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VOV Company: SWOT and PESTLE Analysis


Added on  2023/01/11

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This document provides a comprehensive SWOT and PESTLE analysis of VOV Company, a vegan food store. It discusses the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as the political, environmental, social, technological, economic, and legal factors influencing its operations. The analysis highlights the company's mission and vision to promote veganism and reduce animal suffering and environmental damage.

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MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
SWOT analysis...........................................................................................................................1
PESTLE analysis.........................................................................................................................1
Risk and Reward.........................................................................................................................2
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The key mission and vision of the VOV company is to make veganism an effective approach by
reducing the suffering of the animals and damage to the environment.
SWOT analysis
Strength: The VOV Company tends to offer high quality healthy vegan products by
offering wide range of vegan and vegetarian products with good customer service
(Voetmann, Lindeque, and Jensen, 2018). Locating business in high street market and
making goods easily available are considered to be the key strength for company.
Weakness: Non- availability of the seasonal vegetables and problems associated with the
preserving of the vegetables is major weakness for VOV Company.
Opportunity: Change in the eating attitude and behaviour of the customers in turn is
considered to be as one of the biggest opportunity for the VOV Company (A SWOT
analysis example for your small vegan food store, 2016). Selling Vegan and vegetarian
products online is also a major opportunity which helps in increasing sales and customers
Threat: High degree of competition and price war in turn is considered to be as one of the
major threat to the VOV Company.
PESTLE analysis
Political factor: Government changing their policies, difficulty in funding grants, tax
policy, trade restrictions and political instability largely influence the operations of VOV
Company (López Diez, and Latorre Romero, A., 2019).
Environmental factor: Vegan products are purified using various synthetic pesticides,
chemical fertilizers, etc (Voetmann, Lindeque, and Jensen, 2018). Change in
environmental laws, climate and weather, geographical locations, green house emission,
recline in the availability of the raw materials, etc. are considered to be key elements
which largely influence the operations of VOV Company.
Social factor: The positive change in the eating attitude and behaviour of the customers
to go vegan, cultural trends, buying trends of customers are considered to be variables
which largely influence the operations of VOV Company (Sládková, 2018).
Technological factor: Use of automated technology, genetic modified organisms,
increased training, distribution and production of vegan products are key elements which
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largely influence the operations of VOV Company(Voetmann, Lindeque, and Jensen,
Economic factor: Change in the interest rate, disposable income, wage rate, financing
capabilities, inflation, exchange rate, growth in the economy, etc. are considered to be as
the variables which largely influence the operations of VOV Company.
Legal factor: Investment regulations, labour law, health and safety law, company law,
safety standards, competitive legislations, product safety, consumer laws, customer
rights, equal opportunities, labelling of the products, etc. are referred to as the legal
factors influencing the operations of VOV Company (Goethals, 2018).
Risk and Reward
Risk: The key risk associated with the VOV Company is that large number of
competitive company are present within the market.
Reward: VOV Company is reward because it helps in making large number of people
more focused to eat healthy and vegetarian food (Voetmann, Lindeque, and Jensen,
2018). Wide range of promotional activities and maintaining public relations is a reward
for the company.

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Books and Journals
LUXEMBOURG: Market Research, Risk Analysis & Concept Creation.
López Diez, J. and Latorre Romero, A., 2019. Mister Watson Vegan Catering.
Sládková, J., 2018. [NEOBHÁJENO] A Business Plan for a Café.
Voetmann, E.T., Lindeque, S.K. and Jensen, H.R., 2018. The Vegan Restaurant Market.
A SWOT analysis example for your small vegan food store .2016. [ONLINE]. Available
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