
Visitors Attraction Management Assignment | Tourism Industry


Added on  2020-06-04

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Leadership Management
Visitors Attraction Management Assignment | Tourism Industry_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................4TASK 1............................................................................................................................................41.1 Overlap of visitors attraction in relation to particular type of attraction..........................41.2 Analysing the importance of different visitor attraction..................................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................82.1 Needs and motivations of different visitors types............................................................82.2 Impact of tourism on visitor attraction.............................................................................92.3 Effect of different theories of tourism motivation on the management of visitors attraction..............................................................................................................................................11TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................12Covered in powerpoint.........................................................................................................12TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................124.1 Different visitor management strategy...........................................................................124.2 Management techniques in relation to sustainability.....................................................13CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
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INTRODUCTIONTourism industry is considered as one of the fastest growing industry in the world. It is veryhelpful in growing the economy of country as well. There are so many beautiful places allaround the world and now-r-days people are also more interested in travelling. So, it is veryimportant for the government to maintain the beauty of these places so that the customers areattracted towards them (Ab Karim and Chi, 2010). There are various heritage properties as wellwhere lots of visitors come so government is required to maintain the pride of all these places sothat the no. of visitors increases day by day. The company that has been referred in this report isVisit Britain. It is the national tourism company which perform the work of marketing Britain inrest of the world and developing the visitor economy of England as well. This report will help inunderstanding the nature, development and management of visitor attraction, visitor types,impacts and Tourist motivation theories, issues affecting the development process along with themanagement techniques and their impact on sustainability as well. TASK 11.1 Overlap of visitors attraction in relation to particular type of attractionOverlapping of different visitor attraction Dated: 3rd August 2017OVERLAPPING:Overlapping of visitor attraction can be defined as a situation in which a person is going to visitone place but get attracted top some other place as well. Another meaning associated with this isthat one place is having two different meaning for two different persons like there is a famouschurch in UK named as ST. Paul’s Cathedral. This place is considered as a visitor attractionalso and at the same time it is religious attraction as well. So, overlapping can have differentmeanings as well (Barros and et. al., 2011). Overlapping is considered as very beneficial foreconomy as it is helping them in increasing the revenue. There are so many beautifuldestinations present in UK where lots of tourists visit every year. The Government of UK isworking towards developing these places more so that it does not lose its beauty and does notstop attracting people. Also, the local authority present there is also providing good facilities tothe people who are coming to visit these places so that their quality of experience gets enhanced
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and they visit again. SUSTAINABILITY:It is process which takes place inside an environment in which it is tried to bring consistency inthe market. It is the basic nature of environment that it gets depleted if not taken proper care.So, there are many companies in tourism sector that is taking care of depletion of environmentand controlling the pollution as well (Beritelli, Bieger and Laesser, 2014). ATTRACTIVE PLACES IN UK :One of the most attractive place that is present in UK is the London Eye. It is a Huge FerrisWheel on southern bank of River Thames. Whoever comes to London does not miss a chance tovisit this place. This place was specially designed to attract people from all over the world tocome and visit UK so that more revenue can be generated. Another famous destination in UK is Eden project which is considered as a popular visitorattraction in Cornwall, England. Here, basically there is collection of plant species that ha beenselected from many diverse climates and environment. This place was also specially designedso that people who have a special love for nature can come and visit this.
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