
Market Segments and Digital Marketing Strategies of Vodafone


Added on  2023-05-29

9 Pages2491 Words50 Views
MarketingFilm and TheatreDigital Media and Video Games
Market Segments and Digital Marketing Strategies of Vodafone_1

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................3
Issue statement:..........................................................................................................................3
2.0 Findings................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Market Segments targeted by Vodafone..............................................................................3
Positioning (Post Hutch)............................................................................................................3
Latest strategy of positioning.....................................................................................................4
2.2 Digital marketing tools.........................................................................................................4
Email Marketing.........................................................................................................................5
Paid social media........................................................................................................................5
Programmatic advertising..........................................................................................................5
3.0 Conclusion............................................................................................................................7
4.0 Recommendation..................................................................................................................7
Reference list..............................................................................................................................8
Market Segments and Digital Marketing Strategies of Vodafone_2

1.0 Introduction
The report comprised of discussion related to segment of market targeted by Vodafone and
their relative strategy of positioning. It also shows evaluation of the techniques and tools used
by Vodafone for digital marketing. Evaluation process comprised of the weakness and
strengths of the techniques and tools adopted by Vodafone for digital marketing. In the recent
years the concerned company has scattered its business from a company of mobile telephony
to service industry of communication. Vodafone also deals in the services of broadband,
services of cloud, mobile telephony and IOT (internet of things).
Issue statement:
The ad campaign of Hutch was mainly considered at the season of cricket. This was the main
time when hutch could reach the people in maximum number. Vodafone mainly took over
Hutch for increase their market segments and reach people globally.
2.0 Findings
2.1 Market Segments targeted by Vodafone
Vodafone mainly uses a mixture regarding the strategies of segmentation to part its offerings
in the service of mobile network, services of enterprise and services of broadband. The
concerned company is mainly targeting several areas in the society with their wide range of
offerings (Lovelock & Patterson, 2015). Hence, the company utilises differentiated and
selective strategy for targeting. The ad campaign of zoo zoo by Vodafone is very successful
for developing awareness in the service of communication in the entire world. It mainly uses
strategies based on value for positioning.
Positioning (Post Hutch)
Before Vodafone takeover Hutch, the strategy of positioning used by hutch was quite famous
and successful. It was in the year of 2007 when Vodafone take charge of Hutch. The time of
transition regarding the concerned company was very limited (Canniford, & Bajde, 2015). It
took approximately about four months by the company for taking decision regarding brand
relaunching, channelising and positioning. It was mandatory for Vodafone for maintaining
things like before. The Vodafone name was not new because it was used many a times in
Market Segments and Digital Marketing Strategies of Vodafone_3

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