
Visitors Attraction Management PDF


Added on  2020-09-08

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Leadership Management
Visitors Attraction Management PDF_1

CONTENTSINTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................1TASK – 1....................................................................................................................................................11.1Discussing the overlap of visitor attractions in relation to particular types of attraction..............11.2Analyzing the significance of different visitor attractions............................................................2TASK – 2s...................................................................................................................................................32.1Evaluating the needs and motivations of different visitor types...................................................32.1Assessing the impacts of tourism on visitor attractions in the United Kingdom..........................42.2Analyzing the effect of different theories of tourist motivation on the management of visitor attractions................................................................................................................................................5TASK – 3....................................................................................................................................................53.1Discussing the processes and the potential issues involved in the development of visitor attractions................................................................................................................................................5TASK – 4....................................................................................................................................................74.1Analyzing different visitor management strategies......................................................................74.2Evaluating the management techniques in relation to sustainability............................................8CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONComprehending in relation with the visitor attractions, it is being regarded as the naturallocation and features, man-made creations or objects that have some or the other special attentionfor travellers and the local residents. Different destinations have particular attractions that act asa motivator and pull factors in respect of tourists to choose their destination. Thus, it can be saidthat they are most important part of the tourism system (Swarbrooke, 2002). Furthermore, theyare considered as the main motivator of the tour and trips and are the heart of the product oftourism. If attractions are not present, there will be no tourism. As a matter of fact, the existenceof tourism is dependent on attractions. The current research report deals with managing thevisitor’s attractions as well as various aspects of attractions, types of visitors and its impacts. As a Tourism Consultant for a National Tourism Agency Visit Britain, the main role is toincrease the value and volume of tourism product of England. In addition to this, there is a greatneed to understand the scope, importance and techniques of management to sustain the visitor’sattractions of UK (Our performance & reporting, 2018). In the current research report visitor’sattractions of UK such as Kensington Gardens, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Towerof London, London Eye, Natural history British museum and Kensington Palace will beresearched. TASK – 1 1.1Discussing the overlap of visitor attractions in relation to particular types of attractionSt. Paul’s Cathedral will be considered to elucidate on the overlapping of the visitorsattractions. It is a famous place of visitor attraction because it accounts for significant featureabout the London skyline i.e. a world famous dome. The St. Paul’s Cathedral is well known forits intricate mosaic and art works. The visitors are astonished by the breathtaking interiors of thecathedral as and when they enter this place (Ramaswamy, 2013). In addition to this, peoplevisiting this place can also explore the discoveries of the tombs, crypt and memorial of some ofthe famous national heroes. Furthermore, the visitor can also have the panoramic view of Londonby climbing the golden gallery and can try out the audio fluke of Whispering gallery. 1
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Other than all of the above, this place is also regarded as a religious attraction. In otherwords, it is also conveying the spiritual aspect and sacredness between the people who visitscathedral irrespective of their religion. Even though, the main fundamental purpose of the churchis being a place of worship for the Christians, but it is also one of the oldest buildings and thus,regarding the cultural and heritage aspects. 1.2Analyzing the significance of different visitor attractionsLondon Eye – It is being referred as an important feature to the skyline of London. Itboosts up some of the magnificent views of London from its 32 capsules each weighingaround 10 tonnes (Merlin entertainments group, 2016). It holds up around 25 people andis located in the central London. A spellbound 360 degree view of the capital can beexperienced by the visitors from the London Eye. It is the famous landmarks of Londonand from the past few decades, it is being regarded as the topmost visited place as well asexperience for the tourists. Westminster Abbey – Every year this wonderful 700 year old building is attractingmillions of tourists. Its importance lies in its remarkable religious building. Further, it isalso considered as an enormous gothic abbey church in the Westminster London. British Museum – The museum is quite famous in London and is significantly unveilingthe works of man of prehistoric times to modern times all around the world. The majorattraction of this historic museum includes the Pantheon sculptures, mummies in theAncient Egypt collection and the Rosetta stone (Jutte, 2005). Tower of London – This place will helps the tourists in ascertaining the history of royalpalace, powerful fortress and an armory. In addition to this, people coming from variednations as well as local residents can also see the precious crown jewels, place ofexecution, prison, zoo and arsenal and many more places. It grabs the attention of thevisitors due its location, as it is situated in the north bank of the Thames in CentralLondon. Kensington Palace – This palace is a working Royal residence. Its holds a great historicalsignificance and was preferred residence of successive sovereigns until the year 1760.Other than this, it was also the birth place and childhood home of Queen Victoria. Many2
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