
Violet Health Case Study: Diabetes and Old Age-Related Disorders


Added on  2022-10-01

9 Pages2369 Words364 Views
Disease and Disorders
Violet Health Case Study 1
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Violet Health Case Study: Diabetes and Old Age-Related Disorders_1

Violet Health Case Study 2
Diabetes is a global epidemic disease with a prevalence estimate of 6.4%, where more
than 200 million people are infected with the killer disease. Study shows that adults ranging
between 44-70 years of age are more prevalent to diabetes type 2 compared to young adults
which has been contributed by widespread of poor lifestyle, bad eating habits, and poor diabetes
control measures. Though diabetes infections are said to be hereditary, most people are now
diagnosed with diabetes type two due to poor lifestyle habits. Social distress becomes part of the
family with a person living with diabetes, seeing that most of the resources are used in the
treatment of the disease. The article enlightens us on the various diseases which affect aged
people along with various social and economic problems faced when dealing with diabetes
infected victims.
Quantitative Aspect of the Case Study
Violet, who is a diabetic type two victim, is among millions of people who are going
through psychological hardship due to their illness in their old age. Violet’s case scenario is an
example of how various families pass through life hardships coping with diabetic and related
infections. Old people are susceptible chronic infections since their bodies become
immunosenescence, and their immune systems become inefficient; altering the distribution of
immune cells (Fuentes et, al. 2017 p. 285). Like Violet, many diabetic patients are prone to other
diseases that are brought by poor sugar regulation in the body. What are some of the body
disorders brought by old age? What are some of the social and economic distress that the family
faces in taking care of diabetes patient and old age-related diseases?
Violet Health Case Study: Diabetes and Old Age-Related Disorders_2

Violet Health Case Study 3
Search Strategy for Suitable Articles
In determining the type of literature to use in our case scenario, we have to use simple, specific
keywords in our Google search in order to get better and scholarly articles that will match with
our expectations. Google scholar will help us to have control of all the publications we need
either by the author, publication date, and getting a specific published journal. Once we open our
browser; Mozilla Fire forks, we go search the word Google scholar where we get various
options, but we select our specific keyword Google scholar. In the top left corner of the
webpage, we press the button made of horizontal lines to open a new menu. We directly go to the
advanced search which has eight ways of searching which later are broken down to three broad
sections; all, exact phrase, at least one and without. We click to the option exact phrase. We can
then type one of our quantitative research questions in the correct phrase box using specific
keywords (Semo.libguides.com, 2019). In our quantitative research question, we can search for
the causes of diabetes type two infections, which later give us various results in relation to our
To select the collect articles or journals to use, we have to select by the author and the year of
publication. For our case, we will use published health organization articles such World Health
Organization (WHO), National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), National Library
of Medicine (NLM) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) since their articles are certified and
give detailed literature in relation to our case. We shall select good scholarly articles that have
clear diabetes medical concepts and old age infections. We may also select case-study articles
which are in relation to old age infections.
Literature Evidence
Violet Health Case Study: Diabetes and Old Age-Related Disorders_3

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