
Venture Idea and Execution


Added on  2022-11-16

32 Pages7242 Words155 Views
Business DevelopmentFinanceLeadership Management
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Venture Idea and Execution_1

Table of Contents
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................3
About the firm..............................................................................................................................3
Mission and Vision......................................................................................................................4
Analysis on possible market gap/opportunity..................................................................................5
SWOT Analysis of the product/service.......................................................................................5
PESTLE of Grocery market Australia.........................................................................................6
Identification of the gap...............................................................................................................9
Developing value proposition of the innovative product or service................................................9
Marketing and channel strategy approach.....................................................................................11
Channel strategy........................................................................................................................13
Competitive strategy and positioning............................................................................................14
Competitive strategy..................................................................................................................14
Financial viability of the venture using break-even, cash flow, and investment needs.................16
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Startup capital............................................................................................................................17
Break even Analysis..................................................................................................................20
Cash flow...................................................................................................................................21
Appendix 1: The buying process...............................................................................................25
Appendix 2: The financial statements.......................................................................................25
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Venture idea: About a grocery Application in Australia which is a go-to application for the
different shoppers in the country
Idea title ShopEasy- the go-to solution for the shoppers.
Executive Summary
There exist various problems in the society and it is the duty of the entrepreneurs to come
up with ideas which fulfill the gap present in the society. Hence, the business idea outlined in the
report shall outline such a gap and present a plan to fulfill the same. As the business environment
has become competitive, it is crucial that, new innovative ideas are introduced into the scope of
the business in order to ensure long term success. In line with this, it becomes very crucial that a
business plan is outlined which shall assist in understanding the overall requirements of any
business and also assist in seeing to it that, all the goals and objectives of the new venture are
attained in a timely manner. The business idea which will be discussed in the plan can be stated
to be related to the plan of a Grocery application which integrates the various different
supermarkets on to a single platform. The different consumers can enjoy the convenience of
shopping online from the application without having to visit the stores and hence, save time. The
application will be launched in Australia. In the beginning phase, the application will be
available in the metropolitan cities only but in the future after it receives a suitable response from
the different cities then, in such a case, it will expand to the rest of the cities as present in the
metropolitan city as well. The given business plan will focus on discussing the overall way the
business has been designed and additionally focus on the manner in which the different
operations of the business may be carried out successfully. The report aims to outline the way
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the overall operations of the business can be carried out and understand the manner in which any
firm will be able to attain long term success with adequate Financial forecasting, Marketing
agendas and other management programs.
About the firm
The Grocery application will be named: ShopEasy and will be having a considerably
large inventory. The reason why the business plan can be successful in the long run is because, it
will have comparatively lowered middlemen costs because the goods will be sourced directly
from the different manufacturers and as a social initiative, the farmers will be contacted directly
which would then ensure that, they are being able to sell their goods at the right prices and
additionally be able to ensure that they are not being cheated. The application designed will be
available on both the Android as well as the iOS platforms. The economy of the firm has been
performing considerable well and it is with respect to this that, it becomes extremely important
for the new ventures to capture this development and be able to ensure that, ShopEasy is being
able to fulfill the needs of the different customers and see to it that they are not required to utilize
their time in other such shopping sprees and instead shop on great offers and discounts from the
Mission and Vision
The vision of the company can be understood to be to become the number one Grocery
selling application in Australia and additionally the firm also has an aim to become a household
name in Australia which can be made use of by various businesses, professionals, students and
household departments.
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The mission of the firm can be taken to be to provide the best services to the different
customers and ensure that it is being able to upgrade the technology as available in the right
manner so as to ensure that, it is being able to maintain the competitive advantage in the market.
The objectives of the firm are as follows:
To provide services to the customers at all times
To build a positive brand image
To provide a satisfactory experience to the different customers
To earn high revenue
To ensure that the firm`s application is able to achieve maximum downloads.
Analysis on possible market gap/opportunity
In order to understand whether the particular gap in the market lies and to be able to
identify and related opportunities in the scope of the business, the section will undertake the use
of various tools like the SWOT analysis and the PESTLE analysis which will assist it in
understanding the overall market scenario (Anantadjaya, 2013).
SWOT Analysis of the product/service
As ShopEasy can be primarily understood to be the business dealing in grocery items, the
fruits, and vegetables can be understood to be related items, it is important to understand the
various strengths which related to the overall business. Hence, in this section, the SWOT
analysis of the business will be undertaken which will assist in deciding the manner in which the
firm will be able to ensure long term success (Armstrong et al., 2015). The SWOT analysis will
identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the business opportunity.
The strengths of the business are as follows:
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1. The brand has to offer a wide variety of goods as well other related items which will ensure that,
the overall customer needs can be fulfilled and satisfied adequately.
2. The firm offers considerable discounts to the different customers and hence, becomes
considerable popular with respect to this.
3. The firm provides considerable convenience to the different individuals as present and helps them
to purchase online at their own convenient time and discounted price offerings.
The weaknesses which are faced by the business, can be taken to be as follows:
The delivery time may vary and the firm may not be able to provide the delivery in the stipulated
time which may then lead to a mark on the overall brand image of the firm.
Although the fixed costs as present in the firm can be understood to be limited, however, the
variable costs as present in the firm can be taken to be very high.
Very often the different customers tend to cancel the order and this leads to issues regarding the
overall accounts and also leads to the wastage of the goods.
The various opportunities which are available for the business can be taken to be as follows:
The Australian market can be understood to be duopolistic in nature and in relation to this, the
firm can take advantage of the anti-duopolistic laws and ensure long term success.
Additionally, when Shop Easy finds success in the metropolitan cities then in such a case, it will
be able to expand to the different countries and other cities of Australia.
The firm can also engage in valued packaging and engage in related cross selling to ensure long
term success.
The different threats faced by the firm are:
The presence of the big players can be understood to be the biggest threat which is generally
faced by a firm. The presence of the retail giants causes the threat to the organization and its
overall wellbeing.
The needs of the customer often go in considerable change and in relation to this, the firm needs
to be aware of the changing needs in the right manner.
The retention of the customers can also be understood to be a threat faced by the firm.
PESTLE of Grocery market Australia
PESTLE Analysis
The pestle analysis can be understood to be a strategic management tool which helps in
analyzing the overall business environment and also provides an analysis of the different forces
which are operating in the external environment of the firm. The PESTLE analysis comprises of
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the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental forces which impacts its
operations either positively or negatively. Hence, in this section for the PESTLE has been
conducted for Shop easy in the Australian grocery market.
The political forces can be understood to be the force relating to the government of the
country. The Australian government can be understood a fairly stable government with the
defined set of rules and legislation for the different business organizations. The ease of doing
business in Australia is comparatively easy because of the simple legislations present (Shi &
Zhang, 2014). However in case of the grocery industry, the various governmental regulations
which are set against a duopolistic feature of the market is against the giant retailers and allows
the different new organizations to promote the business. For the operations of Shop easy this can
then be understood to be a beneficial as it helps to encourage their operations due to this
The economic aspects of the forces can be understood to be those forces relating to the
overall economic development of the country and its members. A business can perform well only
when its operations align with economic state of the country in which it is governing. In
Australia the economic power of the different individuals has been increasing and so are the
spending’s which been increasing (Armstrong et al., 2015). Shop easy can take advantage of this
and ensure that it is easily able to target these customers. On the other hand the bargaining power
of the suppliers has also reduced drastically which is the factor which Shop easy can take
advantage of in order to incorporate their overall supply chain management.
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