Answer 1 The father's reaction was not justified, although Hanna had resorted to social networking for expressing her disgust towards the household chores that she has to do at her home and the fact that she was not being paid for any of these activities. Teaching her a lesson by making a video message and firing bullets at her laptop was not an acceptable reaction, expected from the parent. Answer 2 Posting about her mental state of mind and bitterness towards her father in a public social media platform was incorrect on the part of the daughter. She could have directly consulted him, in order to discuss the mental stress that she was going through by seeking advice, and together they could have identified new strategies for making the environment at home feasible. Answer 3 On being a parent to Hanna, I would have adopted the authoritative parenting style, which is primarily characterized by high responsiveness and reasonable demands. While having high expectations from the child, I would also have provided her with the necessary support and resources that she requires to be successful, and would have also demonstrated openness to her emotional needs. Answer 4 Thefathermanifestedauthoritarianparentingstylethatisexemplifiedbylow responsiveness and high demand, and had extreme high expectations from Hanna, while providing little or negligible nurturance and feedback (Uji et al., 2015). This kind of parenting
style comprises of harsh punishment for mistakes, which was also seen in the scenario by firing bullets into the laptop. It also prevented the father from demonstrating patience for his daughter’s misbehavior.
References Jordan,T.(2012).FacebookParenting:Forthetroubledteen.Retrievedfrom Uji, M., Sakamoto, A., Adachi, K., & Kitamura, T. (2014). The impact of authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive parenting styles on children’s later mental health in Japan: Focusing on parent and child gender.Journal of child and family studies,23(2), 293-302.