
Regulating Video Games for a Healthier Society


Added on  2019-10-18

9 Pages2171 Words598 Views
Running Head: Video Games and Ethical ConcernsEthics in InformationTechnology
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VIDEO GAMES AND ETHICAL CONCERNS 1Video Games and related Ethical ConcernsThere have been drastic development in the industry of electronic video games and hasbecome one of the successful technological industries. Gaming Industry has target market ofaround $ 25 billion and has become one successful business across the world. In thecontemporary world where people totally rely on technology for connectivity gamingindustry has increased the job opportunities by providing 12000 jobs in the internationalmarket (Hubeek, L., & Schillemans, W. 2017).On the contrary, gaming has also raised numerous ethical questions not only in developedcountries like USA and Europe but across the world. Researchers across the world havehighlighted the bitter truth reading the video games. Video games are not only played by thechildren but adults have also become addicted to playing games. Researches across the worldhave shown that video games distract students and people from reality and it encouragespeople to come back again and again for playing games, due to the virtual rewards that thegames provides with. Negative impacts of video games are increasing dramatically. Other ethical concern related to video games is increase in violence and aggression. In aresearch it has been proved that playing violent video games directly affects the attention andself-control, which have serious effect on the player and society as well. This issue havebecome cause of debate in the past years. Playing video games have effect on the feelings andpeople who play violent video games have tendency to get involved violent activities andphysical fights (Do Video Games Cause Real World Violence? 2017).Other major concern is addiction of video games. In serious cases bad effects of the videogames leads to problems like substance abuse and gambling addiction. Whenever a gameaddict urges to play a game, brain activity is increased which is similar to cue inducedcraving and both shares similar neurobiological mechanisms.
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VIDEO GAMES AND ETHICAL CONCERNS 2Problem StatementExposure of children to games having violent content have increased the legal and ethicalissues for researchers across the world, particularly focusing on the core objective todetermine exposure to video games leads to psychological, emotional and physical damage.Global market for the video games has increased across the world in the last few yearscritically. There has been significant increase in violent activities done by the children allover the world. There is increase in the debate about the link of violent behaviour with theviolent video games in young generation. Games like Grand Theft Auto, Doom, War crafthave violent content which leads to creation of psychological perspective where violence isnormal and accepted behaviour (Ethical issues in video games. 2017).Analysis through Reynolds Seven-Step ApproachReynolds seven step processes will be used for analysing the research problem discussed inthe previous section. This model is helpful in analysis of ethical dilemmas and then makingethical decisions. The seven steps in this model are discussed as follows:Gather Facts – The very step in making any ethical decision is related with collection offacts and information, which will then lead to final ethical decision. Ethical concerns relatedwith video games consist of video game addiction, increased cases of violence due to thepsychological effects of video games and distraction from real world. It has been found invarious researches across the world that video games have negative effects on the mind ofindividual playing it. Playing violent video games directly affects the attention and self-control, which have serious effect on the player and society as well. Brain activity isincreased when a person feels the urge to play video game, which is similar to gambling andaddiction (Boyle, R., & Hibberd, M. 2005).
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