
Tourism Management Strategy Analysis


Added on  2020-02-05

11 Pages3865 Words135 Views
Visitor AttractionManagement
Tourism Management Strategy Analysis_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1Overlap of visitor attractions in relation to particular types of attraction...............................11.2Importance of different visitor attractions..............................................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................32.1Needs and motivations of different visitor types....................................................................32.2 Impacts of tourism on visitor attractions in London..............................................................42.3 Effect of different theories of tourist motivation on the management of visitor attractions.4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................53.1................................................................................................................................................5TASK 4............................................................................................................................................54.1 Different visitor management strategies................................................................................54.2 Management techniques in relation to sustainability.............................................................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
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INTRODUCTIONThe management of visitor attractions in today’s ear is an essential component in traveland tourism sector. It can be termed as that business which offers interest, excitement as well asmany activities that are arranged for the tourists that come for visiting different places so thatthey can take an unforgettable experience from their visit to a destination or from a day trip. Inthe present report, there will be discussion on various concepts related to visitor attractionmanagement (Fyall, Leask and Garrod, 2012). An article will be presented on discussionregarding overlapping of visitor attractions with respect to particular types of attractions andtheir importance. Also, visitor types, impact of tourism on visitor attractions as well as touristmotivation theories will be understood in the report. Apart from that, different issues affectingthe development process in visitor attraction management will be studied as well. Further,management techniques will be applied and their impact on sustainability and relation with itwill be highlighted along with analysing different visitor management strategies.TASK 11.1 Overlap of visitor attractions in relation to particular types of attractionTo explain the overlapping of visitor attractions with respect to specific attractions in theUK, Natural History Museum of London is selected. If tourists are visiting this place and notgoing to the Natural History Museum, then their trip will be considered as incomplete because itis considered to be a significant attraction of London that is the world-famous museum thatshows natural history by the way of exhibiting a large range of specimens from several segments.The visitors after entering this place of attraction feel a great experience by getting overjoyedwith the seeing home to life and earth science specimens that includes around 80 million itemswithin five main collections. These five collections are zoology, mineralogy, entomology, botanyas well as palaeontology. The attraction is known for world-renowned centre of research that isspecialised in conservation, taxonomy and identification. One of the well-known fact about thisplace is that earlier it was officially known as British Museum but after having the legalseparation in 1963, it came to be named as Natural History Museum (Kotler and et.al., 2015).Tourists that come to visit this place have a great and unforgettable experience from the place. Apart from that, one more natural attraction in England can be taken into considerationlike Hyde Park. It can be taken as the most famous and popular park that is situated in the1
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Central London and known as the largest of four Royal Parks that are leading to form a chainthat starts from Kensington Palace through Kensington Garden and Hyde Park. After that, theGreen Park comes which leads to the main entrance to Buckingham Palace. In today’s era, forvisitors, the place is known for the most popular destination where tourists can spend theirholidays (Lancaster and Massingham, 2010). Every year in London, numerous tourists come forthe purpose of visiting nation where Hyde Park is one of the most loving and desired destinationfor them to visit. It is considered to be one of the capital’s eight Royal Parks. Along with that,Hyde Park is known for offering high range of recreational activities in which water swimming,boating, cycling as well as tennis and horse riding are involved (Moutinho, 2011). It can be saidthat this park is playing a significant role in attracting a large pool of customers from differentnations and making the economy earn higher profits through increasing business. 1.2 Importance of different visitor attractionsThe different visitor attractions in United Kingdom play a significant role in improvingthe economic condition of a country and proves to be highly beneficial for the nation to grow andget developed. The importance of different visitor attractions for the economy are given asbelow:Attracting new business to a destination–Visitor attractions like Natural History Museumand Hyde Park highly contribute in attracting new businesses to the destination. It isbecause; when number of visitors increase, it leads many travel and tourism agencies toenter in the nation (Ramaswamy, 2013).Contribution to the overall destination product–Different visitor attractions play a crucialrole in contributing to the overall destination product which means that the places visitingof which tourists come in the nation increases the value of tourism in the country. Employment–Different visitor attractions lead to generate employment opportunities incountry as with increasing the popularity of places, number of tourists get enhanced asthus, it leads to create increase employment opportunities in the nation. It is because;these places increases the business of tourism and thus, firm operating in it require largeworkforce that offers employment to the people residing there (Song and et.al., 2012).2
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