
Project 2 WBES Data Analysis


Added on  2023-06-10

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Project 2 WBES Data Analysis_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
A) Exploring data that is being provided.....................................................................................3
B) Representing factors that needs to be analysed......................................................................4
C) Analysis..................................................................................................................................4
Regression analysis......................................................................................................................6
D Highlighting the findings.........................................................................................................8
E Recommendations....................................................................................................................9
Project 2 WBES Data Analysis_2

In order to get benefits by becoming competitive in nature, it is highly important for the
firm to keep spread out the organizational operations and evaluation of factors that might provide
effects over the business performances. The current study is based upon the scenario within
which the firm wants to expand or opening a branch into South Africa. In order to do this, the
data has been gathered by World Bank Enterprises Survey which is also known as (WBES) that
helps to identify various challenges faced by the company along with their impacts over the
business analysis into different countries. This involves the poor infrastructure, poor
performances, accessibility to finance system, etc. Furthermore, the study will also discuss about
the factors that might cause direct implications over business activity which helps to determine
the requirement of actions that needs to be taken by the company in order to improve their
overall performances.
A) Exploring data that is being provided
The data that is being gathered through World Bank Enterprises Survey enables the firm
to investigate the key factors that highly affects the business performances. The data has been
consisting of diversified factors that directly and indirectly provide impacts over the business
activities. Moreover, the firm is also looking forwards to expand or establish a business unit at
South Africa due to which it is important to identify the factors that might have impacts over the
business actions. It is because that the company factors have somehow affects the business
performances and hence, the development of detailed understanding pertaining to such factors
are highly important for the establishment. Within the chosen data set, it has been evaluated that
diversified factors highly affects the business performances and will able to sustain their brand
image in global context by analysing their direct implications.
In addition to this, the questions arise that has been asked among the data set are based
upon the factors that provide direct impacts over the business performances and also it influences
the company brand value. Moreover, with the help of getting familiar with the country's
influencing factor, company will able to improve their brand recognition and as a result, culture
can also become evaluated. This enables the firm to get better results and improve overall
performances so that they will be able to sustain their brand image at international level.
Project 2 WBES Data Analysis_3

B) Representing factors that needs to be analysed
In order to identify the factors which, have the capability to directly impact over the
business activities, diversified factors that has been chosen are from the collected survey which
has been mentioned below:
Appropriate educated workforce: With the help of this factor, company will come to
analyse whether the existing workforce of the companies in South Africa are educated
enough or not. This further also enable to analyse the unemployment rate in the country
so that it will assist to determine whether the company should establish their brand or not.
Labour relations: With the assistance of this factor, company is able to identify whether
the country have good relationships among the employee and employer.
Corruption: This factor also has the power to affect the performance of business because
if country have high level of corruption then the business performance is highly affected.
Due to this, the country is not able to get economic growth that somehow affects business
Accessibility towards finance: through this specific factor, chosen company get to know
about the public loan as well as government subsidies offered by the company so that
they can appropriately able to establish their brand value in new market. With the help of
such loan procedure, company is able to get complete support along with stimulate the
economic growth whenever market is failing.
Crime, disorder and theft: As per this chosen factor, company will able to know about
the crime rate in the country so that they prepare steps accordingly which helps them to
evaluate whether the business is operated effectively or not.
C) Analysis
In order to evaluate the data in appropriate manner, thematic data analysis method has
been considered which is highly able to provide effective results with the help of utilizing tables
and charts so that the study can be represented into a presentable manner. For that, two tools has
been used that helps to determine the view points of the people so that it will be easy for the firm
to identify the views of people so that it will be easy for the firm to determine the company that
has affected from the factors in order to get the best outcome.
Descriptive statistics
Project 2 WBES Data Analysis_4

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