
Web Application Development: Concepts, Technologies, and Security


Added on  2024-05-31

4 Pages1536 Words121 Views
LO1: Understand the concepts of web application development
1.1 Describe the concept of web-based application including its advantages, critically evaluate its
functionality and discuss how the web-based application is employed to solve the business problem
described above?
Ans. A web based application is something which does not exist in a memory of device but it is a
program which gets access by taking help of a network connection using HTTP. It usually run in a web
browser. It is also possible that web based application can be client based where a part of program is
downloaded on the desktop of the user but processing can only be done on the internet on an external
server. They are also considered as web apps. Web based application has a hold of all the applications
that communicate to the user through HTTP. Those applications are Flash games, online calculators ,
calendars and many more. Applications of web based application includes :
Accessibility :
Web based application can be accessed from any place , anytime and with the help of any computer
with just an internet connection. This provides user with the right of accessing the application anywhere
and anytime. It provides us with the possibility of working from home and working in front of the
computer in one location is an old age thing with web based location.
In comparison with the desktop application it is easier to customize the user interface of web based
application which makes it more easier to update anything in it if want . So, It gives us the possibility of
changing the interface whenever want to change the interface of the application.
Whenever there is a new version or installation on the host server all the users can access it without any
need of upgrading the PC of every user.
In web based applications are always maintained and monitored by server administrators which makes
its security better and any breach can come in recognition very easily.
The ways through which the web based application has solved the problems of business are:
Faster task completion:
With the help of web based application we can complete those task before due time which actually used
to take a lot of our time.
Remote Working :
It has helped a lot in working from anywhere and anytime without being in any fixed location.
Web Application Development: Concepts, Technologies, and Security_1

1.2 There are various languages available for managing the server-side and client-side scripting
language. You are free to choose any server-side and client-side scripting language for this work
even though ASP.NET is recommended as the lectures will cover it. Your task here is to critically
compare the key differences between the various server side technologies and do the same for the
client side technologies with appropriate examples. Moreover, demonstrate evidently how each of
them can be used to solve the given problem
Server Side technologies:
PHP: The most used server side language present on the web is PHP where it edits all the
information on the database . It has databases written in the SQL language. It is strictly designed
for web .
Python: It is considered as the fast programming language and is favored for exporting things to
market quickly. It is very good for beginner’s as it is understandable and simple. It is good with
the objected oriented design.
Ruby: It basically consist of complicated logic and if you are someone who is searching for
complicated logic on database then this programming language is the best option for you. Ruby
can be taken in use on the rail framework.
Java: Java is a something like C++ but the major difference between the two is that this is
platform independent.
C#: C# combines all the positive aspects of C and C++ languages. It is best for developing web
applications and can be taken in use to build ios.
C++: It works great on complex applications is considered difficult but works well for data heavy
Client Side technologies:
HTML and CSS: HTML and CSS are the necessity for any website. HTML defines the content and
organization of the site and all the graphic part is managed by CSS. .
JavaScript: It is a client side scripting language. Almost every site uses the JavaScript with HTML
and CSS as their front end.
1.3 In the development of web application security of data and information is very important and any
application is required to manage them appropriately. Discuss web security techniques and explain
how you use them to protect the data in the web application design.
Ans. Web sites are vulnerable and have that fear of security risk and also to the networks which are
connected to the web server. The techniques through which web security can be achieved are:
Keep your software up-to-date:
Web Application Development: Concepts, Technologies, and Security_2

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