps in
personal level where individual realize the requirement of
change. There are various change management model but
some of models discussed below:
Lewin's change management model: This model include
three different steps such as unfreezing, changing ad then
refreezing. It develops the perception in the individual minds
that changes are necessary for business growth, to change
behaviour of an individual etc.
Unfreeze: It is the first step which required active efforts to
change in organization. In context of AstraZeneca plc,
employees understand the required of change in the business
strategy in order to overcome from various difficult situation.
Transition: In this stage, when manager of AstraZeneca plc
move to the transition period after analysing the change. So
they required some leadership skills to proceed the changes for
better outcomes.
Refreeze: In the last step, when organization decided or accept
the changes then they implement strategies to enhance
organizational as well as employees performance. After doing
these things, business become stable and able to refreeze their
strategy and follow in proper way to increase demand and
profitability. Bridge's Transition model: This model is useful
to read customer's mind so they change their policies as per the
Value and Contribution to Organizational Success
Change management along including
theories and models

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Change in organization design will increase the competition
in order to achieve high productivity or profit margin. In the
AstraZeneca plc, HR plays very important role through
developing strategy, innovative ides etc. Some of the role
discussed below:
Role of Watchdog: HR of the company re-think about
changes in organizational design which bring various
implementation which affect the company in order to achieve
business goals & objectives.
Taking time to communicate: HR of the company develop
strategy and communicate with finance & marketing
managers in order to share their vision. HR department
maintain the flow of information in the organization.
Training managers: When business accept any changes, so
they have to provide proper training to their managers so they
further instruct employees regarding their job.
HR department of AstraZeneca plc play all the above
mention role in order to enhance their employee’s
performance and share information which helps in achieving
common goals & objectives.
Talent Sherpas: It include the people of exports who have
powerful presence in the talent community. These people
have ability to understand the individual skills & capability
and further suggest roles as per their ability to achieve
business goals & objectives.
On-boarding experience design: In this role of HR,
company hire skilled people to save their time and efforts to
provide training and development programs. It is like a
instructional designer which improve the experience and they
also provide tips to hire new talent.
Learning Curators and Hackers: In the changing business
model and regulatory environment organization need to
choose that individuation who have right knowledge in the
correct amount. It is required because everyone required
different skills and learning style in order to achieve business
goals & objectives.
As per above discussion, it has been critically evaluated that
organization design help the business to improve internal
communication, increase productivity, profit margin and
develop innovative ideas. It increases efficiency of
employees and more focus on customer's demand. In context
of AstraZeneca plc, manager accept the changes and perform
various business activities in order to gain competitive
After implementing such changes, HR department have to
provide proper training to each department regarding change.
So managers of every division can clear all the issues
regarding work and solve working queries of employees. In
addition, for efficient implementation management have to
build effective strategy which give them strength to face
challenges. Manager of AstraZeneca plc majorly focus on
people, strategy, operation and laws which can become
barrier at the time of adapting any changes. Along with this,
it helps in maintaining relationship between organization and
There are various types of changes which affect the
organizational design along with transformational and
psychological changes. Some of the changes discussed
Organizational wide change: It is a large scale
transformation which affect the whole organization which
include restructuring of leadership, introduce new policies,
techniques etc.
Transformational change: It majorly include the
organizational strategy which help the business to enhance
their operational performance and improve employee’s
efficiency. It provide rapid change where manger develop
plan, change in culture, social climate which support the
Personal changes: It will cause the significant shift in
employee’s engagement and moral which affect the
production as well. Manager need to motivate each of
employees to improve their performance and achieve their
goals & objectives.
Company face the issues regarding low profit margin, so in this case
manager develop strategy to reduce product cost and increase its
reach to the patients. It increase productivity and profitability of the
company and further helps in achieving business goals. Change in the
organization also have strength as well as weakness which is
discussed below:
Strength: Change in the organization will increase the
productivity due to high demand and it is beneficial for the customer
to get quality product with affordable price. Along with this, it
provides sustainable development which provide competitive
advantage. It further increase profit margin through effective
organizational design.
Weakness: Major drawback is that, it required huge capital
investment which is not affordable for small & medium size
organization. Because, here business have to change technology
which increase efficiency as well as effectiveness. But regular change
also creates financial problems for the AstraZeneca plc.
It has been critically evaluated that organizational design and change
management have complex relation which affect the whole
production system. There are some recommendation which develop
effective relation in order to achieve their business goals.
Organization have to understand employees need and their
requirement in the workplace.
Employees are very important to accept the changes because
they have to perform all the activities. So it is important to analyse
the requirement of change.
HR manager of AstraZeneca plc have to hire skilled people
who have flexibility to adopt changes.
Organization have to provide training in order to accept
changes and perform well to achieve business goals & objectives.
Role of HR in managing change Evaluate that how business respond and
adopt changes
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