
Marketing Strategies for Volkswagen: Situational Analysis, Objectives, Segmentation, Positioning, and Tactics


Added on  2023-06-12

21 Pages2098 Words485 Views
Marketing Strategies for Volkswagen: Situational Analysis, Objectives, Segmentation, Positioning, and Tactics_1

Table of contents
Situational analysis
Pest analysis
Segmentation and targeting of volkswagen
Positioning of volkswagen
Marketing Strategies for Volkswagen: Situational Analysis, Objectives, Segmentation, Positioning, and Tactics_2

Marketing is one of the most important thing for every business organization as this allow them
to reach as many audiences as possible, marketing is fuel that continue speed of business growth.
Almost every business enterprise know that without marketing their company can not process
further and can not sell product and service.
Under effective marketing strategies, company achieve great success and boost their sales.
Depending on spending capacity of company, they can chose different method of marketing
including offline marketing and online marketing.
Marketing Strategies for Volkswagen: Situational Analysis, Objectives, Segmentation, Positioning, and Tactics_3

Description of the business organization:
Volkswagen is German car manufacture that provide wide range of car model to fulfil rising
demand of the customer, this company have its own brand image and reputation that allow them
to become industry leader.
Volkswagen is one of the finest car manufacturer, this company was founded by german labour
front in the year 1937.
It is very clear that automobile industry is full with innovative car manufacturer that have ability
to fulfil demand of customer in low price.
Tesla is one of the largest car manufacturer with electric car concept, this company seems to be
biggest competitor of volkswagen.
Marketing Strategies for Volkswagen: Situational Analysis, Objectives, Segmentation, Positioning, and Tactics_4

Situational analysis:
Situational analysis:
Situational analysis is one of the most important thing marketing team have to consider before
crafting effective marketing strategy, this point allow company to analyse current situation and
craft strategy accordingly.
Every business organization focus on situation that will impact their abusiness, volkswagen have
to perform situational analysis that allow them to fulfil demand of effective marketing strategy.
In situational analysis, there are certain element that company need to consider, these are:
SWOT analysis:
SWOT analysis allow company to examine their strength and weakness and help them to become
stable while crafting effective marketing strategy, this analysis have certain point, these are:
Marketing Strategies for Volkswagen: Situational Analysis, Objectives, Segmentation, Positioning, and Tactics_5

Strength analysis: every business organization have their own strength, these lies in uniqueness
selling proposition where company have most unique product and service to lead market.
Weakness: every business organization have weakness; these weakness lies in those area where
improvement is needed the most.
Weakness of volkswagen lies in less demand, model of volkswagen has rapid fall due to certain
reason at first, this company is unable to provide electric car and fulfil trending demand of
Opportunity: opportunity lies in improvement company make by analysing their weakness for
example of volkswagen can analyse their weakness like low publicity then they can improve
them and convert weakness into opportunity.
Threat: every business organization have face threat, these threat are competitor and their
movement in the market. Volkswagen face huge competition from their competitor, new entry
like tesla have captured whole auto mobile market and become leading car brand of the world.
Marketing Strategies for Volkswagen: Situational Analysis, Objectives, Segmentation, Positioning, and Tactics_6

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